
Vias em Pass of Ballater

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Ordenado por Bulk edit (max 100)

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 183 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Western Section
S 4a Autumn Waltz
Trad 30m
HS 4a Autumn Rib
Trad 28m
E1 5a Liquid Nerve
Trad 15m
Trad 6m
D Swivel Head
Trad 8m
D Rightguard
Trad 8m
S Old Spice
Trad 10m
S Aftershave
Trad 8m
HS 4b Aftershave Direct Finish
Trad 8m
HVS 5b Skidmarks
Trad 8m
VS 4c Razor's Crack
Trad 8m
E2 5c Razor Back
Trad 8m
VD Jumbled Blocks Crack
Trad 8m
S Ping-Pong
Trad 8m
HVS 5a Close Shave
Trad 8m
VS Brut
Trad 8m
HVS 5b Brutal
Trad 10m
E1 5b Stinker
Trad 10m
HVS 5a Cowardie-Custard
Trad 9m
HVS 5a Fungus Rib
Trad 8m
E1 5b Fungus Face
Trad 8m
HVS 4c Zapata
Trad 8m
VD Lime Chimney
Trad 8m
E3 6a Kalamansi
Trad 8m
E5 6b Ton-Ton Macoute
Trad 10m
E6 6b Bombay Sapphire
Trad 10m
E5 6a Juniper Crush

Originally E6 6c.

Trad 10m
E4 5c Cavemen Go Clubbing
Trad 10m
VS 4c Lucky Strike
Trad 15m
E1 5b She's Not So Special
Trad 15m
E5 6b Double de-clutch
Trad 13m
Project Flake
HVS 5a Flake Traverse
Trad 25m
E2 5c Flaky Logic
Trad 20m
E4 6a Dubh Clais
Trad 16m
E3 5c Pretzel Logic
Trad 18m
E3 6a Pretzel Logic (Direct Start)
Trad 18m
E5 6b Cottomouth

The sharp arete left of Rattlesnake gives a hard and exciting start to either Pretzel Logic Direct or Rattlesnake.

Trad 4m
E3 6b Rattlesnake
Trad 20m
E2 5b Anti-Venom

Alternative "easy" start to Rattlesnake by climbing the corner of Supercreeps, then make a monkey hand traverse to the left to join the remaining of Rattlesnake.

Trad 16m
E1 5b Sidewinder
Trad 16m
HVS 5b Super-Scary-Snake
Trad 17m
VS 5a Super Monsters
Trad 16m
E2 5b Monster Mantle
Trad 18m
HS 4b Easy Monsters

Access by abseil from the top of Rattlesnake to the bottom of the slab. Climb the slab from the bottom left corner.

Trad 12m
HVS 5a Monster Munch

The vertical left-facing hanging corner above the top half of Super Monsters, moving left at the capping roof to an easy finish.

To reach this corner you may choose: Super Monsters VS (Supercreeps start), or Scary Monsters VS (Medium Cool start), or abseiling to the base of the corner.

Trad 10m
E1 5b Supercreeps
Trad 20m
E1 5a Silent Spring
Trad 25m
E3 5c Slowly Burning
Trad 15m
E4 6b Silent Spring Direct

To the right of the toe of the buttress (right of Supercreeps) there is an overlap. Climb this using the obvious fingerhold and make a hard mantle (f6c) onto it. Move up to find fingertip jugs on the next overlap. Overcome the upper slab and go to the tree of Silent Spring/Medium Cool. From here avoid the runnerl of Silent Spring and the easy terrain of Medium Cool, and instead climb boldly the slab between the two.

Trad 15m
E3 6a Medium Cool Direct
Trad 15m
E3 6c Not very cool
Trad 15m
E2 6a Global Warming
Trad 15m
VS 4c Medium Cool
Trad 20m
VS 4c Scary Monsters
Trad 30m
M Baby Rattler
VD The Craic
E3 6b The Joke
E6 6c Janus Flake
E4 6b Janus
E4 6b Cheap Trick
HVS 5a Left Parallel Crack
E6 6b Poker's Rib
Trad 15m
VS 4c Left Hand Crack
Trad 10m
HVS 5a Right Hand Crack
E2 5b Right Hand Crack Variation Finish
VS 5a Original Route
Trad 10m
HVS 5c Fingerwrecker
E3 5c Wrecker's Traverse
E4 6a Peel's Wall
E4 6a Peel's Wall - Right Hand Finish
Trad 10m
E7 6c Lines' Hybrid
Trad 10m
E5 6a Smith's Arete
Trad 12m
E5 6b Idiot Nation
E2 5c Dod's Dead Cat
Trad 12m
HVS 5b Little Cenotaph
Trad 10m
HVS 5a Pink Wall
Trad 8m
HVS 5b Pink Wall Eliminate

Eliminate climbing 1m right of Pink Wall. Crimpy moves to some protection at the exit via the V groove.

Trad 8m
HS 4b Bisector
Trad 8m
D The Ramp
Trad 9m
HVS 5b Green Laughter
Trad 8m
E1 6a Green Jacket
Trad 8m
VS 4c Flibbertigibbet
Trad 10m
VD Green Corner
Trad 8m
HVS 5a Green Wall
Trad 8m
HVS 5a Swine Before Pearls
Trad 10m
HVS 4c Jackdaw Groove
Trad 10m
E3 5c Jackdaw's Edge
Trad 10m
E2 5c Crumbling Dice
Trad 10m
E1 5a Cookie Grooves

Climb just right of Crumbling Dice via the front of the pillar to its top, then bridge left to the arete. Climb up slightly and move left again into the open V groove. Continue boldly up.

Trad 12m
E3 5c Black Custard - left hand start
Trad 14m
E5 6c Crumblebum
Trad 12m
E1 5b Black Custard
Trad 12m
E4 6c Low Squatta
Trad 8m
E2 6a High Steppa
Trad 8m
E1 5c Second Slip
Trad 8m
HVS 5a First Slip
Trad 8m
S Jam Crack
Trad 8m
HS 4c Twiglet Route
Trad 10m
VS 5a Belly Flop Finale
Trad 10m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 183 vias.

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