
Ascensões de L'Echo des Montagnes

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Mostrando os 71 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Sat 8th Jun 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes
1 5.8 25m Sport
2 5.7 40m Sport
3 5.7 30m Sport
4 5.7 25m Sport
5 5.8 30m Sport
Sport 150m Very Good

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes
1 5.8 25m Sport
2 5.7 40m Sport
3 5.7 30m Sport
4 5.7 25m Sport
5 5.8 30m Sport
Sport 150m Very Good
A lot of it is a scramble, rocks are sharp but the ending through the tunnel and auto belay was fun. Probably hard to do unless you are guided by a local.

Mon 29th Apr 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Very Good
Monica Huo

Sat 30th Mar 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 阿民 Sport 150m Very Good

Thu 21st Mar 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 淡然 Sport 150m
Mon 11th Mar 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Average
Chris Feng 冯喜
Fri 16th Feb 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Catalina Torres Sport 150m Classic
Victor Pillac
Nice easy climbing with amazing views

Thu 15th Feb 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Bol Yang

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Sun 11th Feb 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Joel Gullo
First multipitch clomb

Sun 14th Jan 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes
1 5.8 25m Sport
2 5.7 40m Sport
3 5.7 30m Sport
4 5.7 25m Sport
5 5.8 30m Sport
Sport 150m
Great rest day adventure

Sun 31st Dec 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 肥肠(feichang), Beaver the chef, Jerry
1 5.8 25 Second lead by Beaver the chef
2 5.7 40 Second lead by 肥肠(feichang)
3 5.7 30 Sport lead by Zijie Song
4 5.7 25 Second lead by Jerry
5 5.8 30 Second lead by Jerry
Sport 150m
Zijie Song
Wed 29th Nov 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 小白 幽兰
1 5.8 25m Sport
2 5.7 40m Sport
3 5.7 30m Sport
4 5.7 25m Sport
5 5.8 30m Sport
Sport 150m
Sun 12th Nov 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Florence, 八月, 曹佳 Sport 150m
全程领攀了线路 非常快乐

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with zhuoxin, 八月, 曹佳 Sport 150m Good

Sat 21st Oct 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 蘑菇, Tutu
1 5.8 25m Sport
2 5.7 40m Sport
3 5.7 30m Sport
4 5.7 25m Sport
5 5.8 30m Sport
Sport 150m Very Good
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 翻天娃, 兔兔
1 5.8 25 Second lead by 翻天娃
2 5.7 40 Second lead by 翻天娃
3 5.7 30 Second lead by 翻天娃
4 5.7 25 Second lead by 翻天娃
5 5.8 30 Second lead by 翻天娃
Sport 150m Classic
Mon 8th May 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 本青 Sport 150m Very Good
Angus Cheung
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 本青, Vivian Lam, 阿培 Sport 150m Classic
Peter Gaode
Abseilings are great!

Fri 5th May 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes — 3 attempts Sport 150m Classic
Tue 2nd May 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with reiko climber, 陆塔塔
1 5.8 25 Second
2 5.7 40 Sport
3 5.7 30 Sport
4 5.7 25 Second
5 5.8 30 Sport
Sport 150m
Guan-Wei Chen
垂降到懸岩保護站,落繩時卡繩,沒帶繩刀,另外一頭剛好夠長,單繩下到Via Ferrata的地方,穿過山洞轉單繩下降... 連假最後一天來不及在爬一次,繩子跟主鎖留在上面等其他大佬去拿了... 感受到陽朔的溫暖...

Rappelling down to the cliffside station, my rope got jammed while falling the rope. I had forgotten to bring the knife. Luckily, the other end of the rope was long enough to reach the Via Ferrata, where I went through a cave and continued my descent on a single rope. Unfortunately, it was the last day of the holiday and I didn't have enough time to climb up again. I had to leave my rope and carabiner there, waiting for other experts to retrieve them. Nonetheless, I felt the warmth of Yangshuo.

