
Publications linked to and above The Eternity

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Author(s): Simon Carter

Data: 2019

ISBN: 9780958079075

Simon Carter's "Best of the Blue" is the latest selected climbing guide book for the Blue Mountains and covers 1000 routes and 19 different climbing areas. For all the sport climbers out there, the travellers, or just anyone who doesn't want to lug around the big guide that's more than 3 times the size - cut out the riff-raff and get to the good stuff! This will pretty much cover everything you need!

Setores: Blue Mountains

Author(s): Simon Carter

Data: 2019

ISBN: 9780958079082

The latest comprehensive, latest and greatest Blue Mountains Climbing Guide is here and it has more routes than you can poke a clip stick at! 3421 to be exact. You are not going to get bored.

Setores: Blue Mountains

Author(s): Wade Stevens

Data: May 2001 (ISBN 0-646-41439-9)

Setores: New South Wales and ACT

Author(s): Chris Baxter

Data: Autumn 1999


This Pocket sized edition is free in Rock no 38. Slip-on covers are avaliable $2.10 each ($2.90 overseas).

Setores: Australia

Author(s): Jim Truscott

Data: Autumn 2000


This Pocket sized edition is available with a plastic cover.

Setores: Australia

Author(s): Jeff Boyton & Robert Cowan

Data: Summer 1998


This Pocket sized edition is free in Rock no 33. Slip-on covers are avaliable $2.10 each ($2.90 overseas).

Setores: Australia

Author(s): Sydney Rockclimbing Club

Data: June 1999


ISBN: 0959688048

The only complete guide covering 2500 climbs of all grades, sport and traditional at all Upper Blue Mountains crags. Includes directions to the crags, maps and some photos. Convenient size to slip into pocket or pack.

Setores: New South Wales and ACT

Author(s): Alastair Lee

Data: 1997


ISBN: 1852842377

The only comprehensive overview for Australian Crags. 85 plus crags, heaps of useful info. Ideal for traveller or native alike to get you going in the right direction. Sorry but the photos are v.poor only had an instamatic camera at the time!For some real photos see www.posingproductions.com -what a site!-

Setores: Australia

Mostrando os 8 publications.

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