

  • Contexto da graduação: SX
  • Ascensões: 4
  • Aka: Maiwand



Questões de acesso herdado de Děčínský Sněžník

Main guarded parking in Sněžník, 40CZK/hour and max 120CZK/day (50.791805, 14.087023)

west (50.791854, 14.081878) northeast (50.791854, 14.081878)

Ética herdado de Labské pískovce

Check particular areas for more detailed rules and nature protecton restrictions. General czech sandstone rules apply in all areas:

  1. Climbing is only allowed on dry rock.

  2. No changing of the rock surface.

  3. No hardware protection (friends, rocks, pitons). The gaps between the ring/bolts may only be filled with slings. UFOs (textile friends) are allowed.

  4. No Toprope if it may damage rock or fixed protection (=in theory allowed if there is a maillon or if you use own quickdraw as anchor point AND there is no rope friction with rock)

  5. First ascents shall be consulted upfront with the area administrator. Contacts available at https://www.horosvaz.cz/skaly-region-2/

  6. Further local rules apply depending on the level of protection. See the particular area details.



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Grade Via

Set: Daniel Hölzl & Ctirad Suchý, 2006

Set: Karel Bělina & J.Šabata, 1987

Set: Petr Slanina & A.Švadleňáková, 2009

Set: Jiří Janiš & K.Bělina, 1987

Set: Petr Slanina & vug, 2009

Set: Pavel Henke, K.Bělina, V.Peroutka, M.Strnad & D.Hölzl, 2008

Set: Jiří Janiš, Karel Bělina, J.Šabata, M.Mžourek & J.Drengubák, 1987

Set: Karel Bělina & J.Šabata, 1987

Set: Pavel Henke & K.Bělina, 2008

Set: Petr Slanina & vug, 2009

Set: Pavel Henke, K.Bělina, V.Peroutka & M.Strnad, 2008

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Ondrej Benes and Zdenek Suchy

Data: 2020

This is a comprehensive guidebook describing the bouldering at Sněžník, located in northern part of the Czech Republic near the town of Děčín, covering more than 1,800 problems across a wide range of grades from easy to Fb 8b+.

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Sat 8 Jul
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