
Vias em CDS Sector

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 279 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
CDS Boulder

Scramble up the gully and crack, take care should improve with traffic, good primer for what's ahead.

Boulder 5m
V0+ X1Crack&Slab

Largish crack and slab right side of X1, would get stars if the top blocks weren't hollow.

Boulder 5m
V0+ X1Crack&Crack

Alternate finish to X1Crack&Slab veering left into offwidth/chimney. Take care top blocks hollow.

Boulder 6m
V1 X1Slab

Slab between X1Scramble and Crack. Bit eliminate start utilising blunt arete and crimps to access slab sans crack, take care on top blocks of slab.

Boulder 5m
Gravel Crack Boulder
V0+ X2Gravel Crack

Access the lower slab by utilising the front right aspect of the boulder subsequently traversing right and up the large crack. Get this dialled as it's probably the easiest descent.

Boulder 4m
V1 X2Gravel Crack Sit Start

Sit start on the large football block at the base of the middle front face utilising the massive jug then move right into and up Gravel Crack.

Boulder 6m
V1/2 X2The Road to Gravel Crack

Start in the short corner at the far left of the boulder,traverse right into and up Gravel Crack.

Boulder 8m
V0+ X2Short Corner

Sit start on the jagged block back left short corner of the Gravel Crack boulder as you look at it from the track, strictly no dabbing once you get moving. Take care on top out some hollow sounding rock there, not the best landing.

Boulder 3m
Grotto Boulders South
V0+ Prow

Sit start approx 1.5m left of Hanging Corner directly under the small prow, climb straight up.

Boulder 3m
V0+ Hanging Corner

Sit start on floor of grotto far right of boulder just before the small cave roof. Utilise the low large flake and once established move right to ascend the short hanging corner.

Boulder 3m
V0+ Corner to Prow

Start as for Hanging Corner moving left to finish up Prow.

Boulder 3m
V0+ Prow to Corner Low

Start as for Prow moving right at mid height into and up Hanging Corner.

Boulder 3m
V0+ Prow to Corner High

Start as for Prow, once gaining the top line of holds traverse right to finish up Hanging Corner.

Boulder 3m
VB Grommet

Short corner in grotto right of main South grotto.

Boulder 2m
VB+ Grommet Sit

Sit start from the dodgy flake, pull down.

Boulder 2m
VB- Pseudotufa

Tufa looking like slab left of Grommet.

Boulder 2m
VB+ Pseudotufa Sit

Sit start from the dodgy flake, pull down.

Boulder 2m
Grotto Boulders North
VB+ Short Corner

Left side short corner.

Boulder 2m
V1 Short Corner Sit(L)

Utilise any/all blocs for the sit start exiting left via Short Corner.

Boulder 3m
V1/2 Short Corner Sit(R)

Match the top via the sit start utilising only the central and right holds before moving left to finish as for short corner.

Boulder 3m
V0- Inverted Corner

Short inverted corner/crack on the right.

Boulder 2m
V1/2 Inverted Corner Sit(R)

Climb inverted Corner sit start utilisung only the central and right blocs.

Boulder 2m
V1 Inverted Corner Sit(L)

Utlise any/all blocs for the sit start ascending Inverted Corner.

Boulder 3m
V0- Central Face

Central face between Short Corner and Inverted Corner.

Boulder 2m
V1 Central Face Sit(L)

Utilise any/all blocs to sit start finishing as for Central Face.

Boulder 3m
V1/2 Central Face Sit(R)

Climb Central Face Sit utilising the central and right blocs for the start.

Boulder 2m
V0 Right Slab

Mantle the slab to the right of Inverted Corner.

Boulder 2m
V1/2 Right Slab Sit(L)

Utilise any/all blocs for the sit start moving right to finish via Right Slab.

Boulder 3m
V2 Right Slab Sit(R)

Sit start utilising central and right blocs only to match the top before moving right to finish via Right Slab.

Boulder 2m
V0 Sissy Slab

Climb the slab on the right side of Twin of Doge from the ground stepping off directly on top of central block of the grotto.

Boulder 2m
V0- Step on the Sissy Slab

Climbs Sissy Slab from the detached block right of the offwidth.

Boulder 2m
Doge Bloc
V1 Doge

Into and up the centre of the flared offwidth/chimney from the Eastern aspect, superb.

Boulder 5m
V1 Twin of Doge

The flared offwidth/chimney from the Western aspect, bit easier and cimbs better than the original Doge.

Boulder 4m
V2 Doge Biscuit

Sit start four points contact on large front flake moving into and finishing up Doge.

Boulder 6m
V2/3 Doge at Krufts

Start by climbing Doge Biscuit, next continue via downclimbing Twin of Doge and upon reaching foot cams traverse back over to Doge finishing four points contact on front flake.

Boulder 13m
V0- Two Pocket Mantle

Far left NW aspect sit start on from two shallow pockets.

Boulder 1m
VB- Diagonal

Left of Flattie via diagonal crimprail.

Boulder 1m
VB Flattie

Centre of Tabletop.

Boulder 1m
V0+ Flattie Sit Start

From jug on arete/prow.

Boulder 2m
VB- Jugs

Metre right of Flattie via jugs.

Boulder 1m
V0+ Jugs Sit Start

From jug on arete/prow.

Boulder 1m
VB Arete Direct

Direct up the short hanging arete/prow.

Boulder 1m
V0+ Arete Direct Sit Start

From jug.

