
등정들 De Pakhuys에서

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등정 필터들 :

  • Wearable
  • Journey
  • Protection
  • Milestone

루트 필터들:

등반가 필터들:

~에 의한 분류

{수} {대상들}에서 {별}-{끝} 보이기

등급 루트 장비 스타일 등반가
화요일 25번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+/C ~6C Girl on Our Mind — 3 attempts 볼더 완전 구식
Gianluca de Gasparis
월요일 24번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders B: Human Energy
7A+ Human Energy 볼더 클래식
일요일 23번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy S: No Late Tenders
7A+ 어려움 Dirty Lies — 5 attempts - 누구와 David rossouw, Amc Greyling 볼더 아주좋음
Daniel C
금요일 21번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau B: Weichei
7C+ Weichei — 9 attempts - 누구와 xavier 볼더 완전 구식
Gabriel Mercier
목요일 20번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki 볼더 클래식
Seth Donald
7B Minki — 4 attempts 볼더 클래식
James Devine
화요일 18번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy N: Kiesl Boulder
6A From Break to Break 볼더
Bibi Garcia
화요일 18번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy O: Adventures of Stacy and Tracy
7A+ The Escapist 볼더
Bibi Garcia
화요일 18번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy P: Warmup
6B+ Angel of Lost Children 볼더
Bibi Garcia
6A+ Pop Corner 볼더
Bibi Garcia
화요일 18번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy G: Wilder Fuchs
6A The Point Being 볼더
Bibi Garcia
5B Wilder Fuchs 볼더
Bibi Garcia
월요일 17번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy G: Wilder Fuchs
5B Wilder Fuchs 볼더
Bibi Garcia
월요일 17번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5C Plateau Stem 볼더
Got a bit stuck in the scoop. Fun!

5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더
6C Joke of the Day Left 볼더
월요일 17번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 볼더 아주좋음
6B+/C ~6C Gamelan - 누구와 William Wells 볼더 아주좋음
Tim Trewartha
6C 어려움 Girl Interrupted - 누구와 William Wells 볼더
Tim Trewartha
6B+/C ~6C Girl on Our Mind 볼더 완전 구식
Tim Trewartha
월요일 17번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy N: Kiesl Boulder
7A Kiesl — 4 attempts 볼더
Bibi Garcia
월요일 17번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders B: Human Energy
7A+ Human Energy — 5 attempts 볼더 완전 구식
Bibi Garcia

월요일 17번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더
Annie Basson
월요일 17번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Crags of Joy
19 Imagine - 누구와 Jacques 스포츠 클라이밍 7
Fryhoff du Toit
On arete left of crack dealer?

18 Crack Dealer - 누구와 Jacques 스포츠 클라이밍 4
Fryhoff du Toit
일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders B: Human Energy
7A+ Human Energy 볼더 완전 구식
Bibi Garcia
일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA 볼더
Bibi Garcia
6B RSA 볼더
Bibi Garcia
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 볼더
Bibi Garcia
일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy S: No Late Tenders
7A+ Dirty Lies — 2 attempts 볼더
일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy N: Kiesl Boulder
7B Nasty Pants — 3 attempts 볼더
Did the goblin start! Crawling out to the stand without using any of the holds on the roof. Will be much easier than 7B.

6A+ Looking for Freedom 볼더 아주좋음
일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy C: Judge for Yourself
3A - C+ Warm-up Crack 볼더
Annie Basson
일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy X: Crumble Pie
5A Crumble Pie 볼더
Annie Basson
일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy R: Panic Room
7A Panic Room - 누구와 My Secret Sends, William Wells, Emmie van Niekerk, Annie Basson, Garvin Jacobs 볼더 클래식
Tim Trewartha
Super fun route, quite sharp.

토요일 15번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki — 3 attempts - 누구와 Emma 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Too hot even at 6pm. Seeing the logic of the night sess.

수요일 12번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders A: Zanzibar
7A+ Zanzibar 볼더 완전 구식
Bibi Garcia
수요일 12번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki — 5 attempts - 누구와 Emma, Cape Town scamps 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Greased off the undercling 🤦‍♂️. Was covered with sand! Flowing through the bottom section fairly easily now.

수요일 12번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders B: Human Energy
7A+ Human Energy — 4 attempts 볼더 완전 구식
Bibi Garcia
수요일 12번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더
Bibi Garcia
5C Ice, Ice Baby 볼더
Bibi Garcia
수요일 12번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B Coal Chamber Left 볼더
Bibi Garcia
수요일 12번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley The Arch
6C Sex Etiquette 볼더 완전 구식
Bibi Garcia
So sick

월요일 10번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders B: Human Energy
6B Ali G In da House - 누구와 Dale Tristram 볼더
Fernand Sieber
월요일 10번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5C Plateau Stem - 누구와 Dale Tristram 볼더
Fernand Sieber
월요일 10번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind - 누구와 Dale Tristram 볼더
Fernand Sieber
Fell 3 times at the last move. Damn! Will have to complete this next time.

일요일 9번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki - 누구와 Emma, Singaporeans 볼더
Ollie Rattue
New bouldering shoes feel like cheating!! Heal and toe hook moves feel completely different. Who knew!

