
攀登 in 澳大利亚 by Vanessa Wills

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 731 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 日期
V6 The Established Line 攀石 4m Woy Woy 星期三 29th 1月 2014
Got to the horn and lip but wasnt going to break an ankle trying the topout with no spotters 2 days before leaving the country

V6 Gossy Good Times 攀石 Berrys Head 星期一 5th 9月 2022
I think this was some type of hybrid diagonally across honeycomb pockets. Got clean to lip at about v3. Fun enough but Lots of crap rock in this area.

V6 Shai-Hulud 攀石 5m Chapman's Hill 星期六 18th 11月 2023
Got to the crimp on slab but nervous without a spotter. Nice to there

V5 The Drunk Apostle 攀石 3m East Killara 星期一 28th 5月 2018
Maybe this suits short people

V5 Mc Dock With Fries 攀石 7m The Docks 星期天 7th 7月 2019
Can’t reach anything after crimp rail . Finger shredding.

V5 Sam's Slip 'n' Slide Sundae 攀石 3m Chapman's Hill 星期六 18th 11月 2023
Not sure that the blob resembles a brain, probably a bit soft for v5, but the starting dead point to crimp suits me

V4 Jacques the Potato 攀石 3m Norton Summit 一般 星期五 16th 2月 2007
Not sure if I did this 'correctly' because it wasnt too hard.

V4 Amnesty 攀石 5m The Balkans 星期三 1st 8月 2007
it isnt v4 though

V4 Low Traverse 攀石 12m Umina 星期天 16th 12月 2012
May be easier if short. Or Ive just got used to it.

V4 Skip the Gape 攀石 6m Umina 星期天 16th 12月 2012
Bouldering is contrived nonsense

V4 Help Me Doc 攀石 The Docks 星期六 4th 1月 2014
V4 Mc Docks 攀石 7m The Docks 星期六 4th 1月 2014
V4 Version 攀石 2m Woy Woy 星期三 29th 1月 2014
V4 16 攀石 4m Lindfield Rocks 星期三 2nd 9月 2015
Great friction on way to airport

V4 4 攀石 4m Lindfield Rocks 星期四 10th 12月 2015
V4 3 攀石 2m Lindfield Rocks 星期四 8th 9月 2016
V4 The Waverley Traverse 攀石 10m Queens Park 星期六 10th 9月 2016
Had trouble with topos and thought I was on extractor. A major lactic burn anyway

V4 15 攀石 4m Lindfield Rocks 星期一 19th 9月 2016
V4 The Arete 攀石 6m Lindfield Rocks 星期一 19th 9月 2016
A little scary suddenly.

V4 Off With Her Head 攀石 6m The Enchanted Forest 星期六 24th 2月 2018
This one definitely suited me

V4 Black barker 攀石 5m The Stables 星期天 4th 8月 2019
Finger jams. Did on TR

V4 Hans 攀石 3m Harbour Boulders 星期一 20th 1月 2020
V4 What a Silly Goat 攀石 6m Stonehenge 星期五 14th 8月 2020
Not sure what makes this v4. More like v2, and mythos are fine for tiny granite edges

V4 Mr Teezeme 攀石 6m Kingsley Beach 星期天 27th 12月 2020
V4 Mr Tareme 攀石 5m Kingsley Beach 星期天 27th 12月 2020
V4 Mister Postman 攀石 4m Smoky Cape 很好 星期三 17th 11月 2021
Such a nice sequence, the sit start would be fantastic if I could climb that well

V4 Cheese Supreme 攀石 Bouddi National Park 很好 星期一 13th 12月 2021
A bit of an eliminate but fun

V4 Dirty Bean Water 攀石 2m Bouddi National Park 一般 星期一 13th 12月 2021
Nice to have some solid crimps but the sit start felt very contrived

V4 Pitfall 攀石 South West Rocks 星期天 17th 7月 2022
V4 Monorails 攀石 3m Berrys Head 星期一 22nd 8月 2022
If I just held onto minging seams and ignored the mono does that count?

