
Monster Wall

  • Contexto da graduação: UK

Questões de acesso herdado de Peak District Limestone

For up-to-date access information please visit the BMS RAD database. https://www.thebmc.co.uk/modules/RAD/

Ética herdado de Peak District Limestone

Being a national park, consult the local guide books and the regional access database for any closures. As usual, Nesting birds, and protected flora should be preserved. Some crags are on Private land, and therefore act reasonably if asked to leave.


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A major pitch up the smooth wall though the blocky bulges and on up the soaring crack above.

A long one which can feel more like an E5.

Well-named. The grooves and wall give a huge sustained pitch one of the biggest around. 18 clips and rigged for descending with a 60m rope. It can be split at the middle belay.

A left-hand variation on Monsterosity. From the mid-height belay move up left and tackle the wall.

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Steve Broadbent

Data: 2022

ISBN: 9781913167110

A selective guidebook describing the best sport climbing areas in the northern half of England and Wales, covering 89 crags across Cumbria, Lancashire, North Yorkshire, the esoteric Filey sea cliffs, the Peak District, Cheshire, Clwyd limestone, the A55 and North Wales coast, and Llanberis slate.

Author(s): Alan James & Chris Craggs

Data: 2020

ISBN: 9781873341582

A selective guidebook describing the best Trad rock climbing and sport climbing found on the limestone crags in the Peak District, covering over 3,000 routes at 30 crags.

Author(s): Ian Carr & Gary Gibson

Data: 2018

ISBN: 9780903908399

A comprehensive guidebook describing the trad climbing, sport climbing and bouldering in the southern area of the Peak District, covering 50 crags including the classic areas of High Tor, Dovedale, Wirksworth, Matlock and the Manifold Valley.

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Thu 6 Jul
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