
Ascensões em 拇指峰 Thumb Peak

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 132 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Thu 6th Jun 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b Hard 新年快乐 Happy New Year
1 5.9 27m Sport
2 5.8 22m Sport
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Sport
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 10m Sport
Sport 120m, 10 Don't Bother
Hard to communicate. Chances for rope getting stuck at the 6th pitch. Quite sharp rocks in general.

5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year
1 5.9 27m Sport
2 5.8 22m Top rope
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Sport
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 10m Sport
Sport 120m, 10
Tue 23rd Apr 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.11d Happy Jun Jun - with Hi Gu Sport 54m, 9 Average
Sarah Mohrmann
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Hi Gu Sport 120m, 10 Don't Bother
Sarah Mohrmann
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Sarah Mohrmann Sport 120m, 10 Don't Bother
Hi Gu
Really polished, climb is bad, only for the view, harder than 5c

5.11d Happy Jun Jun - with Sarah Mohrmann Sport 54m, 9 Average
Hi Gu
Really polished

Tue 16th Apr 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Li Xiaoya
1 5.9 27 Aid lead by Li Xiaoya


2 5.8 22 Second lead by Li Xiaoya


3 5.9 22 Second lead by Li Xiaoya


Sport 71m, 10

5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 一纯 Sport 120m, 10
Li Xiaoya

Sun 18th Feb 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year
1 5.9 27m Second


2 5.8 22m Sport lead by Kiri千里


3 5.9 22m Sport lead by Kiri千里


4 5.9 22m Sport lead by Kiri千里


5 5.10b 18m Sport lead by Kiri千里


6 10m Sport lead by Kiri千里
Sport 120m, 10

Mon 1st Jan 2024 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Seven
1 5.9 27m Sport lead by 铭铭
2 5.8 22m Second lead by Seven
3 5.9 22m Sport lead by 铭铭
4 5.9 22m Second lead by Seven
5 5.10b 18m Sport lead by 铭铭
6 10m Sport lead by 铭铭
Sport 120m, 10
去年很菜的时候来跟攀过前两段,不知道第三段需要横切过去,就没爬完。今年来自己领攀了1 3 5 6段,第5段感觉并不便宜,需要会涨手或者涨拳才可以呢。

5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year Sport 120m, 10 Very Good

Tue 12th Dec 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 小猫, 陈南浩 Sport 120m, 10 Very Good
Peter Gaode
Fri 1st Dec 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 小白 幽兰
1 5.9 27m Sport
2 5.8 22m Sport
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Sport
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 10m Sport
Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Wed 22nd Nov 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 饿人李, 飞狼 Sport 120m, 10
Mon 20th Nov 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Nuanbing Sport 120m, 10
Gary Xu
Wed 15th Nov 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Chris Norrie
1 5.9 27m Sport
2 5.8 22m Sport
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Sport
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 10m Sport
Sport 120m, 10
Tingting Bi
Tue 24th Oct 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with YuOZheng
1 5.9 27m Sport lead by YuOZheng
2 5.8 22m Sport lead by YuOZheng


3 5.9 22m Sport lead by 文森


4 5.9 22m Sport lead by YuOZheng


5 5.10b 18m Sport lead by 文森

北京岩友福音,几小段宽度刚刚好合适的掌缝和拳缝,难点是一段有点喇叭口的宽缝,卡膝盖卡过去了。有点难度,裂缝爬法感觉都有10,运动爬法感觉难度不止5.10b,有挂片心里还是比较有谱,没注意缝里两侧岩壁的情况,不知道能不能Green Point。

6 10m Sport lead by YuOZheng


Sport 120m, 10 Very Good
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 文森
1 5.9 27 Sport lead by YuOZheng
2 5.8 22 Sport lead by YuOZheng

有个横切..不小心也走过了 不小心也倒攀了(挠头

3 5.9 22 Sport lead by 文森


4 5.9 22 Sport lead by YuOZheng

有一段滑溜溜光秃秃 有点小难啊

5 5.10b 18 Sport lead by 文森

没缠胶布不敢涨(当然 也涨不住),运动攀来爬手点脚点都好差哦……ps.不要带手表啊啊啊啊

6 10 Sport lead by YuOZheng
Sport 120m, 10
Sun 22nd Oct 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year
1 5.9 27m Sport
2 5.8 22m Sport
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Sport
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 10m Sport
Sport 120m, 10
Thu 21st Sep 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10a Happy Jun Jun P1 - with Hannah Rose
1 5.10a 14m Sport
Sport 14m, 9
Patrick Munnings
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Hannah Rose
1 5.9 27m Second
2 5.8 22m Second
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Sport
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 10m Sport
Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Patrick Munnings
Fri 7th Jul 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year
1 5.9 27m Sport
2 5.8 22m Second
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Second
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 5.7 10m Second
Sport 120m, 10
Sun 28th May 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b Hard 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with Jessica
1 5.9 27 Sport lead by 九郎
2 5.8 22 Second lead by Jessica
3 5.9 22 Sport lead by 九郎
4 5.9 22 Second lead by Jessica
5 5.10b 18 Sport lead by 九郎