Sun 16th Apr 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 深海猫 Sport 150m Classic

Sat 15th Apr 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Singing Sport 150m Mega Classic

Thu 13th Apr 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 微波炉, 小卢 Sport 150m Classic

Fri 7th Apr 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 Hard L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Average
Mon 9th Jan 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Mega Classic

Sun 1st Jan 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 Hard L'Echo des Montagnes - with gogo Sport 150m Average
Fri 23rd Dec 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.10a L'Echo des Montagnes - with 阿韵, Ola, 小木头, 老木头
1 5.8 25m
2 5.7 40m
3 5.7 30m
4 5.7 25m
5 5.10a 30m
Sport 150m Classic
Thu 22nd Dec 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.10a L'Echo des Montagnes - with 阿韵
1 5.8 25m
2 5.7 40m
3 5.7 30m
4 5.7 25m
5 5.10a 30m
Sport 150m Classic

Sat 17th Dec 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 陈小跳 Sport 150m
起步有点不好找 在一坨大坟包右边 线路右下角还有三个小坟头 第一段很愉悦但挂片锈的有点厉害 二三段都是非常简单的单步难点其他地方走上去 第四段注意仔细看准挂片别爬偏了 第五段起步暴露感极强 可能影响心态哈哈哈 顶上有小盒子装了个本子和一些奇奇怪怪的东西 没有的话就是假顶 风景优美值得遛弯 下降用70m绳可以直接降到臭名昭著的悬空保护站 60m绳需要先降到假顶才够长 那个悬空保护站是真滴搞心态 真正意义上的完全悬空没有脚点 新手下降一定要多加注意 最后一段可以穿过山洞去另一侧下降更快乐

Tue 1st Nov 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Yikun Huang Sport 150m
Sat 29th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m

Fri 28th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Kai, 小李
1 5.8 25m lead by JM.Shi
2 5.7 40m lead by JM.Shi
3 5.7 30m lead by JM.Shi
4 5.7 25m lead by JM.Shi
5 5.8 30m lead by JM.Shi
Sport 150m Average
第一次在阳朔multi pitch,由于阴天没看到什么好看的晚霞。。线路虽然简单 但是bolt彼此离得也太远了,没有熟悉线路的人带着好容易走错吧,且需要带对讲机,不然就是带手机,线路本人一般。。除非天气好到爆炸否则从攀岩的角度并不是很推荐,下降的时候一定不要错过平台,平台小灯灯倒是挺好看的。

Thu 27th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 梦岩 Sport 150m Average
Wed 26th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Kai, 小李
1 5.8 25m lead by JM.Shi
2 5.7 40m lead by JM.Shi
3 5.7 30m lead by JM.Shi
4 5.7 25m lead by JM.Shi
5 5.8 30m lead by JM.Shi
Sport 150m Average
第一次在阳朔multi pitch,由于阴天没看到什么好看的晚霞。。线路虽然简单 但是bolt彼此离得也太远了,没有熟悉线路的人带着好容易走错吧,且需要带对讲机,不然就是带手机,线路本人一般。。除非天气好到爆炸否则从攀岩的角度并不是很推荐,下降的时候一定不要错过平台,平台小灯灯倒是挺好看的。

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Kai, 小李
1 5.8 25m lead by JM.Shi
2 5.7 40m lead by JM.Shi
3 5.7 30m lead by JM.Shi
4 5.7 25m lead by JM.Shi
5 5.8 30m lead by JM.Shi
Sport 150m Average
第一次在阳朔multi pitch,由于阴天没看到什么好看的晚霞。。线路虽然简单 但是bolt彼此离得也太远了,没有熟悉线路的人带着好容易走错吧,且需要带对讲机,不然就是带手机,线路本人一般。。除非天气好到爆炸否则从攀岩的角度并不是很推荐,下降的时候一定不要错过平台,平台小灯灯倒是挺好看的。

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Kai, 小李
1 5.8 25m lead by JM.Shi
2 5.7 40m lead by JM.Shi
3 5.7 30m lead by JM.Shi
4 5.7 25m lead by JM.Shi
5 5.8 30m lead by JM.Shi
Sport 150m Average
第一次在阳朔multi pitch,由于阴天没看到什么好看的晚霞。。线路虽然简单 但是bolt彼此离得也太远了,没有熟悉线路的人带着好容易走错吧,且需要带对讲机,不然就是带手机,线路本人一般。。除非天气好到爆炸否则从攀岩的角度并不是很推荐,下降的时候一定不要错过平台,平台小灯灯倒是挺好看的。

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with suipisuipi Sport 150m
Yikun Huang
Mon 17th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Mega Classic
The climb is nothing special but the view from the top is just incredible. Five stars for the perfect sunset

Thu 13th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 阿民saman Sport 150m

Mon 10th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with yelena
1 5.8 25m
2 5.7 40m
3 5.7 30m
4 5.7 25m lead by yelena
5 5.8 30m
Sport 150m Classic
Michael Picone
really really loved this climb. was a lot of fun. Spotted a snake at the second anchor and a hornets next in the hole where you want to stick your hand in the beginning of the final pitch which made it a little more exciting!

