

  • Contexto da graduação: NWG


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1 4
2 5
3 7-

FA: Robert Anderson, Hans Christian Doseth & Steve Sanford, 1978

FA: Cato Fostervoll & Lars-Erik Roald, 1997

1 6+/7-
2 5+
3 5

FA: Hans Christian Doseth, Kjetil Svanemyr & Børge Østigård, 1978

FFA: Hans Christian Doseth & Børge Østigård, 1979

1 6+
2 5
3 6+

FA: Hans Christian Doseth & Børge Østigård, 1979

1 6+
2 5-
3 6-

Upper part of "Vanlig Vei"

FA: Robert Holt & Tony Howard, 1967

FA: Lars Norderhus & Børge Østigård

Variant of the 1. pitch of "Ballettcruxet"


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Sun 2 Jul
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