6 5.7 10 Sport lead by 九郎
Sport 120m, 10 Classic

Tue 14th Mar 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 花花 Sport 120m, 10
下午赶着跟花花又爬了一遍 这次难点提前把手表摘了舒服多了

Fri 3rd Mar 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with kk, 卢神 Sport 120m, 10 Very Good

Thu 26th Jan 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 阿亮 Sport 120m, 10 Good

Wed 11th Jan 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 自由的半瓶水, Carson(大明), Maring(土豆)
1 5.9 27m lead by Carson(大明)
2 5.8 22m lead by 我真不是长臂猿
3 5.9 22m lead by Carson(大明)
4 5.9 22m lead by Carson(大明)
5 5.10b 18m lead by Carson(大明)
6 5.7 10m lead by Carson(大明)
Sport 120m, 10 Mega Classic

Tue 10th Jan 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 水哥, 我真不是长臂猿, Maring(土豆) Sport 120m, 10
Sun 8th Jan 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b Hard 新年快乐 Happy New Year Sport 120m, 10 Very Good
Tue 3rd Jan 2023 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with JaneZhang
1 5.9 27 Sport lead by JaneZhang
2 5.8 22 Sport lead by 国际庄田大宝
3 5.9 22 Sport lead by JaneZhang
4 5.9 22 Sport lead by 国际庄田大宝
5 5.10b 18 Sport lead by JaneZhang
6 5.7 10 Sport lead by JaneZhang
Sport 120m, 10
Thu 8th Dec 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 小卢 Sport 120m, 10
并不好欺负 快挂间距略远 动作幅度大 极限先锋能力在10的话爬起来可能不太友好 注意第二段顶右平移几米后才是正路 如果每次两段连爬都话要做好快挂的延长不然拖绳会耗费大量力气 第五段如果不会涨手涨拳的话爬起来可能会很痛苦...记得先把表摘了

Wed 26th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.11c 5.11d Happy Jun Jun Sport 54m, 9 Classic
Thu 6th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.11c 5.11d Happy Jun Jun - with 娃老师 土豆 Sport 54m, 9 Mega Classic

Tue 4th Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 青炎
1 5.9 27m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
2 5.8 22m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
3 5.9 22m lead by 青炎
4 5.9 22m lead by 青炎
5 5.10b 18m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
6 5.7 10m lead by 青炎
Sport 120m, 10
Mon 3rd Oct 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b Paparazzi Pete Trad Multi-Pitch (Paparazzi Pete) - with 小西瓜最爱红配绿
1 5.8 22m
2 5.8 20m
3 5.10b 26m lead by 青炎
4 5.10a 19m
5 5.9 20m
Trad 110m

5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with 小西瓜最爱红配绿
1 5.9 27m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
2 5.8 22m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
3 5.9 22m lead by 青炎
4 5.9 22m lead by 青炎
5 5.10b 18m lead by 小西瓜最爱红配绿
6 5.7 10m lead by 青炎
Sport 120m, 10 Very Good

Mon 2nd May 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year - with tianzong Sport 120m, 10
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year Sport 120m, 10 Mega Classic
Sun 13th Mar 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10c 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with 阿韵, 那颜, 浩 rctb
1 5.9 27m
2 5.8 22m
3 5.9 22m
4 5.10b 22m
5 5.10c 18m
Sport 110m, 10 Classic
由于时间限制没爬最后一段 感觉第四五段比路书说得还要难 一条很经典的结组!

5.10a Happy Jun Jun (Happy Jun Jun P1)
1 5.10a 14m lead by 彭ㄎ
Sport 14m, 9 Mega Classic
爬新年快乐时爬错线了 结果巨爽!近期最好的惊喜

Sun 9th Jan 2022 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b Happy New Year Sport 120m, 10 Very Good
Mon 29th Nov 2021 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with 山猫 Sport 120m, 10 Classic
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with 晶晶
1 5.9 27m
2 5.8 22m
3 5.9 22m
4 5.9 22m
5 5.10b 18m
6 5.7 10m
Sport 120m, 10
Sun 14th Nov 2021 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Mega Classic
RuiLin Yao
Mon 15th Feb 2021 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with angusmeius Sport 120m, 10 Mega Classic
暴露,风格丰富的5.9 还能去哪找?

