
Publications linked to and above Hipertensión

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Mostrando os 3 publications.

Author(s): Chris Craggs & Alan James

Data: 2013

ISBN: 9781873341674

A selective guidebook describing all the main rock climbing and sports climbing areas within the Costa Blanca region of Spain, covering 40 crags and over 3,000 routes.

Setores: Alicante

Author(s): Renaud Moulin & Jose Luis Palao

Data: 2019

A selective guidebook describing the best sport climbing areas around Alicante and Murcia in the Costa Blanca area, covering 20 main areas and 1,000's of routes.

Setores: Alicante

Author(s): Roberto López

Data: 2020

ISBN: 9788409212781

A selective guidebook for Costa Blanca describing more than 3,400 sport routes in the provinces of Alicante and southern Valencia, stretching from Gandía in the north to Orihuela in the south.

Setores: Alicante

Mostrando os 3 publications.

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