
Lost world

  • Contexto da graduação: US
  • Fotos: 1
  • Ascensões: 12




The main area of Katsu Yama climbing area the most climb is Habu Sake (snake in a bottle) 5.9 which will take you climb into a pitch-black cave, make sure to bring headlamps!

Questões de acesso herdado de Katsuyama

"It can't rain in every direction"Hiking into lost world after or during rain can be very slippery

Bring lots of water! Especially, in the summer month.

Bees, spiders and snakes are in the area. Please be aware!


As the basic trail winds in and out of the riverbed for about 25 to 30 minutes, continue up the mountain until you climb a steep train to the right of the riverbed, which will come back into the riverbed at the top. The trail to the middle-ground and the Perch goes up to the left. To continue to Lost world, follow the riverbed for about 500 meters. The cliff will open on your left. The climbs star at the very end of the cliff as you face it.

Ética herdado de Katsuyama

Do not eat the shiquasha (Japanese orange). The villagers love us and have no problem with use climbing there they just ask us not to eat their Shiquashas that they are producing.


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Climb up and left to ring anchors.

FA: Chris Halle

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.

Climb the right side of the small column that defines the left wall of the large amphitheatre. Climb through small chimney passage and up the ramp to a set of ring anchors.

WARNING: First bolt of Tall, Dark, and Handsome (6th Bolt total for the climb) is spinning and unsafe. Continue up and over the prominent amphitheater roof to ring anchors

FA: Rob Worthing

Scramble to the top of the prominent block that defines the right side of the amphitheater. Climb the left facing arete and out the roof to ring anchors

This climb starts at the top of the prominent block to the right side of "Slender and Fair."

FA: Eman Lacoste

Start climbing up and over the low overhand, pulling the bulge. Continue up the easier ground to ring anchors.

Route starts to the right of "Easy Way Out" under a low overhang.

FA: Chris Halle

Climb the face to the left-facing corner. Continue up corner (rough) to anchors. Start 10ft to the right of "Beached Whale."

FA: Eman Lacoste

Climb the face straight up the obvious line to the ring anchors.

Start 15ft to the right of "Gardener's Delight."

FA: Chris Halle

Climb straight up to ring anchors.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Climb obvious line to anchors.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Begin just left of the stump that sits 10ft up the wall. Climb straight up the line to the ring anchors.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Climb the face to an "I" bolt anchor.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Climb the obvious line up to the first set of anchors. (6 bolts)

Continue up the obvious line to the next set of anchors. (6 bolts - 2nd pitch rusted!!)

FA: Chris Halle

Climb the left face of the short arete.

Continue up to the ring anchors

FA: Eman Lacoste

Climb the right face of the short arete.

Continue up easy climbing which will get more difficult.

Continue up to ring anchors.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Climb straight up the face.

Continue up large blocks and pinches to shared ring anchors with South Pacific.

FA: Eman Lacoste

First route at Lost World! Climb through an open book dihedral with a corner crack. Continue up to the anchors.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Begin on "Complete Package" and veer right after the second bolt. Climb around the short roof and up to shared anchors with "Complete Package."

FA: Rob Worthing

Climb the ceiling direcly above the shrine to pull over the roof into the low angle face next to Cave Woman. Bring long draws for bolts 2 through 5 to avoid rope drag. Identified by glue in wave bolts directly above the Shrine.

FA: an Argument & Drew Roman, Jan 2020

Scramble to the second bolt. Continue up the face to the anchors.

FA: Barb Treadway

Climb the obvious line towards the prominent roof. Continue climbing through the left side of the prominent roof to the anchors

FA: Shinichido Fukuhara

Climb through the right side of the prominent roof.

FA: Xiaoying Li

Route starts directly below the cave.

Climb the crack and pull the small bulge to the base of the cave. Stem up the cave to the anchors. This is a one of a kind climb here on Okinawa that should not be missed!

Bring headlamp, or climb in the dark.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Start climbing the short crack and continue up the juggy face. Pull the small roof and thinner mantle move to anchors.

Anchors are two wave bolts and four quick links. Lower or rappel off of the bottom two quick links. The extra links are needed to keep the rope from binding when being pulled.

Climb starts 5 ft to the right of Habu Sake.

FA: Eman Lacoste

Easy free climb that gets more difficult as you get closer to the anchors. This is the far right climb at Lost World.

FA: Barb Treadway

Climbed using bolts and natural tree protection to first anchors. Climb up and left on good holds to wave bolts. Good location to teach multi-pitch techniques

FA: Austen Cote, Dec 2018

This is the reason to bolt the wall. 90 feet straight up. great, thought provoking moves on solid rock with a great crux sequence high off the ground.

FA: Matthew Annanie, 2018

oute is closely bolted at the beginning and a good first lead.

FA: David Hutchings, 2018

One of the longest moderate routes at Lost World, this fairly new route still has a few loose stones here and there but is a fun cruise to the top!

FA: David Hutchings

Helmet recommended as some loose rocks have fallen from above the route.

FA: Matthew Lewis & Brent Goode, 2018

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