
Routes as boulder in Passionfruit Pond

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Showing all 7 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
V0 Along the vine

Low traverse starting at the far left side of the shelf, moving right to join Pips and Pebbles for top out.

FA: Lachlan

V1 Pips and Pebbles

Sit start using the crack and right hand side pull. Work straight up the prominent seam to mantle top out.

FA: Lachlan

Boulder 2m
V0 Squishy Fruit

One move wonder - sit start on average crimps, bumping to jug before topping out. Resist the temptation to move right around the corner for the mantle.

FA: Lachlan

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
VB- Under Ripe

Easy mantle practice

V1 Rind and Grind

Balancy start using lower portion of right hand arete and left hand sidepull. Surprisingly tricky topout mantle into the lantana.

FA: Josh Boardman, 3 May 2022

V3 Rind Stone

Start on the bookmatched underclings in the middle of the block pressing in to high left foot. Mantle top out after balancy move using unlikely pinch.

FA: Lachlan, 3 May 2022

Passionfruit Highball

Big scary and terrifyingly intimidating piece of rock buried in the lantana. There appear to be enough holds up the face for someone incredibly bold with strong fingers and good footwork.

Open project for anyone who likes that sort of thing and doesn't mind lugging in 15 crash pads to protect the landing.

BoulderProject 6m

Showing all 7 routes.

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