
루트들 D: Sublime에서

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  • 날씨
  • 적법성
  • 식수 처
  • 제 시간에 도착
  • 경사진 곳에 들어서다
  • 바위형태
  • Vegetation
  • 관점
  • 스타일
  • 컨디션
  • 하강
  • 경사도
~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
{FB} 6C+ Sublime

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start with jug rail and climb left and up the arête. Classic!


FA: Patrice Ulmann, 2006

{FB} 3A - C+ Easy Sailing

Climb the recess in the corner. Start on good holds and continue up straight.

{FB} 6A Eyes Open

Climb up left using the crimps. 5b if you finish right.

FA: Patrice Ullman, 2006

{FB} 7A+ High Rail

Start with high rail and climb straight up

7a+ according to 8a.nu

FA: Patrice Ulmann, 2006

{FB} 6B+ Wacklig

Start on the slab and head right to good holds then straight up. 5b if you finish left.

FA: Scott Noy, 2016

{FB} 6B+ Sublime Direct

Same start but climb straight up.

FA: Patrice Ulmann, 2006

{FB} 5B Wacklig Left

Wacklig, but climbing out left.

FA: Scott Noy, 2016

{FB} 5B Eyes Open Right

Right version of Eyes Open

{FB} 5B Don‘t Mind the Bush

FA: Zoe Duby, 2021

6B Patrice's Bulge

Sit-start with jug and climb up the small bulge.

FA: Patrice Ulmann, 2006

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
7B+ Power Overwhelming

Start matched on ledge, move up and left via crimps and pockety huecos.

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 2019

7A+ Suborange

Start with big blocky jug and climb up direct with crimps

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 2019

7A+ When Two Templars Collide

Start with left hand on small crimp and shallow dish for right and climb up

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 2019


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