
Ascensões em Jura Południowa por tichacek

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 229 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade
Sun 2nd Jul 2023 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Będkowska Grupa Gęsiarni Gęsiarnia
VI.1 Zdążyć przed bluszczem z kantem - with manh Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Nice moves on the headwall, without using the holds on the right it would feel much harder

V+ Gruda - with manh Sport 15m, 5 Good
Broke off a hold after start, the second part in the chimney was nice. You clip the bolts of the route on the right

VI.1+ Hard Ego tyka - with manh Sport 17m, 7 Classic
Really nice climbing and then the crux hit me, couldn't figure out a good foot position

Sun 28th May 2023 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Kobylańska Kula
VI Prawa duma Kobylan Sport 18m, 5 Classic
Pleasant technical climbing, towards the end the intention seems to go right around the overhang, but in my opinion it makes more sense to go straight through it using the bolt of Lewa duma kobylan

V+ Moja kokaina Sport 20m Very Good
Nice climbing partially through a chimney, might be scary for some people

V+ Hard Kulawe dziurki Sport 30m, 10 Classic
It's a pity this route isn't climbed more and therefore is a bit overgrown. Probably because bolting is runout. The climbing itself is very nice, delicate, with a powerful ending to top it off.

V Przez kulę Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Totally awesome adventure route! This one is for chimney enthusiasts like me. If you take the leap of faith, you will be rewarded with a view of an ancient bullet embedded in the rock. This is where the name of this sector - Kula - came from

V ~V+ Zacięcie pod Ameryką Sport 14m, 7 Very Good
Really nice delicate climbing, enjoyed this a lot

V+ Hard Środkowa rysa Sport 14m, 8 Very Good
Very polished in the middle, tall people like me have an advantage of reaching a good hold and don't have to worry about slippery feet. First bolt is unreasonably high

VI Hard Hokejka Sport 14m, 5 Very Good
Very fitting route name, which you realize when your feet are hopelessly sliding on the rock at the second bolt. I had fun though and I'm proud of this onsight

Sun 16th Apr 2023 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Raclawki Powroźnikowa
VI.1 Zmierzch pary — 2 attempts - with Manh Sport 12m Classic
Hard start, first go i chickened out and went around, second I figured out the key move and then the route was done

V Pociągi pod specjalnym nadzorem - with Manh Sport 12m Classic
Super nice route, holds on this one are simply perfect

VI Niecne igraszki - with Manh Sport 12m Classic
Always a pleasure to climb this route, the holds are amazing

IV+ ~V- Szramówka - with Manh Sport 16m Good
Nice route with one hard move

III Jak nauka wyszła z lasu - with Manh Sport 16m
Great warm-up

V+ Prawa Ręka Nie Klaszcze - with Manh Sport 12m Very Good
Nice route using the right edge of the rock

VI Kruszonka z Posypką - with Manh Sport 12m Good
Some moves are hard to read, take your time

V- Życie Carlita - with Manh Sport 12m, 3 Good
Nice chimney

IV Felicia - with Manh Sport 12m, 4 Don't Bother
Not a nice route for beginners, especially kids won't have a chance reaching the anchor. Below that the climbing is easy but not too interesting

VI ~VI+ Cosaznosa - with Manh Sport 15m, 6 Classic
Epic moves next to the third bolt, amazing route

VI Kamforra - with Manh Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Nice route, the bolting was a bit confusing but the moves itself good

Sun 20th Mar 2022 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Prądnika Skała Zachwytu
VI.1 Dziubas Sport 15m, 6 Classic
The beginning is hard and super uncomfortable - could have been bolted better, but the author Rostek is well known for unsafe bolting. On top rope it was fine, and I quickly figured out the right beta. Personally would grade it at least 6.1

VI+ Dziubas Sport 15m, 6 Classic
VI+ Dziubas Sport 15m, 6 Classic
VI+ Dziubas Sport 15m, 6 Classic
IV Światełko w tunelu Sport 15m, 5 Mega Classic
This is a mega classic under the condition you go through the tunnel in the middle of the route - you can even get to the other side of the rock! Super fun

IV- Kamieniowanie Sport 15m, 5 Good
V- Pejzaż horyzontalny Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Nice route, easy but pleasant

V Dziubasek Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Nice and long route

V U wrót zachwytu Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
IV- Domino w depresji Sport 15m, 5 Good
great for warmup

IV+ Filar domina Sport 15m, 5 Good
interesting variant

Sun 10th Oct 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Będkowska Psiklatka Psi Płot
IV+ Szczeniak Mixed trad 16m, 6 Classic
Nice one and quite well protected

VI.1+ Głupek wraca do domu Sport 20m, 7 Classic
Couldn't figure out the crux at the 6th bolt, felt super hard. Overall the route is really nice and has great moves including a demanding traverse

