
Rydal Cave

  • Contexto da graduação: UK

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Greg Chapman

Data: 2024

ISBN: 9781910240731

A comprehensive guidebook descring the bouldering in the Lake District National Park, covering almost 3,000 individually boulder problems and dozens of variations and linkups (from Font 2 to 9a) at over 70 venues in the Lakes.

Author(s): Mark Glaister

Data: 2019

ISBN: 9781873341537

A select guidebook describing the very best traditional climbing in the English Lake District, covering over 1,000 routes from low-level single-pitch outcrop crags in the valleys to long multi-pitch mountain routes.

Data: 2015

ISBN: 9780850280579

A selective guidebook describing the best trad rock climbing in the English Lake District, covering 85 different crags and over 1,500 routes across a wide range of grades.

Acomodações próximas more Ocultar

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Fri 15 Sep
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