Wed 9th Dec 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Maksim Komarov
1 5.9 27 lead by Account name
2 5.8 22 lead by Account name
3 5.9 22 lead by Account name
4 5.9 22 lead by Account name
5 5.10b 18 lead by Account name
Sport 110m, 10 Good
Account name
The third pitch is a masterpiece, pure pleasure and incredible rock; the fourth pitch feels much harder than 5.9 (10b?). With Maks at his baptism on multipitch.

Tue 1st Dec 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 Happy New Year (lower 2 pitches) Sport 49m
Maksim Komarov
5.10b Happy New Year - with Account name
1 5.9
2 5.8
3 5.9
4 5.10b
5 5.10b
Sport 120m, 10 Very Good
Maksim Komarov
My first multi pitch. Slippery overlap on 1st pitch, sharp and vertical pure joy on 3rd, very sketchy 4th (that 5.9 feels like 10b). Took falls on 4th and 5th pitches. Want to come back and climb it clean

Thu 5th Nov 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Mega Classic
Jerry zhong
Thu 8th Oct 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10
Tue 6th Oct 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Classic
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year)
1 5.9 27m
2 5.8 22m
3 5.9 22m
4 5.9 22m
5 5.10b 18m
Sport 110m, 10

Fri 28th Feb 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10
Keeva 暖暖
Wed 8th Jan 2020 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Sat 14th Dec 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year)
1 5.9 27m
2 5.8 22m
3 5.9 22m
4 5.9 22m
5 5.10b 18m
6 5.7 10m
Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Josephine Roper
Linked pitches 2&3, which was a bad idea because both ends are hanging belays on the painful rock, and 5&6.

Was expecting the crux to be gr19 face climbing not 19 crack climbing which is a taller order for me! Tried to offwidth it, fell out, then spotted a crucial face foothold. Still required one fist jam move! The other pitches were better than expected, with cool bottomless corners and generally quite consistently exposed.

Slow to get down with a 60m as we couldn’t link any raps. The top out is definitely worth it, 360 views!

Mon 18th Nov 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Fri 8th Nov 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year Linkup Happy Jun Jun) - with Cat A
1 5.9 27m lead by Hamish
2 5.8 22m lead by Cat A
3 5.9 22m lead by Hamish
4 5.9 22m lead by Cat A
5 5.10b 18m lead by Hamish
1 5.10a 20 linkup Happy Jun Jun
Sport 130m, 10 Classic
Touted as the best multipitch in Yangshuo! First pitch was quite polished and not the best...I took a wrong turn setting off on P3 and accidentally climbed up the first pitch of 'Happy Jun Jun' , rapped back when I realised and then set off up the correct pitch. P3 was face climbing on sharp limestone formations. Cat A had a battle with P4. P5 was legit crack climbing on limestone, with the crack starting as fist jam, and becoming off-width. We skipped the short P6 to the summit , which requires slings to protect.

For the descent we made to it to the ground in 2 rappels from the top of P4, using an 80m rope.

Thu 31st Oct 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with DS
1 5.9 27m lead by DS
2 5.8 22m lead by Meggan Turner
3 5.9 22m lead by DS
4 5.9 22m lead by DS
5 5.10b 18m lead by DS
6 5.7 10m lead by DS
Sport 120m, 10
Meggan Turner
when u wanna do a nice easy multi for your last day in yangshuo, but you get sandbagged ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Double check the topo before P3 or you may find yourself going up a 5.11c instead like we did. Don't bother with P6 - it's sharp, rubbish, the "summit" is sharp & uncomfortable, and the views are better lower down. If you really want to do it, don't link it with P5 unless you're very confident your second can get through the crack - if they fall there are no holds to pull up on and you won't be able to hear each other!

Wed 30th Oct 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Meggan Turner
1 5.9 27m lead by DS
2 5.8 22m lead by Meggan Turner
3 5.9 22m lead by DS
4 5.9 22m lead by DS
5 5.10b 18m lead by DS
6 5.7 10m lead by DS
Sport 120m, 10 Very Good
Felt pretty sandbag for the grade. Definitely one to look at when attempting this route. Lots of technique involve and a little bit of trad climbing spicy ness is thrown in with some offwidth body jams and hand jams/ finger locks. Don’t reckon it should be graded as 5.10B for the 5th pitch or some 5.9s. Overall a fun route if you’re climbing above the grade but if you’re only climbing 5.10s don’t even attempt this route

Tue 22nd Oct 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Viktoriya Romanova Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Sat 21st Sep 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Jenny Gao
Fun! Spectators galore.

5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Jenny Gao Sport 120m, 10 Classic
james ritchie
Some very difficult 3d climbing that felt hard for the grade. Awesome route.