토요일 8번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5A Bad Boy for Life - 누구와 Dale Tristram 볼더
Fernand Sieber
5C Ice, Ice Baby - 누구와 Dale Tristram 볼더
Fernand Sieber
토요일 8번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind - 누구와 Dale Tristram 볼더
Fernand Sieber
금요일 7번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더
Bibi Garcia
5C Ice, Ice Baby 볼더
Bibi Garcia
금요일 7번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Horny Devil 볼더
Bibi Garcia
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 볼더
Bibi Garcia
수요일 5번째 6월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 볼더 클래식
An dre
화요일 28번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki - 누구와 Simon 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Finally got the middle move. Subtle and technical. Now done all moves.

금요일 24번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki - 누구와 Emma 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Teaching the girlfriend how to spot. Fun times!

수요일 22번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Middle Plateau C: Consequence Boulder
5B Cooler Shaker 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Solo was fun on the descent! Who knew I should have been training my long jump game! I later learned this is called the consequence boulder.

수요일 22번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki - 누구와 Gordon 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Back on the proj!

화요일 14번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Middle Plateau A: Sweet Potato
7B Sweet Potato 볼더
Anthony Trigg
화요일 14번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Middle Plateau C: Consequence Boulder
7B Loose with Consequence 볼더
Anthony Trigg
월요일 13번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Middle Plateau C: Consequence Boulder
7A+ Solstice 볼더
Anthony Trigg
7C+ Dab on Purpose 볼더
Anthony Trigg
월요일 6번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley The Arch
6C 쉬움 Sex Etiquette 볼더 클래식
An dre
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley The Arch
6C Sex Etiquette 볼더 클래식
Ned Middlehurst
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Our Week of Bliss 볼더 아주좋음
Ned Middlehurst
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 볼더 클래식
Ned Middlehurst
6B+ Horny Devil 볼더 평균
Ned Middlehurst
6C New Addition 볼더 아주좋음
Ned Middlehurst
7C+ Poison Dwarf Direct 볼더 아주좋음
Ned Middlehurst
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau A: Fruchtzwerg
7C+ Silver Bullet 볼더 완전 구식
Ned Middlehurst
im guessing that Fruchtzwerg ducks straight out right from that first crimp, and silver bullet goes up the guts.

토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau A: Black Velvet
7B+ - C+ The White Arrow 볼더 좋음
Ned Middlehurst
8A Black Velvet 볼더 클래식
Ned Middlehurst
your classic rockland

6A 6B in the Rain 볼더 평균
Ned Middlehurst
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Bonus Boulders H: Electric Copper
8A Electric Copper 볼더 아주좋음
Ned Middlehurst
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Witness Valley I: Witness the Sickness
8A 어려움 Witness the Sickness 볼더 완전 구식
Ned Middlehurst
classic fridging. the hardest I've ever tried on a boulder

토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley F: Hole in One
7C/C+ ~7C+ Hole in One 볼더 완전 구식
Ned Middlehurst
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau B: Weichei
7C+ Weichei 볼더 완전 구식
Ned Middlehurst
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf 볼더 클래식
Ned Middlehurst
토요일 4번째 5월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki 볼더 완전 구식
Ned Middlehurst
화요일 30번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki - 누구와 William Wells, Robert, My Secret Sends 볼더 완전 구식
Tim Trewartha
Such an awesome and unique climb! Happy to get the tick 😊

화요일 30번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley Director's ****
6C+/7A Esoterrorist - 누구와 Robert, Tim Trewartha 볼더
William Wells
화요일 30번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki - 누구와 Robert, Tim Trewartha 볼더
William Wells
일요일 28번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Crags of Joy
19 Imagine - 누구와 My Secret Sends, Robert, Amy 스포츠 클라이밍 7 아주좋음
Tim Trewartha
일요일 28번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy S: No Late Tenders
7A+ Dirty Lies - 누구와 Robert, Tim Trewartha, Douglas Bentley 볼더
William Wells
토요일 27번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ ~6C Horny Devil - 누구와 My Secret Sends, Robert, Amy, William Wells, Douglas Bentley 볼더 좋음
Tim Trewartha
Rough crimps

6B+ Horny Devil - 누구와 Robert, Tim Trewartha, Douglas Bentley 볼더
William Wells
목요일 25번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5C Ice, Ice Baby 볼더
Ollie Rattue
5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더
Ollie Rattue
목요일 25번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf — 3 attempts 볼더 좋음
Ollie Rattue
Played with top moves. Still feels brick hard.

6B+ Horny Devil — 3 attempts 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Did all moves.

6B+ ~6C Our Week of Bliss — 3 attempts 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Played with traverse and top out, solo pads vibe.

6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Good to be back in Rocklands.

금요일 19번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders B: Human Energy
7B+ Born Into Struggle 볼더 클래식
Anthony Trigg
금요일 19번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley F: Hole in One
7C/C+ ~7C+ Hole in One 볼더
Anthony Trigg
금요일 19번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B ~7B+ Minki 볼더
Anthony Trigg
금요일 19번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau A: Black Velvet
7A Feist Extension 볼더
Anthony Trigg
7A+ Bengie Black — 2 attempts 볼더
Anthony Trigg
7B+ - C+ The White Arrow 볼더
Anthony Trigg
금요일 19번째 4월 2024 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Middle Plateau C: Consequence Boulder
7C Consequent Losing 볼더
Anthony Trigg

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