V4 Satyr IX 攀石 Chapman's Hill 星期一 4th 12月 2023
The sit start definitely adds a grade

V4 Bok Choy 攀石 3m Point Clare 星期二 18th 6月 2024
Not sure if I “ eliminated” enough holds for grade.

V4 Lobster 攀石 South West Rocks 星期二 25th 6月 2024
Dave andI did this quite differently, mine involved a super high step and thin side pull

V3 Gaudy 攀石 4m The Balkans 星期三 1st 8月 2007
V3 Edge of Red 攀石 Bouddi National Park 一般 星期一 6th 8月 2007
might be OK when clean, too frightened to fall off.

V3 F 攀石 3m The Balkans 星期三 1st 8月 2007
V3 B? 攀石 The Balkans 星期三 1st 8月 2007
V3 E? 攀石 3m The Balkans 星期一 26th 11月 2007
Someone had left a wet shedding mattress there which made the landing slightly less bad

V3 Lay Down Your Arms 攀石 5m The Balkans 星期三 1st 8月 2007
V3 Fat Lip 攀石 14m Umina 星期天 16th 12月 2012
All these done over last 4 yrs many times.

V1 V3 Swiss Cheese 攀石 6m Umina 星期天 16th 12月 2012
V3 Drew's Fuse 攀石 4m The Docks 星期六 4th 1月 2014
V3 n'Harnsy 攀石 The Docks 星期六 4th 1月 2014
V3 Space Doc 攀石 The Docks 星期六 4th 1月 2014
V3 Docktology 攀石 5m The Docks 星期六 4th 1月 2014
V3 Dock Doner 攀石 7m The Docks 星期六 4th 1月 2014
V3 Hungery Sex Tables 攀石 Woy Woy 星期三 29th 1月 2014
V3 These Children Must be Sex Tables 攀石 Woy Woy 星期三 29th 1月 2014
V3 Trans Nightmare 攀石 3m Woy Woy 星期三 9th 7月 2014
grabbed Daves leg on the mantle

V3 Double Agent 攀石 3m The Balkans 星期四 30th 7月 2015
V3 6 攀石 5m Lindfield Rocks 星期三 2nd 9月 2015
Started to feel a bit high

V3 7 - Discontinuous Crack 攀石 4m Lindfield Rocks 星期三 9th 9月 2015
Hard to find feet on this one

V3 The Lindfield Traverse - 1 攀石 12m Lindfield Rocks 星期三 9th 9月 2015
V3 3 攀石 5m Lindfield Rocks 星期四 10th 12月 2015
V3 Cracked Up 攀石 7m The Docks 星期天 21st 8月 2016
Tr this. Hard start.

V3 Docktology 攀石 5m The Docks 星期天 21st 8月 2016
Don't think I did this clean before. Like the start to trojan

V3 4 攀石 3m Lindfield Rocks 星期四 8th 9月 2016
V3 Pipe Dreams 攀石 3m Lindfield Rocks 星期四 8th 9月 2016
Tried to google this to find out how to finish and all I got was a lot of links to erotica..... So just went all the way past the crack to top out

V3 Crossing The Equator 攀石 7m Mrs. Macquarie's Chair 星期六 17th 9月 2016
V3 6 攀石 4m Lindfield Rocks 星期一 19th 9月 2016
V3 Lara's Lips 攀石 3m Koolewong 星期五 1st 12月 2017
V3 Lara's Bottom Lip 攀石 3m Koolewong 星期五 1st 12月 2017
V3 Lara's Secret Slot 攀石 4m Koolewong 星期五 1st 12月 2017
V3 Left Face Dyno 攀石 3m Koolewong 星期五 1st 12月 2017
V3 Right Arete 攀石 3m Koolewong 星期五 1st 12月 2017
V3 Neck to Knee 攀石 4m Koolewong 星期六 16th 12月 2017
Didn't fancy the other routes on pockets, this felt suitably thrutchy

