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Bucegi Massif Coștila Țancul Ascuțit
8+ Pula și Căciula

Area is populated by bears.

8+ Penis Captivus

Area is populated by bears.

7+/8- Mareşalul Antonescu

Area is populated by bears.

7- Degringolada

Area is populated by bears.

6+ - 7 A0 A.T.P.

Area is populated by bears.

8+ Prostituţia

Area is populated by bears.

8- Odiseea

Area is populated by bears.

7/7+ Lynn Dicu

Area is populated by bears.

7- Vertical Limits

Area is populated by bears.

6- A0 Fisura Întreruptă

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Peretele Coștilei

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Peretele Coștilei
7 A0 Traseul Balcoanelor

Area is populated by bears.

6+ - 7 A0 Șmecher

Area is populated by bears.

6+ - 7+ A0 Galiani

Area is populated by bears.

6+ - 8- A0 Cezar Vărgulescu

Area is populated by bears.

5 Hornul din Peretele Coștilei

Area is populated by bears.

6+ A1 Muchia din Peretele Coștilei

Area is populated by bears.

7- A1 Fisura în Y

Area is populated by bears.

7- - 7+ A0 Scorpionul

Area is populated by bears.

7- A0 Andrei Ghițescu

Area is populated by bears.

3A Traversarea Peretelui Coștilei

Area is populated by bears.

7+ - 9- A0 Scăpărici

Area is populated by bears.

7- A0 Poseidon

Area is populated by bears.

7 A1 Bebe și Mircea

Area is populated by bears.

7- A1 Fisura Mare

Area is populated by bears.

3A Fisura Sudică

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Peretele Gălbinelelor

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Peretele Gălbinelelor
6+ Creasta Coștila-Gălbinele

Route difficulty: 3A Romanian, 6+ UIAA rotpunkt, 5- A0

Approach: upwards from Costila refuge on the crossing into Galbinele valley

Gear needed: 60m rope if you want to connect some pitches, 50m otherwise. 12 draws, preferably extendable (the route is very sinuous). 3-4 120cm slings in addition to the belay gear. Small to medium friends (BD 0.4 to 1 or equivalent) and/or tricams can be useful

Pitch 1: (40m, 4 UIAA) Easy if a tad runout slab - head upwards and keep to the left to find fixed pro, and supplement it by slinging the occasional tree.

Pitch 2: (20m, 5+ UIAA) Climb a crack to the left, then continue on an airy, if well-protected traverse which crosses a chimney (an alternate route entrance) and head up to the belay in the saddle above the rock formation you've traversed (2 pitons in a vertical crack, or contine up pitch 3 and belay off a tree)

Pitch 3: Walk upwards through the forest until you reach rock again. The rock you reach is right in the fall line of some rather large and loose rock formations (latest collapse: 2022) so, rather than using the bolted belay (also in rockfall line) try belaying off the last tree. Depending on how you choose your tree or protect the following pitch, this may require a few meters of simulling, with the second on easy scrambling terrain.

Pitch 4: (55m, 3 UIAA) Climb the slab on the left, aiming at first towards a tree on the near-the-wall side and then keeping on the dihedral, until reaching a the belay in a flat overhang (single chemical anchor) Both in situ and natural pro are quite sparse

Pitch 5: (40m, 4 UIAA) Continue left on the belay ledge and climb left, up on a dihedral and then left again to a bolt under a dwarf pine field.

Pitch 6: (60m, 1+ UIAA): Walk up through the dwarf pines, crossing a small slab, until reaching a chemical anchor belay on the rock wall

Pitch 7: (50m, 6+ UIAA) Used to be 2 pitches (5+ and 6+) but the intermediate belay lost most of its pitons and they're vertical pitches so it's best to do them in one go. Pitch 7a goes up a small, slabby dihedral, crosses slightly to the right then heads up on a dihedral that leads to a crack up until a ledge where the bad belay can be found. Pitch 7b continues on the rightward crack (the crux of the route, well protected) and heads up to a belay platform.

Pitch 8: (35m, 5 UIAA) Follow a crack on the left to a left traverse, then another friable slabby crack to a belay. There is another intermediate belay in the following pitch that can be reached on 60m ropes, if you prefer.

