1 8 34m
2 11 28m
3 9 30m


Start 50m west of fence from a point just right of block against the face.

  1. [8] 34m
    Up slightly overhanging bottomless recess for 4m then right 12m to tree and from tree diagonally left to big ledge.
  2. 28m 11 Start 3m left of two huge blocks one on top of the other. Up crack for 12m then left to tree. From tree up a few meters and then further left for 6m to stance next to tree.

  3. 30m 9 Straight up from tree and then bear left following the line of least resistance to the top.


루트 역사

18 11월 1965초등들: J.H. Graafland & J.J. du Plessis


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: -25.86191, 27.51238

어떤 내용들은 ~로부터 허가아래 제공되었습니다. © MCSA (MCSA)

Grade citation

8,11,9 공동체 등록 등급들


No fire allowed as per “No Fires in Magaliesberg Policy”. There is currently a moratorium on bolting in Magaliesberg.

Fountain Gully으로부터 상속된

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