
Alpa Wall

  • Contexto da graduação: FR

Questões de acesso herdado de Meteora

Generally, rock formations with inhabited monasteries should not be climbed. Preserve all other historical remains.

Ética herdado de Meteora

Traditionally, Meteora was in great parts explored by climbers with background from Saxon Switzerland (East Germany), translating to ringbolts, leadbolting and runouts. However, there is also some mainstream sport climbing to be found.

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Vangelis Batsios

Data: 2023

ISBN: 9786180046649

A selective guidebook describing 206 of the best classic multi-pitch routes at Meteora, covering both traditional and modern routes.

Author(s): Vangelis Batsios

Data: 2022

ISBN: 9786180037999

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing found at Meteora, Theopetra, Sarakina, and Agia Paraskev, covering 319 routes.

Author(s): Thierry Souchard

Data: 2017

This digital guidebook presents a selection of 22 multi-pitch routes taken from the book Rock around the World. This selection is perfect for a first visit and reflets all the variety of climbing on the Meteora conglomerate towers. Indeed, contrary to popular opinion, climbing in the Meteora is very diverse, alternating between slabby sections, steep rock walls on pebbles of all sizes, and even overhangs in the gullies. The selected routes reflect this, proposing routes of varying styles, of which the vast majority are on sound rock and are relatively well protected (with the exception of a few must-do classics that feature the original runout lengths). Bolted 6b grade is required (runout up to 6a)  Routes are drawn on zoomable photos. The content of the guidebook is detailed in the OmegaRoc app.

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Tue 4 Jul
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