
Vias em Crown Jewel Cliff

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Mostrando os 27 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
V1/2 Fish and Chips

sit start under the crown jewel cliff on some of the juggy ledges. come out on the left side of the seaward face. get out from underneath the boulder to the large ledge and then go direct to the slot crimps about a foot below the lip and then top. fun move

Fission Trip

The centre of the wall just right of Fish and Chips. From a low start under the roof climb up with a stiff move left to the slot crimps of F & C with the left hand. See photo.

FA: Andrew Johnson, 6 Sep 2018

V3 Uncut Gem

Sit start match on the jug at the far right in the cave. Follow the line of jugs in the cave then finish up the arete of White Feet.

FA: JoJo & David Shin, 4 Feb

Boulder 4m
V3 Un-cut Gem

Sit start match on the jug at the far right in the cave. Follow the line of jugs in the cave then finish up the arete of White Feet.

FA: JoJo & David Shin, 4 Feb

Boulder 4m
V0 White Feet

Start with both feet in the white hole deep under the ledge and hands on the knife-like flakes. Work out from under the ledge and then up a series of jugs on the sea corner of the cliff.

FA: Philip Vaudrey

FFA: Philip Vaudrey, 20 Oct 2017

Boulder 3m
V0 - 1 Well Shit

A slightly easier problem starting to the left of 'surprise surprise' with much more straightforward beta. still pretty cool.

FA: Fraser Gust, 10 Sep 2017

Boulder 3m
V2 Surprise Surprise

A really cool problem with kind of tricky beta. A standing start with hands on the sloper and the pinch. This is my favourite problem in mornington i think

FA: Fraser Gust, 9 Sep 2017

Boulder 3m
V3 Straight Surprise

Start as for Surprise Surprise with feet on the lower ledge, left hand on the sloper and right hand pinch. Head straight up to a crimp above the sloper and another pinch out to the right before getting both hands on a wide central crimp just below the top. Left hand to a small pocket above that, then mantle to top out. Great boulder!

Set: Philip Vaudrey, 8 Oct 2017

Boulder 3m
V4 Unpredictable Tom

An eliminate on Straight Surprise. Don't use the "other pinch out right" or the "small pocket" below the top.

FA: Kai Seth Robertson, 30 Jul 2023

Boulder 4m
V2/3 Sitting Surprise

A sit start for "Surprise surprise" " or "Straight Surprise" which begins with the right hand on the starting pinch and the left hand on a second pinchy hold just beneath and to the left. then moves easily into the actual problems. Doesn't add much difficulty to the problems.

FA: Fraser Gust, 10 Oct 2017

V4 Rightly Surprised

Starts from a sit just right of 'Straight Surprise'. Use the right hand starting hold of 'SS' as the left hand start and a choice of holds for the right. Move up and right finishing with a desperate move for the top

V4 The Jewel

Link up parts from 'White Feet' and 'Well shit' and 'Straight Surprise'. Start as per 'White Feet', come out from under the ledge at 'Well Shit', make the super big obvious pocket on this climb, then traverse onto the beginning holds of Straight Surprise, then up Straight Surprise to finish.

Boulder 3m
V5 The Jewel (Low)

a hold eliminate/alternate route for the Jewel. When coming out from underneath the roof, instead of moving up to the large pocket, stay lower and make a big move from the low ledge to the left hand starting hold of 'Surprise surprise'

V2 Bloody Hell Left

start with both hands on the obvious ledge. move right hand to the reddish pinch, then move left and top out awkwardly about midway along the boulder.

FA: Fraser Gust, 27 Oct 2017

Boulder 2m
V1 Bloody Hell

A climb on the far side of the boulder your back faces when climbing crown jewel cliff. Start down in the crack with hands on the large ledge. Harder for the short

Boulder 3m
V1/2 Heelies

A climb on the boulder your back faces while climbing crown jewel cliff. Starts on the slopey holds at chest height on the village in the boulder. Moves out right to the top

Boulder 2m
V3 Heelies Sit

A sit start from the rock shelf underneath the boulder which adds a few tough moves. the crux then becomes sticking the normal starting heelhook.

Boulder 2m
V2 Snuggles

Sit start with the RH on the sidepull jug just slightly left of where you would place your heel for "Heelies" and LH on a crimp in the lower section of the rock. Move left using the starting holds of Heelies and eventually "snuggle" the boulder as you move up and around the round protruding face. Traverse a bit more to the left before topping out just left of Phat Dumpy. A simple but fun variation of the climbs already on this wall.

David Shin

Boulder 2m
V2/3 Phat Dumpy

Start on the Heelies Sit. Move up and right, using the heel move. Grab the crimp jug in the top left of the sloper with your right hand, then bust out to the good hold up and left. Mantle over, without traversing right to the Heelies top out.

Boulder 2m
V2 Hugh Snuggles

Follow the route of Tide Rider but just before the topout, continue to traverse left eliminating the top edge/lip of the rock for some easy slab climbing with solid feet and crimps. Once you've reached the arete, just before the rock quality begins to diminish, head up to topout. This variation is a bit contrived and doesn't add much to the difficulty of the climb but does add some variety.

Boulder 4m
V2/3 Stinky (DECEASED 🥀)

NO LONGER EXTANT. A climb on the two overhanging faces near the storm water drain outlet. Start standing in the hole between the rocks at the base of the first boulder with right hand in the low pocket and left up high in the crack. move up this face and then move across onto the second boulder. move around the corner of this boulder and top out on the side closet to the drain. Pretty complex route but an interesting climb

Boulder 2m
V0 Short Stink

Same start as stinky but instead of moving to the other boulder just move up and over the lip to the left on the first boulder. No using the arete until you've gained the top

Boulder 2m
V3 Right Stink (RIP 🥀)

AN EX PROBLEM. A slightly harder start to "Stinky". start standing to the right of the first face with right hand on the low jug on the top arete and left hand on one of the pinchy juggy holds on the side of the face. Use the same starting foothold as stinky with the left foot Move left and up into the holds of the normal problem. (DECEASED 🥀)

Boulder 3m
V4 Lizard State

A sit start down in the pit of the stinky boulder. 4 or so moves lead in to the starting holds of 'Short Stink'. beware of the sharp slot.

V2 - 5 Short Stink Eliminates

lots of different eliminate problems can be done on this face staring from either the central or right starting position. A good one involves eliminating the high right hand pocket from the problem which forces some cool moves.

Boulder 2m
Smelling of Roses (NO MORE 🥀🥀🥀)

The hanging arete of the right hand precariously balanced block straight up to hands on top then step right to pull over. (RIP The precariously balanced block is no longer precariosly balanced. IT HAS SHUFFLED OFF THIS MORTAL COIL! It now lies firmly at rest below! 🥀🥀🥀)

FA: Andrew Johnson, 6 Sep 2018

Petit Morceau

Short but worthwhile sit start problem 30m, or so, beyond the drain. Hands in or below very low, wide break. Pull on. Move up on slopers only to sloping top out.

FA: Kai Seth Robertson

FA: 4 Nov 2023


Mostrando os 27 vias.

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