VI Pies pogrzebany Sport 16m, 7 Classic
My mistake for not preparing my foot placement in advance. On second try it was easy. Cool sequence in the middle part

V Psubrat Sport 16m, 6
V Superburek Sport 16m, 6 Classic
Nice warmup, hardest at the start

V+ Psi instynkt Sport 16m, 7 Mega Classic
This route is simply amazing, most do. Easy but not trivial

V Wariant szczeniaka Sport 16m, 5 Classic
Nice route all the way, but especially up at the top

III Psia trawka Mixed trad 16m, 4 Don't Bother
I was hoping for some alpine experience which is rare in Jura - but this was too much as bushes replaced the bolts in the upper part

Sun 3rd Oct 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Ostatnia
IV+ Myrzębiaki Sport 14m, 5 Good
V Żony i kochanki Sport 14m, 5 Mega Classic
This route never disappoints

Sun 3rd Oct 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Filarek Bularza i Płyta Benduskiego
VI.1+ Kaligóra Sport 20m, 7 Classic
Was hard to read, and couldn't commit under the anchor - feels like you could hit the ledge under you.

Sun 3rd Oct 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Ogrodzieniec
IV+ Placebo Sport 15m, 5 Classic
Actually a very nice warmup IV+, I liked the final part a lot

V+ 2/3 Dylematu Sport 16m, 5 Very Good
gloomy start

V+ Klasyczna Sport 16m, 6 Classic
Great unique route, traverses the wall and succeeds to make you feel uncomfortable. I think it rather makes sense to go to the higher anchor on the left

V+ Zero dylematu Sport 16m, 6 Very Good
Different ending than 2/3 Dylematu and Placebo, it was interesting

Sun 26th Sep 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Filarek Bularza i Płyta Benduskiego
V+ Shrek Sport 15m, 4 Crap
V+ Shrek Sport 15m, 4 Crap
V+ Shrek Sport 15m, 4 Crap
V+ Shrek Sport 15m, 4 Crap
V+ Shrek Sport 15m, 4 Crap
Tired after all the climbing today, I really struggled but felt I have unfinished business with this ugly route. And now I am really done and I can move on in my life

VI Mała płytka Sport 13m, 5 Classic
Nice route on great jugs. It's slippery at places

Sun 26th Sep 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Wschodni mur
VI.1 Prawa palantówka Sport 13m Classic
This route is hard to figure out, I can't imagine onsighting it since it requires a very exact sequence. Equipped with the beta, I managed - barely

Sun 26th Sep 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Ogrodzieniec
V+ Ciemna strona słońca Sport 18m, 7 Don't Bother
Do this route only if you want to do some adventure climbing: overgrown, weird bolting and movement...which is a pity because the top section could be actually quite nice

VI Koniolub grubas Sport 16m, 7 Very Good
Nice crux

VI Byk wysokości Sport 16m, 7 Classic
This route is very successful at making you uncomfortable, which is what makes it special

VI+ Wiedźma Ple-Ple Sport 20m, 8 Very Good
The crack offers some really interesting climbing in the bottom section, almost fell

V+ Kapitan Żbik Sport 14m, 6 Very Good
Nice warmup route

Sat 11th Sep 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Kobylańska Grupa Dwoistej Turni Rozwalista Turnia
V+ Połeć Gumy Sport 25m, 10 Very Good
Very nice traversing route, the most interesting one on this part of the wall

IV+ Prawa dziupla Sport 25m, 9 Good
some nice moves for a 4+

III+ Radocha kilofa Sport 25m, 9 Good
good warmup

VI Pierzchnięcie wprost Sport 25m, 10 Good
Route with one hard move in the roof, can be done in few ways

V+ Artur nie pierzchaj! Sport 25m, 10 Good
Only interesting around the roof

V+ Lewa dziupla Sport 25m, 8 Good
The moves around the cave are quite cool. People tend to skip the crux to the left, but I found it's doable by going straight

Sat 4th Sep 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Szeroki Komin
V Ja nie latam Sport 14m, 6 Good
Got through using a wet hold, there was no other way

V Ja nie latam Sport 14m, 6 Good

Sat 4th Sep 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Przełaz
IV+ Schodki Sport 14m, 5 Very Good
Back in business, wrist felt okay

V+ Droga Burzyńskiego Sport 12m, 5 Very Good
Once you know the beta, it's easy

V Nic trudnego Sport 12m, 5 Very Good
Sun 7th Mar 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Kobylańska Grupa Żabiego Konia Żabi Koń
V- Jarzębinka Sport 35m, 11 Very Good
Nice adventure climb, got a bit lost in the upper part and had to return right. The first bolt is really high

Sun 7th Mar 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Kobylańska Grupa Zjazdowej Turni Filar obok Garażu
VI.1+ Rysa obok Garażu Sport 15m, 7 Mega Classic
This route is amazing, with some nice moves and different ways that you can do it. I got through the crux easily, but then totally pumped in the upper part. Somehow managed to hang on, it helps that the holds are good.