Wed 24th Jul 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10c 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year)
1 5.9 27m
2 5.8 22m
3 5.9 22m
4 5.10a 22m
5 5.10c 18m
6 5.7 10m
Sport 120m, 10 Very Good
Thu 20th Jun 2019 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10
Delfine Cheng
Sun 7th Oct 2018 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year Sport 120m, 10
Ian 溫翊恩
Tue 6th Mar 2018 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Ben
1 5.9 27m
2 5.8 15m
3 5.9 18m
4 5.9 18m
5 5.10b 16m
Sport 94m, 10 Classic
Did the route yesterday. Combined pitches 1 and 2 and also pitches 3 and 4. We did it in 3 pitches with an 80m rope. Also abseiled it the same way. There are bolts to the top out so no need to bring slings or trad gear for the topout. Awesome route!

Thu 21st Dec 2017 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Radhi
1 5.9 lead by Timmy
2 5.7 lead by Radhi
3 5.9 lead by Timmy
4 5.9 lead by Radhi
5 5.10b lead by Timmy
Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Timmy Wong
Wed 6th May 2015 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Classic
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Lorraine Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Mathew Hutchins-Read
Fri 19th Dec 2014 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10
Jake Griffiths
Lead all pitches

17 5.9 Happy New Year (lower 2 pitches) Sport 49m
Jake Griffiths
Fri 10th Oct 2014 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Good
Last two pitches are pretty good...last one is a bit thrutchy..

17 5.9 Happy New Year (lower 2 pitches) Sport 49m Good
Wed 27th Aug 2014 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with 李俊 Sport 120m, 10
Yudi Dai
Fri 27th Dec 2013 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.11c 5.11b Red Bull Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Jack Marr
Excellent route with nice moves, especially the sequence on to the roof arete. A bit run out, so not much else to do but commit. As all the other routes outside the cave are in pretty bad shape this was a nice surprise.

Wed 9th Oct 2013 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Nick Weatherall Sport 120m, 10 Mega Classic
Sat 29th Jun 2013 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10
Jonno Brunton
The first 4 pitches are awesome fun- missed a move on the last pitch. Led pitches 1& 3. Fabien led pitches 2,4 & 5

Tue 30th Apr 2013 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) - with Nick Weatherall Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Super fun day !

Thu 22nd Mar 2012 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
17 5.9 Happy New Year (lower 2 pitches) Sport 49m Very Good
Constantine Dritsas
Starting to get polished around the crux of the 1st pitch, otherwise this is a wonderful multi pitch climb.

Wed 14th Dec 2011 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 5.10d Rich Man P1 (The Rich Man) Sport 26m, 7
17 5.9 Happy New Year (lower 2 pitches) Sport 49m
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10
5.11b 5.11c Raise Your Glasses (Unnamed 11b) Sport 19m, 6
5.12a Red Envelope (Unnamed 12a) Sport 19m, 6
Thu 11th Aug 2011 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 5.10d Rich Man P1 (Rich Man) Sport 26m, 7
Scary crack

Thu 26th Aug 2010 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.8 No Name Sport 10m, 3
Constantine Dritsas
Dirty, dusty climb.

5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Yaer 5 pitches) Sport 120m, 10
Constantine Dritsas
Only climbed 3 pitches due to storm.

Wed 14th Jul 2010 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Yaer 5 pitches) Sport 120m, 10
Sat 20th Jun 2009 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.9 5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Yaer 5 pitches) Sport 120m, 10 Classic
Daniel Jackson
awesome with unprotected 15m 6th pitch to top-out!

Fri 19th Jun 2009 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year (Happy New Year) Sport 120m, 10 Mega Classic
Fri 17th Oct 2008 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
19 Petes Paparrazi Pizza Sport 50m Average
Vanessa Wills
Pitch of ledge sharp but OK. Final pitch dirty, but at least we got the trad stuff out

Happy New Year (lower 2 pitches) Sport 49m Average
Vanessa Wills
Sooo hot and slippery

Wed 15th Oct 2008 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
The Rd Bull Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Tony Williams
couldn't do 'the move'

23 5.11b Red Bull (The Rd Bull) Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Vanessa Wills
great sequences. downclimbed the roof a few times before committing

23 5.11b Red Bull (The Rd Bull) Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Vanessa Wills
Hard work. Grade 23

21 5.10d Rich Man P1 (The Rich Man) Sport 26m, 7 Very Good
Tony Williams
traddy style climbing

21 5.10d Rich Man P1 (The Rich Man) Sport 26m, 7 Very Good
Vanessa Wills
Shaady on a hot day, but still made me sweat. Great rest cave.

Tue 2nd Sep 2008 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10b 5.10d Rich Man P1 (Rich Man) Sport 26m, 7
Thank god the gear was one it. Struggled. Another bloody hot day.

19 Petes Paparrazi Pizza Sport 50m
Climbed P1 only.

Sat 17th May 2008 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 拇指峰 Thumb Peak
5.10d Rich Man P1 - with 苏峰 Sport 26m, 7

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 132 ascensões.

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