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Showing 1 - 100 out of 2,076 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 日期
V1 SJW 攀石 Stonehenge 星期五 8th 1月 2021
V1 Opera House Crack 攀石 3m Stonehenge 经典 星期五 8th 1月 2021
Take a star off or two if your in shorts and singlet on a hot day!

V0 NE10 攀石 4m Stonehenge 很好 星期六 9th 1月 2021
Gets the adrenaline going, much easier than the slab to the left from the looks of it. The no hands problem on the right is v good, not quite hands free Masters Edge but well worthwhile. Further in the middle of the chimney/offwidth from stand is 1-2 star V0 ish if only it were a bit taller. Far end of chimney/offwidth (towards ramp traverse end) is V0 from stand 1-2 stars. This also has a sit start which should rate at v1 by Oz Stonehenge standards although not completed today. Ideal warm ups if you are at this sector initially.

V0 Cunningham Jnr. 攀石 2m Stonehenge 星期一 11th 1月 2021
3-4 moves at UK4c/5a for this V0 tick, climbs quite nice not far off 2 stars.

V0 SW15 攀石 3m Stonehenge 一般 星期一 11th 1月 2021
Starting at the pocket/jug stepping up on the slab, the climbing is VB+/VO- but it has fair bit of moss and awkward landings on this side of the boulder.

V0 SW14 攀石 3m Stonehenge 一般 星期一 11th 1月 2021
VB low step/press onto a very mossy slab with awkward landing, not terrible but you dont want to slip and fall.

V0 SW13 攀石 3m Stonehenge 一般 星期一 11th 1月 2021
The crack or good holds just left of it, both at VB+/V0- before factoring in some loose rock and awkward landing.

V0 SW12 攀石 Stonehenge 星期一 11th 1月 2021
Good holds, climbs quite nice, moss about but doesnt detract from the quality.

V0 SW11 攀石 Stonehenge 星期一 11th 1月 2021
Onsight with controlled downclimbs. Basically a rockover mantle onto the slab once you are established, direct is solid UK5b move as it's quite a high step with good landing, moving further left is defo easier felt about UK5a with worse landing for the V0 tick, quite nice. Lots of the rabbit holes on this aspect be carefull if you are here.

V0+ Egor 攀石 4m Stonehenge 星期三 20th 1月 2021
V0 The Blunt Arete Directe! 攀石 4m Stonehenge 很好 星期四 21st 1月 2021
Definitive V0 so it's possible this was the original NE10 but that's not consistent with the black and white toppo which also doesn't reflect multiple lines which climb independently minimal to nil overlap. Koala will get the photo and lines of the slab which should improve things as there's a fair bit to go at here, really nice slab just don't tumble down once your high up!

V0 S5 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期四 11th 2月 2021
Great warm-up!

V0 S4 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期四 11th 2月 2021
VB VB-Slab-5 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期四 11th 2月 2021
VB VB-Slab-6 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期四 11th 2月 2021
V0 S11 攀石 4m Stonehenge 星期四 4th 3月 2021
Onsight with multiple controlled downclimbs and chalk bag dab.

V0- SIHB Descent 攀石 4m Stonehenge 星期四 4th 3月 2021
Onsight with multiple controlled downclimbs.

VB NE21 Descent Slab 攀石 4m Stonehenge 星期六 6th 3月 2021
Onsight with several controlled down climbs.

VB Thorn's Slab 攀石 18m Stonehenge 星期天 7th 3月 2021
VB C24 Arc 攀石 8m Stonehenge 星期天 7th 3月 2021
VB C24 Arc Mantle #1 攀石 5m Stonehenge 星期天 7th 3月 2021
VB C24 Arc Mantle #2 攀石 5m Stonehenge 星期天 7th 3月 2021
VB C24 Arc Mantle #3 攀石 5m Stonehenge 星期天 7th 3月 2021
VB CWu1 攀石 4m Stonehenge 星期一 8th 3月 2021
VB CWu2 攀石 7m Stonehenge 星期一 8th 3月 2021
V0- CWu3 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期一 8th 3月 2021
Onsight after snapping largest crux foothold off.

V0+ CWu7 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期二 9th 3月 2021
Quite good just so eliminate.

V0 NE8 Handle With Care 攀石 3m Stonehenge 不值一提 星期二 9th 3月 2021
So many better climbs in the vicinity than this dangerous choss pile, is that caring enough.