III+ Lewa ścianka obok Garażu Sport 10m Good
Good for a warmup, since it shares the anchor with other two easy routes

V- Wariant dentysty Sport 10m Good
Good for a warmup, since it shares the anchor with other two easy routes. This new route still needs some climbing as there's lots of loose rock

IV+ Prawa ścianka obok Garażu Sport 10m Good
Good for a warmup, since it shares the anchor with other two easy routes.

VI- Komin Sasa Sport 13m, 7 Classic
Very enjoyable chimney! You can do all kinds of jamming in it, including your head. Just the right amount of suffering in this one.

VI.1+ Rysa obok Garażu Sport 15m, 7 Mega Classic
Took some time to figure out the crux and try various options

Sun 28th Feb 2021 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Kobylańska Grupa Zjazdowej Turni Zjazdowa Turnia
VI.1 Hania Sport 30m Very Good
The crux of the route is really nice, makes you think before you solve it

VI As pik Sport 26m Very Good
Some nice moves in a chimney, the middle part is the best

IV Południowy komin Sport 30m, 11 Very Good
Nice chimney route, at one point you really jam almost all of your body

VI.1+ Lewa pirania Sport 30m, 9 Classic
Uff, this route is hard! The start is already tough before you find a kneebar and then a sequence to the third bolt. But that's not the end of your troubles, the upper half is equally hard where crack climbing skills really come in handy. Overall, great experience

Sat 5th Dec 2020 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Będkowska Wąwóz Przecówki Brandysowa
VI.1+ Rysa Kozickiego Sport 20m, 6 Good
This route is not that nice and clearly it's not climbed often. I liked the crux move, but I think the bolting is unreasonably scarce

VI.1+ Rysa Kozickiego Sport 20m, 6 Good
Fell in the crux at the bottom

VI+ Półksiężyc Sport 23m, 7 Classic
Nice crack route, there could be more bolts but it's alright

Sun 15th Nov 2020 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Będkowska Grupa Dupy Słonia Dupa Słonia
V+ Suchy Komin Sport 9m, 3 Good
A bit of nice chimney climbing. The first clip is quite high

IV+ Żółta Rysa Sport 10m, 5 Mega Classic
Great holds, nice enjoyable climbing. Unfortunately quite slippery

V+ VI+ Dulferek Sport 11m, 4 Classic
Interesting route, not sure what I feel about it. In some parts it gets a bit scary, but I enjoyed it and I understand why it's considered a classic

IV Komin Pokutników Sport 14m, 5 Classic
This is what I call proper chimney climbing!

Sun 15th Nov 2020 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Będkowska Grupa Dupy Słonia Turnia Lipczyńskiej
VI Kant Lipczyńskiej Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic
This route is absolutely awesome. Great airy climbing on a nice edge - rock hugging encouraged

Sat 14th Nov 2020 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Łyse Skały Łysa
V+ Polska Partia Łysych Sport 18m Very Good
The top part can be scary for people afraid of taking a big fall

VI Biedronka Sport 12m, 5 Very Good
V Rocznica 11.11 Sport 19m Classic
Slippery but classic

VI+ Piruet Sport 12m, 5 Mega Classic
This is a really interesting route. You start climbing on the opposite wall and slowly push your way up through the chimney. The rest of face climbing is interesting as well, bit of crack climbing and finding your way through not obvious holds.

VI+ VI Filarek Ciszewskiego Sport 20m
I would say this route deserves the grade of at least VI+, it's quite hard and has some demanding moves

Sat 19th Sep 2020 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Filarek Bularza i Płyta Benduskiego
V+ Shrek Sport 15m, 4 Crap
The problem with this route is the second clip, which is very high. If you don't read the route well and go right instead of going left, it's likely you will have a nasty fall above the first bolt. My twisted ankle can confirm

IV Dokładka Sport 15m, 5 Good
The most slippery route I've encountered in Jura

Sat 19th Sep 2020 - Jura
Jura Południowa Dolina Szklarki Słoneczne Skały Przełaz
V Nic trudnego Sport 12m, 5 Very Good
III+ Ciemna blondynka Sport 12m, 5 Good
Super slippery

VI.2 VI.2/2+ Kompleks kurdupla Sport 12m, 8 Mega Classic
Almost got it, but ran out of energy and skin

IV+ Schodki Sport 14m, 5 Very Good

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 229 ascensões.

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