
Beat Up and Thrown Out Sector

  • Contexto da graduação: AU
  • Fotos: 7
  • Ascensões: 163




A sparse area with some classic trad lines.

Routes described from right to left facing the cliff.

Questões de acesso herdado de Tianjara Falls

BOLTING IS BANNED to the left (south) of the lookout and 100m right of the lookout as this is National Park land. Please avoid climbing on the cliff directly under the lookout, not only will you probably get a rock or beer bottle thrown at you from the tourists, you'll also attract unwanted attention from the authorities! Do not build new rock cairns - apparently there is an $11,000 fine if you do.


Enter via green rungs in the gully and opposite Drop Bears Wall. Walk right along base of cliff passing underneath Impressionist Wall, following pink flagging and vague track for 10 mins. After passing under some low cliffs below the main cliff head back up 15-20m to the main cliff, break left and walk 40m to reach the unmistakable crack line that is 'Beat Up and Thrown Out'. Alternatively abseil in from an anchor above "Beat Up and Thrown Out". To locate the anchor, walk past the access gully another 100m to the first prominent flat platform on the cliff top and a small rock cairn, a chain anchor is on the left looking out. If you find yourself at this end of the cliff at the end of the day there are some exit rungs up a black slab in a gully at Bad Boys Get Spanked.

Ética herdado de Illawarra and Shoalhaven

Lots of bolts in this region. Most development has been done after the 1980s.

Alguns conteúdos foram fornecidos sob licença de: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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"The worst crime I ever did was play some rock and roll" The Stranglers. Takes the arete and face right of the chimney. Start as for Committed for Insanity. Engaging and sometimes committing climbing. Get your bridging strides on for this one.

FA: John Lattanzio, 2 Jul 2017

Start at the right end of an alcove, left of the detached pillar. Chimney and bridge the wide crack to gain the shallow corner on left, up slab to anchors under roof.

FA: John Lattanzio, 8 Jan 2017

Starts at the hand crack near the right end of the alcove. Climb the crack then left leaning corner to pillar, up this right of vegetated seam trending right to anchors near top.

FA: John Lattanzio, 8 Jan 2017

Climbs the right arete of the impressive buttress. Starts at the little crack at the entrance to the alcove. Interesting and technical climbing up a nice line. Climb the crack, turn the roof and up the arete on good rock to anchors under the upper roof.

FA: John Lattanzio, 24 Apr 2017

Sustained and varied climbing. Start as for Charm Offensive, at the 3rd bolt take the left rising traverse and on through the steep bulges to anchors.

FA: John Lattanzio, 7 Jul 2017

One of the more varied bits of climbing around. Start up "beat up and thrown out" then follow the steel out right, pumpy and powerful to the top

bring one plate for the glue in carrot or improvise

FA: Dylan Tubaro, 16 Sep 2020

The obvious overhanging, leaning crack. An inspiring line and a classic trad test piece.

  1. 20m, 25 - Climb the crack to belay at the break or lower off, double bolt belay/chain.

  2. 12m, 10 - Traverse right to corner and follow to top.

FA: John Lattanzio & Bob Macmillan, 2008

FFA: John Lattanzio, 27 Aug 2016

Climbs the slab to a ledge, then the real climbing starts. technical moves lead to a powerful finish trending left.

Set: John Lattanzio

FA: dylan tubaro, 6 Jul 2020

Route broken into three short pitches with lower offs on the first two. Climbs the right hand end of slabby orange wall and discontinuous corner. Take some medium wires and small to medium cams. 10m left of BUTO

  1. 12m, 20, 3 bolts - Step onto wall at conglomerate band and up to large ledge.

  2. 12m, 22, 3 bolts - Up technical slab to flake corner past a third bolt to exit up thin crack to ledge.

  3. 6m, 17, 1 bolts - Up wall above ledge to top.

FA: John Lattanzio & Bob Macmillan, 2009

Thin slab climbing on immaculate rock. Starts in the chasm 8m right of BBGS. Bridge the start and climb to the ledge. Beautiful slabbing follows a blunt arete to anchors under the roof.

FA: John Lattanzio, 7 Jul 2017

Flake and slab line on immaculate rock.

This one has it all. Left of BWL and up a little gully, under a little roof at the base of an orange slab.

Grapple with the roof, follow the flake to the finishing slab.

FA: John Lattanzio, 2009

The right route of two up an easy angled black wall.

Start: At the apex of the gully

FA: Bob Macmillan & Veronica Thake

Line up next to the arete past 2 bolts. Makes a good exit route.

Start: At the apex of the gully

FA: Bob Macmillan & Veronica Thake

Step left off the block, up and skirt left around overhang and follow rings between caves to top.

Start: Off the block 10m left of the gully left of BWL. This route has had lower offs added.

FA: Bob Macmillan & Hannah Berger

Start just right of Millie My Friend. Follow fixed hangers through to short steep wall near the top. Could be a little harder if your short. This route has had lower offs added.

FA: Killien Blumstien-Jones, 2009

A few meters right of ROTF. Up obvious crack to top.

FA: George Foster & Bob Macmillan, 2008

The crack corner under the impressive orange wall with 2 unknown routes on it.

Right hand end of overhang/cave. Up crack to top.

FA: Feret, Macca & Weasel, 1970

The right hand of the two routes on the impressive orange wall. Climb Rise of the Feret until you can step out of the corner and onto the line of glue-in rings heading up the wall. Thin, sustained and cryptic. Recently rebolted by Glenn Jones.

FA: Steve Bullen, 1985

Recently rebolted the left hand of the two bolted routes on this wall. Amazing climbing through perfect edges to get you nice and high. Super classic and well worth the walk.

FA: Steve Bullen, 1985

The route perched right on the nose, a rap in affair to a belay.

Fantastic outing in a stellar position. Same start as Heyday. Take the first crack leading to the roof, exit left and follow crack to top.

FA: john lattanzio & bob mcmillan

2 pitch corner crack on gear. Start at the left end of ledge that splits the cliff, Double bolt belay.

  1. Traverse left to stacked blocks, up the corner and exit left to belay.

  2. climb up and left to exit left of the leaning crack, bolt.

FA: john lattanzio & bob mcmillan

FFA: Chunder & Graeme Hill, 1980

Start as for Heyday and climb to the stacked blocks, best to belay here. Climb the airy arete on gear (cams) and bolts to the top.

FA: Bob Macmillan & John Lattanzio

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Fri 14 Jul
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