
Crazy Woman Crags

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Author(s): Louie Anderson

일자: 2019

ISBN: 9780976663034

Located in a canyon within the Bighorn Mountains in north-central Wyoming, Ten Sleep has over 1,000 routes to explore. Find your way around with Ten Sleep Canyon Climbing from Wolverine Publishing.

  • Abundant maps and cliff photos help you find your way around
  • Sun and shade info helps you have the best experience
  • Introduction is loaded with helpful tips and information about climbing at Ten Sleep Canyon, such as local amenities, rock info, history, area hazards and driving distances
  • Pages are studded with color action photos

Author(s): Sam Lightner

일자: 2016

ISBN: 9781493016129

Detailing approximately 50 climbing routes across 11 major climbing areas, FalconGuides Rock Climbing Wyoming is an indispensable guide for beginners and experts alike.
  • Maps, color topos and stunning action photos accompany clearly written descriptions of the routes

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