
线路 in Bunker Wall

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Showing all 21 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
V7 Midway
V7 R
V7 R Hamburger Hill (sit start)

Pointless sit start to an otherwise great problem.

Start: Sit

首攀: Jason Whitton

V6 Stormin; Norman And The Douchevones

Sit start to a great problem.

Start: Sit

首攀: Pete Balint

攀石 4m
V6 R
V6 R Hamburger Hill

Big first move up left from big pocket then finish straight up and over.

首攀: Jason Whitton

攀石 4m
V5 Exodus sit start
攀石 3m
V5 R
V5 R Tank Girl

Huge first move from lovely starting crimp then up and around bulge.

首攀: Ange Conolly

攀石 5m
V5 R Take That Ferdinand

Two finger pocket to two finger pocket to top, sounds simple doesn't it!

首攀: Tim O'Neill

攀石 4m
V4 Full Metal Underpants
攀石 4m
V4 Hand To Hand Combat

Difficult start to left and right hand bear hugging pockets, wrestle a while then finish through the mud.

首攀: Tim O'Neill

攀石 4m
V4 R
V4 R Trenchfoot

Up arete and through scoop.

首攀: Pete Balint

攀石 4m
V3 Exodus

Power to the sidepull and up through water runs to an easier top out.

首攀: Rob Saunders

攀石 3m
V3 The Resistance

Up and around bulging arete through broken chickenheads to rounded sloper, then mantle like a demon.

Start: Sit

首攀: Tim O'Neill

V3 Liberte
V3 Legacy

首攀: Tim O'Neill, 2000

攀石 4m
V3 Friendly Fire

首攀: Pete Balint, 2000

攀石 4m
V3 R
V3 R Stormin' Norman

Gaston or undercling the pockets to a scary top out.

首攀: Pete Balint

攀石 4m
V2 Exodus-A-Day
攀石 2m
V1 Thrice-A-Day

Sit start with both hands matched on two small rounded knobs below the big juggy ledge.

Move directly up to the ledge then right hand around to the big chickenhead on the right of the prow, grab the top then swing yourself round to the right side of the prow and top out and you're done!

攀石 3m
V0 Twice-A-Day
攀石 2m
V0 Once-A-Day
攀石 3m
V0 Hunker Down
攀石 3m

Showing all 21 线路.

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