Pitch 9: (55m, 3 UIAA) Go up easy, friable slab and a small chimney to some bushes,go past the bushes to find an intermediate belay, and up another slab to reach the second belay

Pitch 10: (25m, 5+ UIAA) Head up a chimney. After it, there are two alternatives. To the left, there's a slab with visible pro. To the right, there's an easy variant going to the right of a boulder above (protection can be found behind that boulder, and there's a good horizontal crack under the boulder as well). Belay on a comfortable ledge (3 pitons). The left variant may allow skipping the piton belay and going straight to the bolted belay in the following pitch.

Pitch 11: (40m, 2 UIAA) Head up easy slab to the chimney visible above. Bolted belay on the right side of the chimney, on a large platform.

Pitch 12: (20m, 5 UIAA) Follow the chimney right of a large boulder, to an intermediate piton belay under a roof. Traverse left then climb a friable little ridge to the final belay.

Retreat: Follow the ridge upwards for 300m until Brana Mare a Costilei

7- A0 Domn' Profesor

Area is populated by bears.

4B Tavanele de Argint

Impracticable due to major rockfall

6+ A0 Hornul Mare

Area is populated by bears.

6 A2 TD Vis Suspendat

Area is populated by bears.

7+ A1 Don Corleone

Area is populated by bears.

4+ - 6+ A0 Grotelor

Line follows a series of hollows and the cracks uniting them.

Pitch 1: climb a chimney (no pro except 1 piton at the entrance) up to a grassy ledge with a bolted belay. 35m, 3+ UIAA

Pitch 2: slabby crack, belay in a large cave (1 bolt and 2 pitons). 40m, 4 UIAA

Pitch 3: gain the ledge right above the belay and head right on it, then follow the crack back above the belay. Bolt on the face to the left. Head up on an overhanging crack, leave it by traversing to the right at the top of the cave. Head up on easy terrain to the next cave, and the bolted belay. 25m, 6+ UIAA

Pitch 4: partially overlaps with Don Corleone. Start up and traverse to the right to a heavily pitoned crack you'll quickly abandon for easy slab (look for the bolt here). 10m above there's a belay from DC, then a crack that widens to a large funnel with a small ledge on top, above which are a bolt and a piton. DC heads right, we head left on a slab, then straight up on the protuberance until we reach another cave and bolted belay. 50m, 6- UIAA

Pitch 5: traverse left then head up on the crack (lots of pitons) and 10 more meters on easy ground to a grassy ledge and the final belay. 25m, 6/6+ UIAA

Protection: Reasonably well protected as far as Romanian adventure multipitch goes. Belays are at least partially on bolts, and there's the occasional bolt on-route in sensitive areas that aren't piton ladders. Counting the in situ pitons as bolts, there isn't any passage worse than S2. Some small to medium-sized pro can be useful, esp on p3.

Retreat: rap down back to Galbinele valley, or continue on the ledge to the second-to-last belay of Creasta Costila-Galbinele, and climb that then walk to Braul Mare al Costilei.

4+ A0 Profesor Oncescu

Area is populated by bears.

7 - 8 A0 Flamingo

Area is populated by bears.

7+ A0 Trei Surplombe

Area is populated by bears.

7- - 8 A1 Traseul Central

Area is populated by bears.

4 A1 Marele Tavan al Gălbinelelor

Area is populated by bears.

6+ A0 Furcile

Area is populated by bears.

6+ A0 Furca Dreaptă

Area is populated by bears.

4A Surplomba Centrală

Area is populated by bears.

6+ A2 Marea Surplombă - varianta cu ieșire în Creastă

Area is populated by bears.

6+ A2 Marea Surplombă - varianta originală

Area is populated by bears.

4B Extrema Vestică

Area is populated by bears.

4A Traversarea Peretelui Gălbinelelor

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Umărul Gălbinelelor

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Umărul Gălbinelelor
6+ A0 Fisura Gălbinelelor

Area is populated by bears.

6+ Traseul Roşculeţ

3B Romanian, 6+ (5/5+ A1), S4 protection grade on P3 (mobile placements available, but friable rock so I don't feel comfortable giving a RS grade). Belays all have at least 1 bolt in them. Gear needed: 1 medium-large friend (cupped hand), some medium-small ones (BD 0.5 to 2 equivalent) .

P1: Go up a 2m chimney and then scramble towards the dwarf pine bushes (1 more piton in a rocky area, gear placements available). Belay is above the bushes on a confortable ledge.

