
Publications linked to and above Ahora que te pillo sola

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Mostrando os 4 publications.

Author(s): Jose Mancera and Juan Hofer

Data: 2024

A comprehensive guidebook covering El Chorro, Desplomilandia, and Valle De Abdalajís, detailing more than 1,500 routes across a wide range of grades.

Setores: El Chorro

Author(s): D. Munilla

Data: 2007

Comprehensive climbing guidebook for Andalusia - 40 climbing areas - mostly 6th and 7th grade french scale / single and multi pitches.

Setores: Andalusia

Author(s): D. Munilla

Data: 2021

Setores: Málaga

Author(s): Mark Glaister

Data: 2018

ISBN: 9781873341483

This rock climbing guidebook describes all the bolted sport routes to be found in the huge limestone gorge of El Chorro and the surrounding area, including Mijas, Turon, and Desplomilandia.

Setores: El Chorro

Mostrando os 4 publications.

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