
Publications linked to and above Blocco 1

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Mostrando os 6 publications.

Author(s): Mario Sertori

Data: 2015

ISBN: 9788898609321

A selective guidebook describing the trad and big alpine routes in the Bregaglia and Chiavenna valleys in northern Italy and south east Switzerland, covering 6 areas.

Setores: Val Chiavenna

Author(s): Mario Sertori

Data: 2014

ISBN: 9788896634899

A selective guidebook describing the long multi-pitch mountaineering trad and sport routes in the Màsino and Disgrazia valleys on the Italian-Swiss border, covering 13 separate areas.

Setores: Val Chiavenna

Author(s): Alberto Milani

Data: 2020

ISBN: 9788885475564

A comprehensive guidebook describing the bouldering in the Valchiavenna, Val Malenco, Bassa and Alta Valle areas in northern Italy, covering 21 different crags.

Setores: Val Chiavenna

Author(s): Simone Manzi

Data: 2018

ISBN: 9788898609604

A comprehensive guidebook covering the sport climbing in the Italian Alps from Valchiavenna (Chiavenna Valley), Valle Spluga and Val Bregaglia in Italy through to Engadin in Switzerland, describing 71 crags.

Setores: Val Chiavenna

Author(s): F. Bagarin, A. Codecà

Data: 2023

Multipitch-Sportklettern und Trad im Val Gerola, Val Masino, Val Malenco, Aprica, Val Grosina, Bormio, Valfurva, Val di Dentro, Laghi di Cancano

Setores: Valtellina

Author(s): S. Manzi

Data: 2018

Setores: Val Chiavenna

Mostrando os 6 publications.

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