
Publications linked in Clear Creek Canyon

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Author(s): Kevin Capps

일자: 2020

ISBN: 9780999280331

Your guide to one of the best sport climbing areas on the Front Range, the 3rd edition of Rock Climbing Clear Creek Canyon from Fixed Pin Publishing now features 6 new crags and over 80 new routes.

  • Clear Creek Canyon has long been the go-to after-work and weekend destination crag for Front Range climbing communities
  • The new routes encompass a wide variety of skill levels, so whether you're looking for a new project or wanting to romp up a fun 5.6 multi-pitch, this canyon won't disappoint
  • Nearly 1,200 routes spanning all grades means you'll have to decide what's better: ticking your old project or picking a new one from all the classic options in this book

지역들: Clear Creek Canyon

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