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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Shooting Gallery The Boardwalk
5.8 Girly Man

Top anchor is a pair of open cold shuts shared with 'Wussy Boy'[192321690].

FFA: Eric Chemello, 2005

스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4
5.8 Wussy Boy

Top anchor is a pair of open cold shuts shared with 'Girly Man'[192320805].

FFA: Eric Chemello, 2005

스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4
5.10b She Male

2-bolt top anchor.

FFA: Eric Chemello, 2005

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 9
5.10a Cedar's Dihedral

Recently bolted.

FFA: Cedar Wright, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 9
Shooting Gallery Upper Shooting Gallery
5.10a PG13 Epic In A Bottle

Left-most route of Upper Shooting Gallery. Hidden holds and hidden bolts require some patient route-finding. Top anchor is a pair of Metolius rap hangers.

FFA: Paul Humphrey & Chris Wilson, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 21m, 6
5.10c Stumble in My Footsteps

Last bolt and 2-bolt top anchor are shared with 'Limestone Cowboy'[233091954].

FFA: Paul Humphrey, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 21m, 7
5.10d Limestone Cowboy

Last bolt and 2-bolt top anchor are shared with 'Stumble in My Footsteps'[233091039].

FFA: Paul Humphrey & Cedar Wright, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 9
5.10d Snakeshot

2-bolt top anchor with chains is shared with 'Goldrush'[192310137].

FFA: Eric Chemello & Paul Humphrey, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 27m, 12
5.11a Goldrush

Manage the pump as you search for holds on this slightly overhanging sustained 90' route up varied limestone.

Start left of Bambi Slayer. The first three bolts take you to a ledge.

The crux is low, below the third bolt. Continue up left of the flake, and ascend left of the large flake following the yellow streak of limestone. 2-bolt top anchor with chains is shared with 'Snakeshot'.

FFA: Eric Chemello & Paul Humphrey, 1996

스포츠 클라이밍 27m, 14
5.10d Bambi Slayer

The last 4 bolts and the 2-bolt top anchor are shared with 'Rapture'[233100717].

FFA: Sean Leary & Cedar Wright, 1996

스포츠 클라이밍 21m, 11
Tower of Babble
5.12a Babble-On

2-bolt top anchor. Clip the top anchor for 'Tongue Twister'[] after the 4th bolt and keep heading up.

FFA: Eric Chemello & Paul Humphrey, 2003

스포츠 클라이밍 46m, 18
Visions Wall
5.11c Gooseberry

3-bolt top anchor shared with 'Karma-Kazi'[230301429].

FFA: Sean Leary & Justin Sommers, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 9
Paisano Buttress
5.13b If

2-bolt top anchor. This route provides access to 'High Thing'[233163021] on the 'High Country Headwall'[233144067] which starts from the top anchor.

FFA: Eric Chemello, Paul Humphrey & Chris Wilson, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 10
5.13b Spliff

2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Mean Streak'[233125386]. From there, 'High Times'[234770229] is an optional second pitch up the 'High Country Headwall'[233144067].

FFA: Eric Chemello, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 11
5.14a Mean Streak

2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Spliff'[233123331]. Still not pumped? Continue up 'High Times'[234770229] as an optional second pitch on the 'High Country Headwall'[233144067].

FFA: Chris Lindner & Eric Chemello, 2004

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 10
5.12d Paisano Direct

2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Thunderbird'[233128566].

FFA: Sean Leary & Justin Sommers, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 10
5.13d Deep Throat

2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Burnt Offering II'[233130216]. You can, from here, continue up 'Put Up Or Shut Up'[233163687] as an optional second pitch on the 'High Country Headwall'[233144067].

FFA: Dave Holodiloff & Eric Chemello, 2006

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 13
5.12c Thunderbird

2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Paisano Direct'[233126916].

FFA: Eric Chemello, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 9
5.12d Burnt Offering I

Crux moves come right before the 2-bolt top anchor. From there, 'Burnt Offering II'[233130216] continues up left and 'Burn Victim'[233131503] continues up right.

FFA: Eric Chemello & Paul Humphrey, 2001

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6
5.14a Burnt Offering II

2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Deep Throat'[233127741]. You can, from here, continue up 'Put Up Or Shut Up'[233163687] as an optional second pitch on the 'High Country Headwall'[233144067].

FFA: Eric Chemello & Paul Humphrey, 2001

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 11
5.13d Burn Victim

Climb all of 'Burnt Offering I'[233129391], then follow the bolt line right to the 2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Choke Chain'[233132334].

FFA: Chris Lindner & Eric Chemello, 2006

스포츠 클라이밍 21m, 10
5.14 Choke Chain

Climb past the first 3 bolts of 'Burnt Offering I'[233129391], then follow the bolt line right to the 2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Burn Victim'[233131503].

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 24m, 10
5.13c Smoke Signals

2-bolt top anchor.

FFA: Eric Chemello, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6
5.12d Cro-Magnon

2-bolt top anchor.

FFA: Eric Chemello, 1999

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6
5.12b Drug Lord

2-bolt top anchor.

FFA: Eric Chemello, 2001

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 7

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