
Nodes em Nardouw

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Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower
Black Label

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Black Label
7A Black Label

Climb up the beautiful face aiming for the break in the lip.

Roadside Lower
Dodging Bullets

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Dodging Bullets
Crack Project

Probably not too hard, but old school style

7A+ Dodging Bullets

Start in the big wedged jug(at your own caution) and climb left through the roof

6B+ Leaping Lizards

Start on the brick edge and jump (with the pedestal on) straight up

Roadside Lower
Fence Line Combo

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Fence Line Combo
6B+ Escape Hatch

Start on the horizontal and reach back to jugs

6A King in the Castle

Start on low jugs and climb up through the short face


Climb the corner with a sharp crimp

Roadside Lower
Forgotten Wall

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Forgotten Wall
Undercling Project 1

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Undercling Project 2

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower
Parking Lot Block

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Parking Lot Block
6C+ Nardouw Style

Start on the pedestal and climb out between far spaced jugs. A perfect introduction to the Nardouw Style!

Roadside Lower
Red Tortoise Bandit

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Red Tortoise Bandit
Hare Brained Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Poacher's Project

Start on red tortoise bandit and end on Shell Silverstein

7B Red Tortoise Bandit

Climb through jugs and sculpted (but well spaced) holds out of the roof. The name refers to a funny story about a certain American climber getting in a big misunderstanding with Cape Nature

7C Shell Silverstein

Start sitting on the shelf with a jug and climb out through pockets, compression, and toe hooks. Awesome line with a slightly heady fall risk, easily managed with a spotter though

Spaghetti Roof Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Rinkhals
7C+ Rinkhals

Start low in the horizontal break and climb out the snake shaped prow through a hole in the rock jumble (using anything solid to exit the hole, avoid the large detached block!)

Roadside Lower
Roadside Slab

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Roadside Slab
5B+ - C+ ANW

Take a running start and conquer the warped wall

Roadside Lower
The All-Night Diner

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower The All-Night Diner
8A All-Night Diner

Start on the large smooth jug and climb through gorgeous rock to a stout deadpoint for a slot. Finish up and left.

7B Big Swingin’ Penis

Start with a crimp under the roof and a heel. Make a large bump to a jug, then hold the swing and top out straight up. Spanny

7B+ Concussion Protocol

Start as Neuroprimer then break left through the perfect headwall.

Convenient Parking Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Crimp Lawd Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Crimp Lord Project

Cool project, might blank out at the top?

8A Donkeystrength

Start on the triangle edge and crimp (on the same rail) at chest height and climb straight out the roof. The low start will be absolutely nails!

6B Everyone’s a Winner

Start on the low corner and climb straight up through glorious golden grips. Amazing!

King of Nardouw Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

6C+ League Night

Follow slopers leftwards

8A Lobotoknee

Start with low sidepulls and using trickery climb to the corner, then toss left to join the end of neuroprimer

7A+ Neuroprimer

start in the lowest horizontal jug and make a few big moves between jugs, then to some crimps before a big move into the zig zag crack to finish. The first boulder climbed in Nardouw.

6B+ Slick Willy's

Climb up on slippery ledges

Steeper Than Steep Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

6A+ Sunny Disposition

Start on the low corner and climb rightwards on awesome jugs towards the downclmb runnel.

6A+ What’s Another

Start on jugs and set up on edges to a toss for another jug

Roadside Lower
Time Trap

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Time Trap
7B+ Disposable Everything

Morpho, start on the horn/ledge and climb through slot crimps to a big last move. Mind the rock art to the right of the start!

Project 1

There are holds right of time trap, but it's a bit unclear how to link

Project 2

Could probably climb right then back left, but it's a bit chossy and not as good as the left line. Mind the rock art!!!

