
Area 6

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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): Pat Littlejohn and Mick Lovatt

일자: 2024

ISBN: 9781919643601

A comprehensive guidebook describing the adventurous rock climbing on the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales, covering nearly 700 routes from adventurous multi-pitch trad routes to a wealth of both new trad and sport climbs.

Author(s): Terry Taylor

일자: 2024

ISBN: 9781805175414

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the bouldering in South Snowdonia around Blaenau-Ffestiniog, Bala, Harlech, Dolgellau, and Aberystwyth, covering more than 2,500 boulder problems.

Author(s): Mark Reeves & Mark Glaister

일자: 2023

ISBN: 9781873341933

A selective guidebook by Rockfax deswcribing the best rock climbing found in North Wales, covering Llanberis Pass, Cloggy, Ogwen, the Carneddau, Llanberis Slate quarries, Tremadog, the Moelwyns, the Gwynant Valley, Mid-Wales, Gogarth and the Ormes of Llandudno.

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