
루트들 Area BB: The Pearl에서

~에 탐색하기:

루트 필터들:

등정 필터들 :


다른 필터들:

  • 날씨
  • 식수 처
  • 제 시간에 도착
  • 경사진 곳에 들어서다
  • 적법성
  • 하강
  • 관점
  • 컨디션
  • Vegetation
  • 바위형태
  • 스타일
  • 경사도
~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
6A+ Russel

Sit-start, climb the crack and finish left.

FA: Abby Jane, 2018

7A+/B The Pearl

Definitely one of the gems - Kaddi Lehmann


FA: Sean Maasch, 2018

7B+/C The Pearl Sit-Start

FA: Joe Möhle, 2022

6A+ If the Boot Fits

Sit-start and climb the big flake. Caution!!

FA: M. Lachenicht, 2009

4A - C+ Bob Is Your Uncle

Climb up the right side of the arête.

FA: Joe Möhle, 2018

6C Three Sticks of Deceit

Sit-start with fractured rock and climb the arête.

FA: Joe Möhle, 2018

Open Project 1

Climb the arête.

볼더시등 중
Open Project 2

Climb the face via the thin crack

볼더시등 중
3A - C+ The Boot

Sit-start and climb the face.

FA: phlip olivier, 2009

6A+ Boot Dacious

Start and climb the arête.

FA: M. Lachenicht, 2009

6B Boot Delicious

Sit-start with undercling and sidepull, move up to tiny crack and left to join Boot Dacious.

FA: phlip olivier, 2009

6B+ Boots and All

Sit-start as Boot Delicious, climb up to tiny crack, move up and right to slopers on arête and top-out.

FA: M. Lachenicht, 2009

6A+ Bored Games

Sit-start with arête of low flat boulder, traverse left and finish up at next corner.

FA: Neil Mostert, 2010

7A Humble Beginnings

On the boulder sitting on one boulder and leaning to the another. Start LH pinch RH crimp, same height, climb up to top out.


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