
Nodes em Bonnydoon Area

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Bonnydoon Area

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

A: Powerlines

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

A: Powerlines
7B Powerlines

Sit start at the back of the roof (feet on the rucksack-sized block) climb along the discontinuous flake/seam to the lip, then to top out. Could be harder for tall climbers! Poor bastards.

📽️ Ascent by Rachelle de Charmoy at 5:01

8A+ Koeberg

Sit-start R of Powerlines and climb the roof diagonally L to TO.

Ascent by Nicholas Allan

7A Koeberg Stand

Stand-start R of Powerlines and climb the roof diagonally L to TO.

8A Load Shedding

Start as powerlines, move left to LH undercling pocket, then out.

Rowan Toselli

7C Off the Grid

Start as powerlines but head straight out

Ascent by Jack Burningham

B: Serenity

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

B: Serenity
6A Serenity

Sit start on the lowest of the big pockets, move out and then right around the lip to finish on a big rounded jug. Do Not Top Out- death will probably result.


Start as for Serenity, but continue straight out through the roof. Will be awesome...

6A B3

Start in the rail, climb diagonally right using edges and slopers to top out. Harder if you're short.

Set Phasers to Stun

the boulder on the right before two stroke

Set Phasers to Stun
6C Set Phasers to Stun

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7A Warp Speed

Same start as Set Phasers to Stun, traverse right and up right hand face

Send footage at 05:07

7B Let Them Eat Static

The direct start to Warp Speed, wall on the right is out.

Ascent by Nicholas Allan

6C Don't Call Me Tiny

As Phasers, but up the prow

Flight of the Concords

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

Flight of the Concords
6B What’s in my pocket

Start low in the rail on the left side of the wall. Climb straight up the balancy face.

6C Colt’s Dyno

Eliminate of what’s in my pocket on the left side of the wall. Dyno from the plate feature above the rail to the good jug at the top.

7A Flight of the Conchords

Crouch start with hands in the low rail on the right side of the wall. Jump diagonally up and right to a chicken-head jug then top out.

📹 Video

6C Business Socks

Start in the rail on the far right of the wall as for Flight of the Conchords, then climb right and up via good crimps and a slopey sidepull (feet stay on the left).

C: Two Stroke

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

C: Two Stroke
7A Two Stroke

Sit start low on the left, climb diagonally right to climb the arete/slab.

6B+ Alice’s Variation

Start as for 2 Stroke but take a straighter line up using the crack on your left and the arête on your right.

4B - C+ C2

Sit start, move up using two crimp underclings, continue to top out.

5A - C+ C3

Sit start on jug, cross up with your left-hand to the small layback edge. Continue to top out (Hint, move left along the lip).

6B Four Stroke

Rad burly little number on the back of the Two Stroke boulder. Left finish is easier, right finish is a Fontesque mantle


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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA


Sit start, with left-hand on a layback on the left and right hand on a layback on the right, then to top out.

6B+ D2

Sit start and climb the the prow.

4A - C+ D3

Sit start and climb the right side of the prow,

6A The Little Things

Start under the prow as for D2 and climb up the face using a series of crimps.


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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

3A - C+ E1

Sit start, climb directly up on square-cut edges.


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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

5A - B F1

Sit-start, climb the diagonal crack to the arete, then top out.


Climb the high face starting with a good LH crimp. Probably not that hard, but high enough to make you doubt your own ability.

G: Grandmother

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

G: Grandmother
6A+ Slipping Your Grandmother Some Tongue

Sit start on the large bollard on the left, traverse right along the slopers, then climb diagonally right to finish on the jug on the top right-hand side of the boulder. Stay below the level of the huge holds.

H: Hey Vibe

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

H: Hey Vibe
7A Full Throttle

Sit start on good holds, right hand to pocket, then top out on slopers. A surreal experience.

7B Superspeed Hi 5

right of Full Throttle

4B - C+ The Vibe

Do Full Throttle with a standing start.

6B Hey, Hey, Its Saturday

Sit-start, do a hard move, then ramble up the crack.

4A - C+ The Ideas Man

Climb the prow to top out. (Easier foot-free)

6B+ Dale Dug a Hole

Climb the undercut slab/seam using the pockets and huecos. Quite scary.

Buoyancy Boulder

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

Buoyancy Boulder
7A Mighty Steel Leg Direct
7A Mighty Steel Leg

Standing-start on lowest pockets, move up to undercling pocket, throw over lip, move left along lip, top out.

