
접속점들 Uzak Zürafa에서

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Uzak Zürafa

Sector ranging from well bolted slabs for beginners to vertical and technical routes with some hard extensions. The left side of the cliff stays in the sun till late morning while the right side, closer to Can Baba, sees shade a bit earlier.

6b Aphrodite

First pitch shares anchor with "Just perfect". This route has potential to be continued further up to the top of Indian Man.

6b Just perfect

Runnels and pockets all the way on this long journey to the anchor of Aphrodite. Can obviously also be used as alternative pitch 1 to access pitch 2 of Aphrodite.

6a Gospa vrtnarka

You are in a mediterranean environment with sometimes strong winds and dry forrests. It is absolutely forbidden to make fires or camp in the nature. Any wrong doing might result in closing of this beautiful climbing spot!

New bolting should only be done using stainless steel glue-in bolts!

6a Vieux Briscards

Water runnels and pockets all the way...

5c Les pères Noel

Starts where the path arrives at the rock. Just left of the bigger tree growing out of the rock.

5c Lodos

Glue-in bolts all the way...

5c Salim

Just a few meters to the right of Lodos on expansion bolts. Starts just left of the tree going to a big undercling flake and meanders the way up high.

6a Full Pocket

Hike up a few meters and go left on the small ramp / ledge to a line of glue-ins.

6a+ What da funk

Nice climbing on grey rock followed by some tufa style pockets.

6b+ Baslamah

Easier climbing to a distinct crux higher up.

6a+ Göslamah

Follow the crack line and then trend slightly left.

6a+/b R.A.T

Another line of glue-ins, starting on grey rock and after 4, 5 bolts continuing on yellowish and reddish rock.

6b+ Uzak Zurafa

The route that has the big, deep hole just above bolt 2. Climb the grey slab up to an orange section where the crux is.

7a Acipayam

You are in a mediterranean environment with sometimes strong winds and dry forrests. It is absolutely forbidden to make fires or camp in the nature. Any wrong doing might result in closing of this beautiful climbing spot!

New bolting should only be done using stainless steel glue-in bolts!

7a+ Piolet

Same start as "Ilegal Man" but continues left at the 2nd last bolt.

6c+ Ilegal Man

Technical climbing on small holds on very abrasive rock, step anywhere and climb!

7a+ Tisane du soir

Extension of "Ilegal Man".

6c Raki Broccoli

A technical slab climb on ‘broccoli’ features.

7a+ Lonely Wolf

Starts right where you hike up the last blocks before arriving at the level of the cave. Look for some tufas left above the anchor of Dionisos. The anchor is on the vertical section.

8a Fue buonito mientras duro

3 bolt extension of Lonely Wolf.

8c Insomnio Turco

Extension of "Fue buonito mientras duro".

6b Dionisos

Small crimps, technical climbing at its finest.

6b+ Efes efect

Just 2 meters right of Dionisos.

6c Pocket Dog

Another great technical climb, high feet, one or the other small crimp, great moves.

8a Magic Room

Left extension of Pocket Dog. Pass right of the anchor of Pocket Dog and clip the bolt there. Follow the left bolt-line with a small roof for this extension.

7c+ Respect Datça

Middle extension of Pocket Dog. Pass right of the anchor of Pocket Dog and clip the bolt there. Follow up through the drak grey stripe from there. There is one more extension going out left and one more further right, all starting with this bolt.

8c+ Nice Future

Extension of "Respect Datça".

7c+ Hayal

Right extension of Pocket Dog. Pass right of the anchor of Pocket Dog and clip the bolt there. Follow up through the dark orange section of rock and follow the rightmost bolt-line.

7a La Rambo

Small gastons and crimps all the way. First bolt is just under the undercling flake.

7b El Bronson

Another technical climb going up left of the big flake. The sting is in the last few bolts.

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