P2: Climb a 3m 6+ overhanging portion (used to be pitoned for aid, but the middle piton broke so that's a bit harder, if not impossible, now). Then follow a ledge to the right, and a well protected 5 crack with an aidable 6- crux back to the left.

P3: Follow an offwidth crack to the left (5- solution but not immediately obvious) then a rightwards, well-protected dihedral. Both some parts of the dihedral and the end of the easy but friable runout above it come with a risk of hitting the ledge under the dihedral in case of a fall if only fixed pro is used. The official belay is here, but if rope drag is still manageable, the pitch can be continued for 10m to a belay in Coman.

P4: If using the official belay, an unprotectable and a bit friable 5 slab follows, before gaining the main ridge. Climb the space between the separated slab to the left and the main wall (medium/large friends protect the vertical part, there's a piton on the horizontal). Belay afterwards.

P5: Rappel 10m, and then climb an unprotectable but low-angle and very secure chimney to the final belay from Fisura Galbinelelor. Do not try to skip this and rap straight down, or your ropes will get stuck.

Retreat: 4x 30m rappels down Fisura Galbinele (one of the belays is on 2 pitons). Attempting this in 2x 60m rappels is a surefire ticket for hours of (mostly) harmless fun.

6+ A0 Traseul Slăvoacă

Area is populated by bears.

4 - 6+ A0 Traseul Coman

Area is populated by bears.

2B Fisura Scoruşilor

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Colțul Gălbinelelor

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Colțul Gălbinelelor
1B Traseul Clasic

Area is populated by bears.

4A Traseul Şoimilor

Area is populated by bears.

3A Faţa Nordică

Area is populated by bears.

6+ Muchia Nord-Estică a Colțului Gălbinelelor

Area is populated by bears.

2B Creasta Estică

Area is populated by bears.

3A Rozalia

Area is populated by bears.

7- Cocostârcul Albastru

Area is populated by bears.

4A Hornul Agăţat

Area is populated by bears.

7+/8- Memorial Dan Dariescu

Area is populated by bears.

4A Midi

Area is populated by bears.

3B Floarea de Nu mă uita

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Colțul Strungii

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Colțul Strungii
1B Traseul Beldie-Manof

Area is populated by bears.

5A Surplombelor

Area is populated by bears.

3A Progresul

Area is populated by bears.

4A Ştiinţa

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Colțul Mălinului

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Colțul Mălinului
7- Fisura Sudică

Area is populated by bears.

5 Creasta Mălinului

Area is populated by bears.

2B Hornul Central

Area is populated by bears.

4 Hornul Ascuns

Area is populated by bears.

2A Muchia de Sus din Creasta Frumoasă

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Colțul Poienii Coștilei

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Colțul Poienii Coștilei
4B Traseul 9 Mai

Area is populated by bears.

4B Traseul Pinului

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Peretele din Vâlcelul lui Theodoru

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Peretele din Vâlcelul lui Theodoru
2A Vâlcelul Suspendat

Area is populated by bears.

6 - 8- A1 Fisura Margaretelor

Area is populated by bears.

3A Hornul Liliecilor

Area is populated by bears.

3B Locomotiva

Area is populated by bears.

4A Traseul Viespilor

Area is populated by bears.

6-/6 A0 Traseul Victoriei

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Santinela Văii Verzi

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Santinela Văii Verzi
4B Fisura Santinelei Văii Verzi

Area is populated by bears.

5B Tavanele Santinelei Văii Verzi

Area is populated by bears.

5B Traseul Cerbului

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Peretele Țapului

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Peretele Țapului
4A Hornul Mare al Țapului

Area is populated by bears.

5A Surplombele Ţapului

Area is populated by bears.

4B Traseul Oblic

Area is populated by bears.

3A Fisura Ţapului

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila
Văi și brâne

Area is populated by bears.

Bucegi Massif Coștila Văi și brâne
1A Brâna Mare a Coștilei

Area is populated by bears.

1B Brâna Pintenului Văii Albe

In winter, the route has a long traverse on snow and some ice, with a small descent followed by a small ascent on rock (if you came for West).

1B Blidul Uriașilor

Area is populated by bears.

1B Vâlcelul Blidului Uriașului

Area is populated by bears.

1A Circurile Văii Albe

Area is populated by bears.

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