
Vias em Four Seasons Point

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Mostrando os 34 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
walk in
19 M0 Look at this splitter

Locate the left leaning crack in the middle of the wall 30m left of Strange Brothers. This is the second pitch and the money pitch. Access to the ledge via climbing a 10m crack approximately 5m to the right in the corner (pitch 1, grade 15). Climb the left leaning thin splitter to the second ledge (pitch 2, hard), rappel off tree possible. Third pitch starts in the corner to the right and leads to the top of the cliff (pitch 3, grade 15).

Trad 30m, 3
12 The Great Dalevoid

An adventurous chimney with an aura of mystery that wasn't lifted until the first ascent finally occurred.

Climb the corner to belay at the base of the void. Climb up the back of the chimney then move out to masive chockstone and gear. Squeeze out the side of chockstone and over. Squeeze up behind the second massive chockstone and climb to top.

FA: Dale Williamson & Josiah Hess, Jun 2021

Trad 30m
White Collard

Start just to the right of the big chimney. Climb up to the ledge then blast up the thin crack past a hard crux (aided on the FA). Continue up then move right to climb up the face.

FA: Josiah Hess & David Collard, Aug 2020

Trad 30m
24 M0 Hot Ships

A hard start up to the ledge leads to more hard climbing up the crack. Make sure you tape up for this one! Awaiting a free ascent.

FA: Josiah Hess & Dani Hess, Aug 2020

Trad 30m
19 Dirty and Twisted

The right corner, through cave and up blockey crack. Surprisingly good holds and moves all the way. The first ascent saw a brief battle with a tuft of grass and wasp nests that left the climber in the same state as the rope: dirty and twisted. Rap from a tree to the left.

FA: Adam Kerz & Michael Hirning, 29 Aug 2020

Trad 30m
17 Break Away

Starts on the ledge on the right of the wall.

Cruxy moves up corner before following left diagonal crack to join the top of Dirty and Twisted.

FA: Samuel Gough & Josiah Hess, Jun 2021

Trad 20m
18 Strange Brothers

A superb climb up superb rock. the moves keep coming all the way. Up the wide crack till it gets wider. Some smaller runners are able to be placed at bulge. Surmount bulge then either continue straight up offwidth, if you have large gear remaining on your rack, or right and up thin crack till able to move easily back left to top of offwidth.

FA: Alex Cristino with the scungy brothers in tow., 14 Apr 2017

Trad 30m
17 Upon Arrival

Start 3m left of large corner at obvious offwidth. Solo up inside of chimney on good edges to placement where crack pinches. Pull around left on pockets on inside face of cave above to more pockets and jambs. A bit of knee trickery to pull around under large elkhorns and up slab to belay at large tree. A couple of 120cm runners are handy at top to avoid large block under belay tree.

FFA: Matt Fingleton & Matt Raimondo, 15 Jul 2021

Trad 30m
14 Gargoyle

up corner. belay rap bolts at top

FA: Phil Box & Craig Thompson, 12 Aug 2014

Trad 15m
21 The Scythian

The obvious stonking sickle crack high on the left-hand end of Four Seasons Point. Has the aura of a good ol' Arapiles adventure climb. Above and left of 'CRAIGS Crack' and 'After You'.

Scramble up small wall to belay ledge at the base of the line. Steep jamming, adventurous traversing reminiscent of The Bard, and an exposed grand finale to bring it all home! Bring lots of long extenders to manage your drag. If not, setup a semi-hanging belay mid-traverse. Be wary mounting the hanging magic block in the first 7m ...

FFA: Alex Mougenot & Liam Boyle, Jun 2017

Trad 30m
18 CRAIGS crack

left crack on wall. up crack and wall. trending left at half height

FA: Craig, 12 Aug 2014

Trad 10m
20 After You

I rapped the line and slipped in a couple of bolts."I wanted to climb that"' said youth. "Too late" said I. Youth puts on puppy dog eyes. OK you get first attempt,t if you cant do it first shot I take second shot and if I get up it, I am going to name it after you.

Middle of three routes on wall. Clip bolt from boulder. start low. Up past bolt wire cam to next bolt. crux. then up wall trending left to top.

FA: Tony Barten Min Sheppard & a Cast of thousands

Mixed trad 10m, 2
20 30 by 30

Right hand arête of wall. Start on the right of course! Up the arête.

FA: Cheyne Hobbs, 12 Aug 2014

Trad 10m
14 Like taking an apple core from a kookaburra

Up obvious crack until obvious ledge. Obviously. Traverse around to the left and scramble down the gulley.

FA: Adam Kerz & Michael Hirning, 29 Aug 2020

Trad 20m
19 Motel California

Awesome movement. Bomber pro. Brilliant position.

Pitch 1 - 16 - 20m - Climb left facing corner 5m left of Cracklett. Be careful of rubble on the ledge at 10m when pulling up to it. Belay at tree.

Pitch 2 - 19 - 20m - Use bomber .75 and hex to protect awkward fall off belay. Big two moves up and over bulge to the left of the Elkhorn Ferns. Ramble to the left, place good gear and pull through rooflet (crux). Up easily to belay at tree.

Pitch 3 - 16 - 30m - Move belay up vegetated gully 10m to tree growing sideways out of rock. From here, an undercut section starts a right-hand traverse moving upwards once reaching diagonal crack on grey wall. Place friendly gear for the 2nd. Awesome pitch! Cania at its finest.

Belay at boulder at top of cliff. Follow edge 20m to lookers left to rap off tree. 60m rope is sufficient.

FFA: Adam Sanders & Scott Birse, Aug 2020

Trad 70m, 3
17 Cracklett

Up crack to small roof. then to top. Access to climbs higher up.