VB Twin Slab 1 攀石 7m Stonehenge 星期二 9th 3月 2021
VB Twin Slab 2 攀石 7m Stonehenge 星期二 9th 3月 2021
VB Twin Slab 3 攀石 7m Stonehenge 星期二 9th 3月 2021
V1 Twin Ridge Slab 2 攀石 4m Stonehenge 星期二 9th 3月 2021
VB Smaller Twin Descent Route Left 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期四 11th 3月 2021
VB Smaller Twin Descent Route Right 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期四 11th 3月 2021
VB Quick Lap 攀石 11m Stonehenge 经典 星期六 13th 3月 2021
V0- CSH!B Wall & Crack 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期六 13th 3月 2021
V0- CSH!B Wall Sans Crack 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期六 13th 3月 2021
V0 CSH!B Crack 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期六 13th 3月 2021
V0 CSH!B Slab 1 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期六 13th 3月 2021
V0 CSH!B Slab 2 攀石 3m Stonehenge 星期六 13th 3月 2021
V1 V1/2 R Green Arete-1 攀石 7m Stonehenge 很好 星期二 16th 3月 2021
X1Scramble 攀石 5m Lake Copeton 不值一提 星期五 12th 11月 2021
VB Central Waterfall Slab 攀石 15m Lake Copeton 经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB- Central Waterfall Slab LHV 攀石 15m Lake Copeton 经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB+ Waterfall Slab Right 攀石 15m Lake Copeton 经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
V0- Waterfall Slab Left 攀石 15m Lake Copeton 超级经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB- Slotted Gully 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB- Slotted Gully 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB Leafy Gully 攀石 5m Lake Copeton 经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB+ Leafy Gully Direct 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 很好 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB Flake Slab 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 很好 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB Flake System 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 很好 星期天 14th 11月 2021
VB+ Flake Ramp 攀石 6m Lake Copeton 经典 星期天 14th 11月 2021
V0 Rodeo 攀石 5m Lake Copeton 星期一 15th 11月 2021
V2 Cherry Crack 攀石 6m Lake Copeton 超级经典 星期一 15th 11月 2021
VB Ramp Slab 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB- Scoops 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB+ Sans Ramp 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB Crimps 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
V0- LWS Sans Pockets 攀石 15m Lake Copeton 很好 星期二 16th 11月 2021
V0 Holo 攀石 15m Lake Copeton 很好 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB+ Pocketed 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB- C 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB- Slab 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB- Groovy Gully 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
V0- Seam 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB- Ramp 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB+ Left of Shrubbery 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB+ Left Gully 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB Gully 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期二 16th 11月 2021
VB- Flake & Slab 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期三 17th 11月 2021
VB- Flake Direct 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期三 17th 11月 2021
VB Flake to Flake 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期三 17th 11月 2021
VB Flakes & Ramp 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期三 17th 11月 2021
V0+ Tree Line 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 很好 星期四 18th 11月 2021
V0 Warm Up LHV 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期四 18th 11月 2021
V0- Warm Up 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 很好 星期四 18th 11月 2021
VB- Mattexrhot! NW Ridge 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期五 19th 11月 2021
VB+ Mattexrhot! NW Slab 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期五 19th 11月 2021
VB+ Mattexrhot! Arete Left 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 很好 星期五 19th 11月 2021
VB Mattexrhot! Arete Right 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期五 19th 11月 2021
VB Trees Right 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期五 19th 11月 2021
V0- DR1.3 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
V0- DR1.5 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
VB+ DR1.4 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
V0 DR1.6 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 很好 星期天 28th 11月 2021
V0 DR1.7 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
VB DR1.1 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
VB+ DR1.2 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
V0- Smiley Slab 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
V0 Smile Slab Direct 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
V0 Smiley Slab Right 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 星期天 28th 11月 2021
VB+ Birdmallow 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 星期三 1st 12月 2021
VB- North Slab 攀石 3m Lake Copeton 星期三 1st 12月 2021
VB- South Slab 攀石 2m Lake Copeton 星期三 1st 12月 2021
VB Western High Traverse RL 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 星期四 2nd 12月 2021
V0 Cliff Rodeo 攀石 6m Lake Copeton 星期四 2nd 12月 2021
V0- Western Mid Traverse RL 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 星期四 2nd 12月 2021
V0- Western Mid Traverse LR 攀石 4m Lake Copeton 星期四 2nd 12月 2021
V0 Western Mid Traverse LRL 攀石 8m Lake Copeton 星期四 2nd 12月 2021

Showing 1 - 100 out of 2,076 攀登.

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