
Fingal Gym Bouldering

  • Contexto da graduação: AU
  • Ascensões: 41




3-4 m high walls that you walk past to get to the sport climbs. Landings for Wall 1 are poor (large rocks) so pad it out / bring spotters. Landings for Wall 2 are good (flat rock bed). There is potential for more problems to be established (especially the arete closest to the sport climbs).

Questões de acesso herdado de New South Wales and ACT

If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit https://sydneyrockies.org.au/rebolting/


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Sit start. Up overhanging jugs. Rock looks dodgy but doesn't budge with excessive pulling.

Stand start on crimps. Straight up to slopey break. Another move to top out.

Stand start on crimps. Up via pinches to good break. Top out.

Stand start on jug and up corner.

Sit start and up jugs.

Sit start on sloped flake. up via edges to top out on jugs.

Start laying down on jugs to the right of central layback flake. Move right into corner and contort to gain layback position. Top out via jugs.

Low start on jug. Up face on good crimps and nice slopey edge to jugs for top out.

Keep your hands on the flake.

Sit start on round flake. Layback and go up jugs and sloper to top out.

Sit start on jug. Pull on and up arete to top out. Crack and face holds on left side are eliminated.

Up crack. Face holds are eliminated.

Sit start and up right side of pocketed face.

Sit start and up left side of pocketed face.

Stay on the left side of the arete.

Centre of face

Layback to glory.

Sharpen your left boot to stick the pocket. Harder for the short

Pockets, undercling and a striking line.

Start with the perfect pocket in hand, low traverse to corner crack and top out.

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Tim Haasnoot

Data: 2013

ISBN: 9780975129319

An area that has steep sport routes, trad cracks, deep-water-soling, sea cliff climbing and bouldering all within a short drive to some beautiful beaches and national parks is surely worth a look in. The Newcastle and Hunter Rock Climbing guide by Tim Haasnoot is feature packed and includes all the areas worth a day trip from Newcastle. This guide features over 950 routes, 170 boulder problems and 100 DWS with full topo maps and navigation info.

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