FA: Tony Barten Craig Min Sheppard, 11 Aug 2014

Trad 10m
21 Warmup Crack

Up the finger crack into flared groove and off width to finish.

FA: Michael Hirning, Josiah Hess & David Collard, Aug 2020

FFA: Josiah Hess, Sep 2020

Trad 25m
20 Pre-grin

Located above Happy Fun Time. Access by climbing up Cracklett. Min pulled a rabbit out of the bag to grab the first ascent of this tricky test piece.

Up corner using some old time skills. To get down scramble down gully to right of final belay, then Rap to top of 4 seasons wall from tree.

FA: Min Sheppard Tony Barten Craig, 11 Aug 2014

Trad 25m
21 Fisticuffs

Strenuous looking offwidth starting off large ledge. Surmount large tangle of vines then ready yourself for the onslaught above. Climbs the bulgy slick offwidth utilising various hand stacks to get it done. Take a couple of #4's and #5's.Either colapse in small cave and belay up your second or continue easily to top out.

Trad 15m
17 Law Abiding Citizen

Wendy asked for a first ascent. Citizens must abide. A fantastic outing toping out the Happy Fun Time wall with great gear, nice climbing and some amazing belay positions.

  1. (14) 15m Start 3m right of Warmup Crack at obvious lichen crack. Move over loose block (beware) to pull over lip onto slab with hand crack. Belay from corner at rear wall with multiple options to set gear anchor.

  2. (15) 15m Climb triple crack that is much easier than it looks scooting up body chimney on left with gear on right. Aim for large tree above on right slinging it to continue through solid blocks to belay from double limbed tree tree on incredible flat cave ledge!

  3. (17) 18m Swing left from belay over bulge with pockets and crack in small cave heading for out of sight headwall. (When moving through small cave please avoid altering the will of the free spirited block!). Quest up cracked headwall through pinched body chimneys aiming for large belay tree. Interesting solution to move through last body chimney off of slopers(crux).

  4. (15) 18m Ledgy climbing diagonally left of belay to corner crack leading to top of cliff. This pitch gets its grade from last move (well protected) to pull over top of corner to top out cliff. Belay from trees and cracks.

Back up boulder rappel back to pitch 2 tree anchor. Consider watching the sunset hitting the Castle in the distance from cave ledge before rapping to ground. Mostly in the shade.

FFA: Wendy Law & Matt Fingleton, 24 Jul 2022

Trad 66m, 4
13 Party Thrice

Start left of the arete.

Climb up the initial corner crack and continue straight up the face,

FA: Josiah Hess & Adam Kerz, Jun 2021

Trad 18m
15 Party Twice

Climbs the centre of the arete.

Poorly protected start leads to nice climbing above.

FA: Josiah Hess & Julia Lloyd-Smith, Jun 2021

Trad 18m
20 Party Ice

Start right of the arete. Hollow rock and poor protection down low leads to a nice slab above.

FA: Josiah Hess & Dani Hess, Aug 2020

Trad 18m
22 Blowin' a Dale

Hard start up orange streak past 3 RBs (stickclip recommended) then up easy face on gear.

Set: Josiah Hess, Sep 2020

FFA: Adam Kerz, Sep 2020

Mixed trad 20m, 3
18 Big Happy Fun Time

Face climb up the left hand crack. Large cams (#4 and 5) will come in handy. A bit run out in a couple of places. Belay at obvious tree.

FA: Tony Barten, 2014

Trad 20m
18 Tony's Dog and Pony Show

Start 3 meters right of Big Happy Fun Time. One jam then layaway and crimp to glory. More fantastic face climbing.

FA: Joe Lynch, Tony Barten & Stephan Fannigan, 2014

Trad 20m
18 Pet Cow

Boulder problem start that can be avoided with help from the tree. More fun face climbing.

FA: Tony Barten, Joe Lynch & Stephan Fannigan, 2014

Trad 20m
21 Bitter Aftertaste

Line of three fixed hangers 2m right of Pet Cow. Bouldery start, then follow the somewhat hollow flakes and then straight up the nice juggy headwall, passing some good nut placements.

The third expansion bolt didn't tighten and we ended up with a Bitter Aftertaste in our mouths - just like when the Glühwein smashed in the gutter.

FA: Adam Kerz, Dani Hess & Josiah Hess, 29 Aug 2020

Mixed trad 20m, 3
20 Gutter Glühwein

A sweet route, like our Glühwein would have been, had it not ended up in the gutter back in Brisbane...

Line of four hangers 5m right of Bitter Aftertaste. Rap anchors in a block at the top.

FA: Dani Hess, Adam Kerz & Josiah Hess, 29 Aug 2020

Sport 20m, 4
18 Spiderland

The leftward-leaning crack at the right hand end of the wall. Funky start. Thin jam to gain hold high on right wall, then a chimney move. More great face climbing to top. Rap off tree to right.

FA: Joe Lynch, Tony Barten & Stephan Fannigan, 2014

Trad 20m
11 31 Nuts

Climbs the featured face 5m right of spiderland. Takes plenty of nuts and hexes. For full value, climb in a moon boot on your 31st birthday.

FA: Steffen & Saskia Bollmann, Dave OS, Kelly Garner & Christopher Nolan, 31 Jul 2020

Trad 20m
15 The Arete

Climbs the arete above Big Happy Fun Time. Escape to rappel tree stepping over little gully to the right.

FA: unknown

Trad 20m
17 Party Shirts

Fun hands to fist crack over a bulge with some flowy laybacking up slab above. From tree belay above Happy Fun Time routes on front wall, wander 10m right up to obvious crack in bright orange rock. Starts on large jugs left of crack. New tat high in fork of tree to rap down.

Trad 15m

Mostrando os 34 vias.

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