
Big Bad Block

  • Contexto da graduação: SA
  • Fotos: 1

Questões de acesso herdado de CBD Bouldering


Ética herdado de CBD Bouldering

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Hard slopey and crimpy problem, starting down in the basement. Sitstart near the smaller boulder next to the main boulder. Traverse right and then up to TO.

FA: G. Holwill, 1998

Move right onto the face and climb next to the black streak to TO.

FA: Steve Koehorst, 1999

Start on big holds left of the arête. Move diagonally right to flat edge and good jug. Get a high left foot and go up to holds in the roof. Keep tension and bring right foot up. Straight up to TO.

FA: Steve Koehorst, 1998

Sitstart and traverse low, rightward towards the far corner (closest to cablestation), TO.

FA: S. Koehorst, 1999

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Right hand on corner of Gaston Roof.

FA: Steve Koehorst, 1999

Stand start. RH to crimp, match. LF to thin rail then TO

Climb straight up from good Hold to roof with long reach

FA: Sean Maasch, 2020

Climb the east corner on the Table Mountain cableway orientation

FA: Steve Koehorst, 1998


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Fri 8 Sep
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