1 5.9 125ft
2 5.9 115ft
3 5.7 125ft


To find the climb, either climb "Into the Wild" or go up Swab Slab gully past Swan Slab and hang a left to take a midway ledge to base of climb.

  1. (5.9) 125': Wild 5.9 lieback and crack on the left (Do not take the bolts right off the ground - the bolts lead to very dirty climbing so don't get suckered that way). Stuck gear at the crux (maybe 5.9+) just after the Manzanita tree as of 5/20/23. Bolted anchor.

  2. (5.9) 115': Locate a bolt up and right and wander up a little munge into an excellent thin crack with a slightly wide finger crux. Stellar pitch, bolted belay.

  3. (5.7+) 125': Make a slightly heady traverse left and eventually up a slab to a bolt, avoid the dirt and find some trees in a beautiful corner. Take the corner up with fingers and hands to a tree belay. Might be slightly harder than your average 5.7 pitch.

Walk off via Upper Falls Trail.

루트 역사

5월 2022초등들: Erik Sloan & Friends


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: 37.74538, -119.60006

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5.9,5.9,5.7 공동체 등록 등급들




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