
Publications linked to and above Lanjaron

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Author(s): Javier Morales and Jose Mancera

Data: 2023

A comprehensive guidebook describing 16 sport climbing areas around Granada and over 2,600 routes, across a wide range of grades. Crags covered are Alfacar, Cerro del Toro, Cogollos de la Vega, Darro, Dílar, Lagos, Loja, Los Cahorros, Los Vados, Moclín, Montefrío, Peña Cabrera, Piñar, Poloria, Viznar and Zújar.

Setores: Granada

Author(s): D. Munilla

Data: 2007

Comprehensive climbing guidebook for Andalusia - 40 climbing areas - mostly 6th and 7th grade french scale / single and multi pitches.

Setores: Andalusia

Mostrando os 2 publications.

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