

  • Contexto da graduação: FR
  • Fotos: 5
  • Ascensões: 125




  • With kids: There is some space at the base of the wall for kids to play. Not ideal for smaller kids who can't walk proper because it's partly rocky.


There is a parking space at the small village Vignolo SV. From there take the path into the village and turn left after the chapel and follow the path heading east. After approximately 10 minutes take the small path on the left, which is marked by stone figures, to the crag.


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Left most route on the new sector. Beware of rockfall.

Interesting climb. Less slabby than the others and not many loose rocks.

The hardest route on the slab. Follow the bolts, if you go too much to the sides you are climbing the neighbourging routes which are easier. Take your time as some big rocks could come lose.


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Wed 5 Jul
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