7A+ Time Trap

Start in the slots and climb through slopers and underclings to an easier top out

Roadside Lower
Top Shelf

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Top Shelf
6B 2 Buck Chuck

Make a toss out the left side of the short roof

7B+ Bottom Shelf

Start with a crimp and pinch on the arete. Pull hard for one move and then climb into the stand

6A Nardouwelcome

Sit start on the far right and traverse the lip

6A+ Straight up Chuck

Climb out the middle of the short roof

7A Top Shelf

Start on good holds at the corner and go up

Roadside Lower
Wave Wall

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower Wave Wall

Not as good as the other and taller... but it's still quite good (as a TR!)

Wave Wall Project

Stunning, great moves, and not too hard... but there's an insecure slab move waaay up there. It's there for the taking...

Roadside Lower

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Lower WDYK
7A After Hanabi

An alternate start for Hanabi, a little bit harder. Start with high compression and make some interesting moves to the jug rail of Hanabi

6C Hanabi

Awesome highball with only one hard move, a biiig deadpoint to a crimp.

Maciej’s Arete Project

Start around the corner left of Hanabi and climb up both sides of the arete with odd technical moves


Climb direct from the start of Hanabi

7A What Do You Know

Start standing on the small boulder and climb up through the beautiful vertical slots

Roadside Upper

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper
Cabin Wall

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper Cabin Wall
7A Bad Neighbors

From the big jug make a large lunge up around the bulge

6B Cabin Pressure Alt

Cabin Pressure, but start on the jug rail

7A+ Cabin Pressure

Start on the lowest two edges, move up and make a big move to the slot, finishing straight up.

7B Climbing up the Walls

Start as cabin pressure and end on recruitment pulls


Open project

7A Recruitment Pulls

Start on the good edges at head height and climb up and left through crimps

Roadside Upper
Hidden Wall

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper Hidden Wall
5A - B Lila

The younger farm dog

6A Maak a Plan

Start in a crack with a wide stance and climb through some sidepulls. Nice movement! And the name refers to a trusty South African expression

6C+ Maciej Mushrooms

Surprisingly tricky... Start on the good edge with bad feet

6B+ Skin to the Wind

Climb the wall behind Maciej mushrooms using underclings to start and a pocket to a jump at the top

6A+ Teeffie

The elder farm dog

Roadside Upper
Mario's Boulder

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper Mario's Boulder
6C+ Guilt Tripping

Start on the smooth jug and make some large moves up

7B+ Power Tripping

Powerful low start to guilt tripping. start with the jug slot and sidepull rail

4B+ - C+ Sandcastles

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

7B Tripping Balls

Start on the crimp and loaf right of guilt tripping and climb up with compression. Can add a low start as power tripping, pretty hard

Roadside Upper
Masonic Practices

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper Masonic Practices
6A Masonic Practices

Start on the jug and climb up the rounded blank slab. Fun!

Roadside Upper

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper SSS
7C+ Short Story Society

Sit start with left under the roof and right on a small rail. Looks straightforward but strangely resistant. A truly wild sequence unlocked this amazing boulder!

Roadside Upper
Stabbin' Cabin

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper Stabbin' Cabin
Stabbin' Cabin Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper
The Dyno Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper The Dyno Project
Dyno Project

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper
The Nugget

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper The Nugget
5A - B Pan Out

Climb buckets up the short white face

Roadside Upper

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Roadside Upper Amphitheater
7B Bohemian Blasphemy

Sit start on jugs, move to Gaston and go to jugs. From the jug traverse right and do a big move to white slot and finish.

6B Lencho’s Bulge

Sit start at obvious jug and climb up and traverse out right through the hole

6B+ One Hand Clapping

on the left side of the amphitheatre climb straight through slopey ledges towards the hole in the roof

6C Privilege

Start at the chest height ledge and climb up a and right to top out around the roof. Avoid pulling on the detached flake behind the lip

7A Stage Dive

Start as One Hand clapping but dive out left and finish up the hole

Roadside Upper
Wretched Throng

Private farm separate from the permit system for Pakhuis, etc.

For access, you need to contact Mario (Whatsapp: +27 63 306 7812) and collect a permit from the farmhouse before climbing here. Card or Cash accepted, and special deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations. In general: - Day Pass: R50 - Week Pass: R300 - Month Pass: R1000

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 119 nodes.

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