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Showing all 14 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
5c 1 Sport
5c+ 2 Sport 9m, 4
6a+ 3 Sport 5
5c+ 4 Sport 8m, 3
6a 5 Sport 5
5c+ 6 Sport 6
5c 7 Sport 12m, 7
5b 8 Sport 11m, 5
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5c+ 9 Sport 11m, 5
5a 10 Sport 12m, 5
4c 11 Sport 11m, 5
5b 12 Sport 4
5b 13 Sport 4
5c 14 Sport 5

Showing all 14 routes.

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