Send footage at 00:05

8A Buoyancy Of Citrus

Standing-start in cave, up to slopers, move left to rail, right hand to crimp, top out. Green crack is off route.

Ascent by Jarryd New

Ascent by Kai Samuelsson

7A+ Floating Lemons

Rad traverse on the Bouyancy of Citrus boulder. Campusy sit start on the good flat edge to the far right (rock on right OFF), move left on the slopers and up left into the finger crack rail. Follow the rail left until the furthest pocket, then do a traddy backwards reach to a good crimpy thing above your head, and then gain the next next rail up and left, follow this rail up and left to TO. Climbs really nicely.

FA by Zoe Duby

7C Enhanced Coziness

Right hand finish to Buoyancy of Citrus

7C Niks is Nodig

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7B+/C Sitrus is Nodig

After doing Niks is Nodig I linked from the start of Buoyancy into the topout of Niks to make Sitrus is Nodig 7C ... give it a go and let me know what you think. Should be at least 7C seeing as it is definitely harder than Enhanced Coziness. - Chev

6A We Tried to Film It but Runaai se P%#s

Funny little warm up line we found on the back side of Buoyancy of Citrus boulder - Chev

7A Transvestite Pineapple

Really fun short compression problem we found. Also just right of Buoyancy. Jug finger lock start to a huge undercling followed by a cool slap sequence

7A+ Witness the Citrus

Starts as per Floating Lemons, but finishes up Buoyancy of Citrus.

Sheldon's Boulder

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

Sheldon's Boulder
6B Sheldon's Problem

Sit-start, out left via pocket to horn.

Bonnydoon Boulder

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

Bonnydoon Boulder
7C+ Ladder to Suckcess

Climb through the roof.

Month of Sundays

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

Month of Sundays
8B A Month of Sundays
7B+ Choc Lab Sundae
7A Slab Line

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7 Mouths, 8 Tongues

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7 Mouths, 8 Tongues
7A Consolidation Price

Left of 7 Mouths 8 Tongues, climb through the middle of the three orange moss patches to top out.

6B Alpin Glow

Right of 7 Mouths 8 Tongues, Sit start on low jugs, move up to large jugs, top out via crimp rail

7A+/B 7 Mouths, 8 Tongues

Thomas Luger

Catarina Monteiro

Landry Lushima

Sit start on the sloper and climb up then left and end with a jump.

7B - C+ Real Champs Get Thirsty

Jarryd New

"Not sure if this is meant to be an eliminate but felt more like 7A or it’s just a reach thing." - Jarryd New

A Weak in Paris

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

A Weak in Paris
7C A Weak in Paris

Ascent by Nicholas Allan

Cutloose Climbing

Start just before to jug in the tunnel the power through on crimps to a direct ending.


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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

8A The Dogfather

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

6C Ideas Man

Start on the big square block, move out to the rail of 10% Brains traverse but keep going straight up on small holds to TO.

Send footage at 01:58

6B+ 10% Brains

Sit start far right and traverse left along the obvious rail to top out before the big scoop.

Send footage at 03:38


No access issues.

For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7A+/B Othello

The wall left on the heart feels no bass block

Ready Player One

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

Ready Player One
7C Heart Feels No Bass
8B Ready Player One
Chundah Everywhere

A small boulder near Heart Feels No Bass

Chundah Everywhere
6A Chundah Everywah

Finger locks are not for wussies... (goes up the crack/flake on the right of a small boulder near Heart feels no Bass)

6A Tell Him He’s Dreaming

Rad moves - just to the left of Chundah Everywah - start left hand on the pinch, right on the crimp below, right hand up to a chockstone thing then big throw out left, TO left)

7A 7A Arête

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

6A Serenity

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

6B Alpin Glow

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7A The Misaligned Laws of Attraction

No access issues.

For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7A+ Matey Matey

Fontesque problem 7 meters right of misaligned laws of attraction.

7A Low Flow

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

6B+ Gentleman's Jump

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

6B+ Custom Mushroom

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

6B+ Is There a Dog?

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

6B Askari

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For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7A Ace of Base

we built a 5 star base for a 1 star line - Marijus

7A Rock, Paper, Shotgun

In the descent gulley

6B Alpine Glow

No access issues.

For topos and more area info, see Guy Holwill's guide - hosted by ClimbZA

7B Suspended Sentence

Very cool new morpho line on a suspended boulder. Some fun toe hook trickery. Not sure on the grade, needs another ascent.

Mostrando os 98 nodes.

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