
Publications linked to and above Totxo del Iuiu

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Author(s): Luis Alfonso

일자: 2013

ISBN: 9788493952310

A comprehensive guidebook describing the long multi-pitch rock climbing routes found in the southern half of Montserrat, detailing 580 multi-pitch routes, with many of these over 200m long, and across a wide range of grades from F3 to F7b+.

지역들: Montserrat

Author(s): Luis Alfonso

일자: 2018

ISBN: 9788493952372

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing found in the southern half of Montserrat detailing over 1,700 single pitch routes from F3 to F9a+.

지역들: Montserrat

Author(s): Luis Alfonso and Xavier Buxó

일자: 2007

ISBN: 9788461173778

A comprehensive guidebook covering the rock climbing around the northern half of Montserrat and includes the areas around the monastery and the campsite describing 24 different rock climbing areas and nearly 800 routes.

지역들: Montserrat

Author(s): L. Alfonso

일자: 2017

ISBN: 9788493952365

A comprehensive Guidebook for the Barcelona area in the south and west of the city - 47 areas - the majority of the routes are sporty single pitches.

지역들: Catalan coastal ranges north

Author(s): Josep E. Castellnou Ribau and Fina Ferret

일자: 2015

A selective guidebook describing over 1,000 of the very best routes found at Montserrat on great conglomerate rock, across a wide range of grades.

지역들: Montserrat

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