
Nodes em Cog Factory

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Cog Factory

A fun little group of boulders with easy access close to the road. Mostly easy stuff with rounded top outs and big juggy holds.

Useful Info: Follow the fire trail for a short distance and a group of boulders will appear on your left. This is the sprocket area.

Sprocket Area

Easy stuff mostly with juggy steeps & slopey slabs.

Sprocket Area
V0 Suppressed

The layback/ offwidth on the boulder on the trackside to sprocket area, 4 m away from SAB

V2 Repressed

Problem on boulder opposite shake n bake flake.

V2 Shake n Bake Direct

Start as for Shake & Bake 'Flake' but head straight up and over.

V1 Shake n Bake Flake

On the left of the sprocket boulder. Sit start on the left of the obvious flake, traverse right to gain the prow and top out on the rigth side.

V0 Holey Moley

Sit Start on the good low edge about 2m right of shake and bake

'Flake'. Climb straight up through the scoopy section to the right hand hole on top. Top out

V1 Spondonicle

Sit start about 1.5m rigth of 'Holey Moley' (below the bubbley rock) on some good low side pull/underclings. climb up and left to top out to the rigth of Holey moley

V2 Spacely Sprockets

Standing start in the middle of heavilly pocketed wall. Climb directly up through the sockets.

V3 Mr Spacely

Climb the right hand arete from the low sit start to a big move at the top.

V3 Cog

Around the corner from Mr Spacley is an obvoius slopy lip above a vertical break. Undercling the break to gain the lip and mantle.

Robot Workshop

Small group of isolated boulders

Robot Workshop
V2 Jonny 5

If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit https://sydneyrockies.org.au/rebolting/

V3 Factory Reset

Sit start on the right hand side of the prow on the obvious jug. Slap up the slopey features to top out.

V1 Scrap Metal

Stand start in the middle of wall in front of scoopy overlap. Hold the slopey lip before making a move up to good holds.

Start: just to the right on small block on ground

V0 Roboto

Sit start at the right hand side of wall on good jug flake. Make a long move up to good holds above the 'Arete'

V1 Robot Workshop

Start standing just left of the fused crack. Reach for the high flake, then up.

Start: On the back of the big boulder opposite Factory Re-set.Behind the chossy little cave

V0 Coin Operated Boy

Start 2m to the left of 'Robot workshop' just before the left hand crack. Climb the face starting for a flake type side pull.

V0 Robo Dog

Press into the scoopy slab, avoiding the crack on the right

Start: On the small block adjacent to 'Coin Operated Boy'

V2 Jonny Five

Standing start to the left of the prow. Start matched on big dish then move up right through flake to top.

Mostrando os 20 nodes.

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