Boulder 1m
VB+ South Face

Hanging face around the corner to right.

Boulder 1m
V0+ South Face Sit Start

From jug.

Boulder 1m
VB Rickety Step

Left side SE face.

Boulder 1m
V0- Rail

Central SE face via crimps.

Boulder 1m
V0+ Rail Sit Start

Sit start matched on rail to mantle via crimp and pebbles.

Boulder 1m
Fortune Cookie
VB- FC Left

Left arete.

Boulder 1m
VB+ FC Left Sit Start
Boulder 1m
VB- FC Centre
Boulder 1m
V0- FC Centre Sit Start

Sit start both hands in break above central plate.

Boulder 1m
VB- FC Right
Boulder 1m
V0 FC Right Sit Start

Sit start hands right of crack.

Boulder 2m
V0- The Fortune Cookie

Prowy slab Eastern aspect.

Boulder 2m
V0+ The Fortune Cookie Sit Left

Sit start as for FC Right Sit Start to shuffle right and finish as for The Fortune Cookie.

Boulder 3m
V0 FC Far Right

Great low mantle on slab right of The Fortune Cookie, starting both feet on ramp.

Boulder 1m
Fine China
V0 Earthenware

Slab Eastern aspect between the detached flakes.

Boulder 2m
V1 Concrete

Slab/ramp left of Earthenware right of trees.

Boulder 2m
V1 Mango

Slab between trees via round jug.

Boulder 2m
V0+ Great Wall Direct

Up direct via large step.

Boulder 3m
V1 Great Wall Direct Sit
Boulder 3m
V2/3 Terracotta Army

Centre of main slab.

Boulder 3m
V3 March of the Terracotta Army

Sit start as for GWDS traversing left into and up Terracotta Army.

Boulder 6m
V0+ Left Wall

Left side of slab via thin flake system.

Boulder 3m
V2 Tellacotta

Start as for Terracotta Army moving left into and up Left Wall.

Boulder 3m
V3 Great Wall

Start as for GWDS traversing left to finish via Left Wall.

Boulder 8m
V2/3 Great Wall LR

Start as for Left Wall traversing right to finish via Great Wall Direct.

Boulder 7m
Buttress' North
V0- South Diagonal

Start on the boulder far left of South face of bloc, gain the slab and follow the diagonal crack to mantle the top slab.

Boulder 5m
V0- South Flake

Far right of the South face via the flake crack.

Boulder 3m
V0 South Diagonal Flake

Climb as for South Diagonal staying low to traverse into and up via South Flake.

Boulder 7m
V0- East Crack

Gain the ledge/pod and up the lovely crack far left East face of the bloc.

Boulder 4m
V0+ East Diagonal

Start as for East Crack traversing right and up along the ramp until you are ready to mantle!

Boulder 5m
V0+ East Crack Indirect

Starting at the short crack right of East Crack to mantle the ramp before moving left and up.

Boulder 5m
V1 East Diagonal Semidirect

Start as for East Crack Indirect moving right to finish via East Diagonal.

Boulder 5m
The Grand Parade Jumbltron
VB+ Ramp

Gain the ramp moving right and up.

Boulder 4m
V0- Ramp Sit Start
Boulder 4m
VB+ Lower Ramp

Start as for ramp moving further right, up and right again to finish.

Boulder 5m
V0- Lower Ramp Sit Start
Boulder 5m
V0 Big Flake

Climb as for Lower Ramp continuing the traverse right around the large flake to ascend.

Boulder 6m
V0 Big Flake Sit Start
Boulder 6m
V0+ Triple Flake

Climb as for Big Flake continuing right via the large flake system.

Boulder 7m
V0+ Triple Flake Sit Start
Boulder 7m
VB Direct

Gain the ramp at the crack on the right and finish as for Ramp.

Boulder 3m
VB+ Direct Sit Start
Boulder 3m
VB Direct Lower

Start as for Didect moving right to finish as for Lower Ramp.

Boulder 3m
VB+ Direct Lower Sit Start
Boulder 3m
The Grand Parade Chimneys
V0- Jumbltron Chimney

Start left of Ramp on Jumbltron in the wide crack moving through and right into and up the chimney ramp.

Boulder 10m
V0 Grand Parade Chimney

Start as for Jumbltron Chimney continuing straight over into and up left chimney far right aspect of Grand Parade.

Boulder 8m
The Grand Parade Grand Parade
VB+ Flake & Slab

Left flake chunk and slab far right aspect of Grand Parade, stay out of the corner.

Boulder 2m
V0- Base Flake

Start low left aspect of the large base flake moving right and up on good holds.

Boulder 3m
Round Table Castle Bloc
VB+ Castle
Boulder 3m
V0- Castle Sit
Boulder 3m
V0 Rabbit

Up the short corner between Armoury and Castle blocs then right.

Boulder 4m
V0 Approach the Castle

Establish yourself at base of Rabbit to low traverse right into and up Castle.

Boulder 5m
V0 Reverse Rabbit

Climb as for Rabbit starting from the Eastern aspect of the short corner.

Boulder 3m
V0+ Bunny

Start up Reverse Rabbit finishing up left side of slab via crimps.

Boulder 3m
V0 Dungeon's Arete

Arete and face right side of Dungeon.

Boulder 3m
V0 Dungeon

Narrow chimney back of Castle, Eastern aspect.

Boulder 3m
V1 Staircase

Start right of the shield moving up and left following the ridge sans shield.

Boulder 3m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 279 vias.

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