
Access: Ferdselsforbud (No access April 15-August 1)

April 15 through August 1 access is prohibited in the higher areas of the nature reserve due to nesting birds. For climbers, this means all Sørfugløya (Hagtind, Stauren plus the Lunddalen descent/approach)

See warning details and discuss

Created 2 years ago

História da via

O histórico da via é desconhecido.


10 Aug 2021 Warning Access: Ferdselsforbud (No access April 15-August 1)


Lat/Long.: 67.06712, 13.85821

Referências do nível de dificuldade

6 Grau de dificuldade


Mega Classic
Very Good
Don't Bother

Based on 0 ratings.

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Fri 7 Jul
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