
루트 역사

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위도/경도: 38.07434, -81.07891

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5.12c 공동체 등록 등급들
5.12c (S) New River Rock

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Overall quality 33 from 1 ratings.

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레드 포인트 1

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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): Mike Williams

일자: 2021

ISBN: 978193839402

Volume 2 of New River Rock documents the climbing north of the main gorge of the New, with over 1,400 routes on the crags along the Meadow and Gauley rivers and surrounding Summersville Lake.
  • Details 1,400 routes
  • Includes a detailed history of the area and camping and visitor info
  • Color photography throughout
  • Every book purchase supports the New River Gorge Climber's Alliance

Author(s): Eric J. Horst

일자: 2013

The revised and updated edition of Rock Climbing Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland describes more than 1200 routes at 23 different areas including Seneca Rocks and the New River Gorge.

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