
Publications linked to and above Massif Soubeyran

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Author(s): G. Bernard, G. Grouot, H. Guigliarelli

Data: 2012

650 routes directly on the French Riviera between Cassis and La Ciotat

Setores: Massif Soubeyran

Author(s): Chris Craggs

Data: 2017

ISBN: 9781873341285

A selective guidebook describing 10 major sport climbing areas in the Cote d’Azur region, which are Verdon Gorge, Sainte Victoire, Les Calanques, Toulon area, Chateavert, Chateaudouble, Massif del’Esterel, Gorges du Loup, Saint-Jeannet, and around the Monaco. area.

Setores: Marseille area

Mostrando os 2 publications.

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