
Publications linked to and above Placca del Domenico

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Author(s): Paolo Vitali

Setores: Lecco & Como (Milano)

Author(s): Eugenio Pesci & Pietro Buzzoni

Data: 2023

ISBN: 9788855471299

This is a definitive guidebook describing all the sport climbing on crags and walls situated between Lecco and Como, including the Grigne massif, covering 122 separate crags and many 1,000’s of routes at all grades.

Setores: Lecco & Como (Milano)

Author(s): Pietro Buzzoni & Eugenio Pesci

Data: 2022

ISBN: 9788855470537

This is a definitive guidebook describing the long multi-pitch rock climbing routes around Lecco on the shore of Lake Como, covering 77 separate crags.

Setores: Lecco & Como (Milano)

Mostrando os 3 publications.

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