Sun 9th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 青炎
1 5.8 25m lead by 青炎
2 5.7 40m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
3 5.7 30m lead by 青炎
4 5.7 25m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
5 5.8 30m lead by 青炎
Sport 150m
接近找了很久的挂片,起步在一个坟头右边的缝里。 爬得挺舒适的风光不错,保护站也不错,适合说八卦。 最坑爹的是下降的第一个保护站在一个屋檐下面,等看到的时候我已经吊在半空中动弹不得了...需要提前蹬墙 最后总结是可能是没有骑在搭档脖子上姿势不对导致的~

Sat 8th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 小西瓜最爱红配绿
1 5.8 25m lead by 青炎
2 5.7 40m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
3 5.7 30m lead by 青炎
4 5.7 25m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
5 5.8 30m lead by 青炎
Sport 150m
接近一小时,攀爬一小时,下降一小时……最难的就是在仰角顶和搭档进行四肢管理,很容易打结在一起。 第五段起步的蜂窝已经没有马蜂了~

Sun 2nd Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 翻天娃, Carson(大明) Sport 150m Very Good
第四段的结束到第五段开始的位置,有个洞里马蜂窝警告⚠️也算是线路的最难点 拍拍包 感谢先锋大明老师和收尾蛙老师

Sat 1st Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 翻天娃 好老师 Sport 150m Mega Classic
Sat 10th Sep 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Classic
Wed 20th Apr 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with 玲儿
1 5.8 25 Sport
2 5.7 40 Sport
3 5.7 30 Sport
4 5.7 25 Sport
5 5.8 30 Sport
Sport 150m
Wed 9th Mar 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Jerry zhong Sport 150m Very Good
Lixuan Guan
View is awesome

Fri 31st Dec 2021 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Bogdan Tkach
Sun 29th Aug 2021 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Russell Wu
Tue 13th Apr 2021 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Mega Classic
Tue 30th Mar 2021 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Yinghao Li Sport 150m Good
第2或3段下降站注意不要错过,在一个小屋檐下面,附近没什么脚点,这个站的四肢管理比绳索管理困难 俩人容易四肢打结。最后一段穿过山洞从飞拉达那里下降的,感谢@yinghao li的babysitting

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Yinghao Li
Thu 5th Nov 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Classic
Jerry zhong
Wed 7th Oct 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Very Good
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes
1 5.8 25m
2 5.7 40m
3 5.7 30m
4 5.7 25m
5 5.8 30m
Sport 150m

Wed 13th May 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Very Good
Thu 7th Nov 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with Cat A
1 5.8 25m lead by Hamish
2 5.7 40m lead by Cat A
3 5.7 30m lead by Hamish
4 5.7 25m lead by Cat A
5 5.8 30m lead by Hamish
Sport 150m Very Good
Super easy multipitch with a topout, swinging leads. P1 and P5 were fairly interesting, with P2, P3 and P4 more like vertical walking. The belay stance at top of P4 is a hanging belay and there's a touch of exposure as you set off on P5, but its well protected, and easily 5.8.

Some of the pitches are so long and wandering, you really can't hear each others calls. So make sure you've got nonverbal communication dialled.

Total time up: 2hr. Total time for round trip: 3hr15min. With plenty of photos taken and exploring the topout.

For the descent, the guidebook recommends a 10m rappel from the top to the main rap station, and then either two short rappels (<30m) or using two ropes a long rappel (~60m) to a "wall", and then either walk through the cave (35m rap) or stay on the same side (30m rap).

We found the main rappel station had been left with two 60m ropes joined together by flat overhand, and the bolt hangers on this station were pretty corroded. Not knowing the origin of these ropes, or liking the look of the bolt hangers, we didn't use them. With our 80m rope, we reached the mid-rap anchor from the top, and then rapped to the "wall". We then walked through the cave and did the 35m rap to the ground.

Tue 15th Oct 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Classic
Thu 13th Apr 2017 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Classic
Warren Price
Nice easy climbing with a step across the void and a top out with amazing views. Cave after he big abseil was interesting. Little bit of vegetated climbing in middle two pitches but otherwise a really great route

Tue 25th Nov 2014 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
peta barrett
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Good
Scott Hailstone
Swinging leads with Peta, wandery excursion

Fri 2nd Oct 2009 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Mega Classic
Sat 20th Jun 2009 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Average
Daniel Jackson
nice views but way too easy

Mon 25th Dec 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
David Bowie
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Matt Tranter
Not last pitch

5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Amanda Green
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Classic
Mon 27th Nov 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Don't Bother
A fine adventure in bushwhacking and scrambling... but if you were looking for climbing, look somewhere else.

Wed 7th Dec 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m Classic

Mostrando os 71 ascensões.

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