
Publications linked to and above Einserkofel

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Mostrando os 3 publications.

Author(s): Ivo Rabanser

Data: 2022

Setores: Cortina d'Ampezzo Area

Author(s): Idea Montagna

Data: 2021

Climbing guidebook for the best sport climbing areas around Cortina d'Ampezzoin - the guide included 31 areas

Setores: Cortina d'Ampezzo Area

Author(s): Guido Colombetti

Data: 2021

ISBN: 9788855470599

A selective guidebook describing 105 different sport climbing crags throughout the whole of the Dolomites area, covering the best of the low-level sport climbing across the region, including both single and multi-pitch routes.

Setores: Cortina d'Ampezzo Area

Mostrando os 3 publications.

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