V3 Lara's secret direct 攀石 3m Koolewong 星期六 16th 12月 2017
V3 Cog 攀石 4m Woy Woy 星期五 5th 1月 2018
I think this is the scoop to mantle. Mental note to self to clean the top in future to prevent pathetic grovelling

V3 Mr Spacely 攀石 4m Woy Woy 星期五 5th 1月 2018
V3 Backyard cricket 攀石 3m Woy Woy 星期二 16th 1月 2018
Seems to have had some traffic but not listed in ACA photo guide

V3 Incy Wincy 攀石 6m Koolewong 星期六 20th 1月 2018
Painful jams, pretty tight fingers in spots. Good crack practice

V3 Linger 攀石 4m Koolewong 星期六 20th 1月 2018
Follow the iron stone

V3 The Caucus Race 攀石 6m The Enchanted Forest 星期六 24th 2月 2018
V3 Bandersnatch 攀石 5m The Enchanted Forest 星期六 24th 2月 2018
Nice trad moves

V3 Drink Me 攀石 5m The Enchanted Forest 星期六 24th 2月 2018
V3 Bouldering In A Hobbits Habit 攀石 3m East Killara 星期一 28th 5月 2018
You know you are relatively short if reaching the start holds for the " short" persons problem are an issue

V3 Stout Hearted Infidel 攀石 3m East Killara 星期一 28th 5月 2018
V3 Sweet and Low 攀石 3m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground 星期三 19th 9月 2018
Unfortunately steep stuff like this shows what recent abdo surgery does to the core

V4 V3 Sanskrit Sutra 攀石 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground 星期三 19th 9月 2018
At least I can still crimp

V3 So Hum 攀石 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground 星期三 19th 9月 2018
This seemed a bit soft. Maybe it suits short people

V3 Gosford Skirt 攀石 5m The Entrance Baths 一般 星期天 12th 5月 2019
Like everything, sandy and crumbly

V3 Dock Doner 攀石 7m The Docks 星期天 7th 7月 2019
One of my favourites, more fun for the short if you can’t reach the pocket off the footholds

V3 Docktoring 攀石 5m The Docks 星期天 7th 7月 2019
V3 Plaque centre 攀石 2m South West Rocks 星期天 28th 7月 2019
Scary mantle

V3 Moll 攀石 6m The Stables 星期天 4th 8月 2019
V3 The nose in a day (Ness problem 1) 攀石 4m The Stables 星期天 11th 8月 2019
Stand or better sit start. Fun moves over nose.

V3 Poached 攀石 10m Kingsley Beach 星期三 13th 11月 2019
V3 Wail of a time (Project 3) 攀石 3m The Stables 星期天 8th 12月 2019
Wail of a time

V3 Hips & Tips 攀石 3m Harbour Boulders 星期一 20th 1月 2020
V3 Right nostril 攀石 3m Morna point 很好 星期天 22nd 3月 2020
Nice steep problem

V3 Fins on a Chevy 攀石 5m Morna point 星期三 25th 3月 2020
Surprisingly tricky. Did on TR

V3 Offwidth 攀石 5m Guide Wall 星期六 21st 3月 2020
Fun in a thrutchy way

V3 Square Arete Ocean Side 攀石 6m Harbour Boulders 星期天 27th 9月 2020
V3 Pinch me now 攀石 4m Harbour Boulders 星期天 27th 9月 2020
V3 Fin Arete Ocean Side 攀石 5m Harbour Boulders 星期天 27th 9月 2020
V3 These Children Must be Sex Tables 攀石 Woy Woy 星期四 15th 10月 2020
V3 Kingsley's Crack 攀石 5m Kingsley Beach 星期天 27th 12月 2020
V3 Flake traverse 攀石 4m Smoky Cape 很好 星期三 17th 11月 2021
Such nice features

V3 Spicy Heatwave 攀石 Bouddi National Park 星期一 13th 12月 2021
V3 Original 攀石 Bouddi National Park 星期一 13th 12月 2021

Showing 1 - 100 out of 731 攀登.

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