
线路 in Zillertal for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 205 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity 岩场
8+ Be Cool
1 8-/8 20m
2 5+ 40m
3 7- 20m
4 8+ 20m
5 8 30m
6 7- 20m
7 6+ 25m
8 8- 20m

Set of friends and nuts.

首攀: Mike Pfund & Uwe Eder, 2012

混合传统攀岩 200m, 8, 12 Ginzling
8/8+ Weihrauch, Chlorit & Myrrhe
1 8/8+ 25m
2 4 15m
3 5 50m
4 5+ 35m
5 2 20m
6 5+ 50m
7 6 60m
8 5+ 40m
9 4 15m

首攀: Darshano L. Rieser, Anderl Aschenwald & Hanspeter Schrattenthaler, 2006

混合传统攀岩 310m, 9, 5 Drei Könige Nordwestwand
8 Mein Komet

Same beginning as Sei Poet. The last 3 pitches are well bolted sport climbs.

Cams 0,3-4, set of nuts recommended.

混合传统攀岩 200m, 7, 5 Ginzling
8 Sei Poet linke Variante
1 6
2 7+
3 7-
4 7
5 8
6 8-
7 7+/8-

This is Sei Poet with the left start.

首攀: R. Scherer, 2002

传统攀登 200m Ginzling
8 Sei Chaot
1 8- 35m
2 7- 20m
3 7- 35m
4 7- 35m
5 2 40m
6 7- 30m
7 8 40m
8 6 30m
  • Pitch 2 is a long left traverse
  • Pitch 5 is a long traverse back to the right
传统攀登 270m Ginzling
8 Sei Godot
1 7- 25m
2 6+ 25m
3 6 20m
4 3 30m
5 7-/7 25m
6 8 40m
7 6 30m

Shares last pitch with Sei Chaot.

传统攀登 200m Ginzling
8+/9- Supergau
1 8+/9- 25m
2 6- 15m
3 6 20m
4 3 30m
5 7-/7 25m
6 8 40m
7 6 30m

Right start of Sei Godot. Links into Sei Godot in the second pitch.

传统攀登 190m Ginzling
8+ Supergaude
1 7- 25m
2 6+ 25m
3 6 20m
4 3 30m
5 7-/7 25m
6 8+ 40m
7 6 30m

Left variant of Sei Godot just before Sei Godot joins Sei Chaot. The grades here reflect the start of Sei Godot. The variant of pitch 6 (Supergaude) links into Sei Cahot a bit below the anchor.

传统攀登 200m Ginzling
8 Be Clear
1 7+ 40m
2 6- 30m
3 3 30m
4 7- 30m
5 8 15m
6 7- 35m

Start is just right of Supergau. As the first pitch is very hard, you may also choose the alternative start using the first pitch of Be Cosmiq which starts a few meters to the right.

Crosses Be Cosmiq at pitch 3 (the band).

Pitch 5 is often wet!

首攀: Darshano L. Rieser & Fränky Heim, 2013

混合传统攀岩 180m, 6, 6 Ginzling
7a+ Stone Cold Sober

首攀: Uwe Eder, 1987

运动攀岩 15m Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a+ Magico Verschneidung
运动攀岩 35m Burg
7a+ Jump the gun
运动攀岩 20m Ewige Jagdgründe
6c+/7a Ego nein danke

首攀: S.P. Darshano & Gerhard Hörhager, 1983

运动攀岩 28m Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a+ Manderschnitten
运动攀岩 35m Burg
7a+ Dixi Chicken
运动攀岩 20m Ewige Jagdgründe
8/8+ Jaunkopfpfeiler
1 6/6+
2 7-/7
3 7+
4 8-
5 7+
6 6
7 8/8+
8 7-

首攀: Reinhold Scherer

运动攀岩 270m, 8, 15 Ginzling
7a Rippentripp

Von allem etwas: erst kräftig, dann technisch, zum Schluss plattig

首攀: S.P. Darshano, 1984

运动攀岩 25m, 12 Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a Pro und Kontra
运动攀岩 35m Burg
7a Game over, Bitch
运动攀岩 20m Ewige Jagdgründe
8 Teufelskanzel
运动攀岩 270m, 8 Ginzling
7a+/b Sanyas 365

Leichter Riss zu Schulterzug

首攀: S.P. Darshano, 1984

运动攀岩 20m, 12 Ewige Jagdgründe
{FR} 7a Spektakel Light

首攀: Uwe Eder

运动攀岩 Ginzling
FR:7a Bauer sucht Sau
运动攀岩 35m Burg
8+ Schwarzer Hase
运动攀岩 Mayrhofen
8+ Broken Banana

8- oblig.; Slings recommended.

Starts about 30m right of Teufelskanzel.

首攀: David Lama † & Jorg Verhoeven, 2009

运动攀岩 300m, 10 Ginzling
7a+ Schneggla und Sweety

首攀: A. Oberüber, 2003

运动攀岩 17m Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a Alez Fonsi
运动攀岩 22m Ginzling
8+ Hurra die Gelbe
运动攀岩 Mayrhofen
FR:7a+ General Woodbecker
运动攀岩 8m Kuckucksfels
7a Santana

首攀: Bernhard Schiestl, 1996

运动攀岩 22m, 10 Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a Schneckenrennen
运动攀岩 8m Krawallwandl
8 Suspect
运动攀岩 Mayrhofen
FR:7a Der Kuckuck hat gerufen
运动攀岩 12m Kuckucksfels
7a+ Indy

首攀: Rottensteiner & Zimmermann, 1996

运动攀岩 35m Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a Querulant
运动攀岩 22m Gschlössl
FR:7a+ Werner Beinhard
1 6c+ 20m
2 7a+ 20m
运动攀岩 40m, 2 Zillergrund
{FR} 7a Night Life
运动攀岩 20m Monkey Island
FR:7a 50 Way to leave your lover
运动攀岩 12m Galerie
7a Warawara
运动攀岩 10m Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a Kuahtuttenjodla
运动攀岩 12m Rinderschrofn
FR:7a Häng di ei und spring nit o
运动攀岩 8m Galerie
7a+ Brotherhood
运动攀岩 21m, 8 Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a+ Kalblstall
运动攀岩 8m Rinderschrofn
FR:7a+ Wilda Ruabe
运动攀岩 22m Tulfer
FR:7a+ Unknown 1
运动攀岩 20m Monkey Island
FR:7a Variante

Links Zwiederwurzn into the route on the right.

运动攀岩 10m Tulfer
FR:7a Blue Ice

首攀: Hendrik Binder, 2005

运动攀岩 25m Monkey Island
7a Monkey Circus
运动攀岩 10m Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a Die Katze Reini
运动攀岩 25m Monkey Island
7a+ Meister Propper

首攀: Gerhard Hörhager, 1983

运动攀岩 35m Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a+ Stubentiger

Climb "Die Katze Reini" and take the upper variant left into the crack.

运动攀岩 20m Monkey Island
8 Elefantenhaut
1 7+
2 7+/8-
3 6+
4 8
5 8

首攀: U. Eder, 2002

运动攀岩 120m, 5 Wieglwand
FR:7a+ Oublié
运动攀岩 20m Monkey Island
FR:7a+ Donnerstalk
运动攀岩 20m Zillergrund
FR:7a+ Balls to the Wall
运动攀岩 30m Zillergrund
{FR} 7a+ Bossi Woman
运动攀岩 35m Ginzling
FR:7a Alfred

Same start as Balls to the Wall but then right.

运动攀岩 30m Zillergrund
{FR} 7a Ur'gmütlich

Slab climbing at it finest

运动攀岩 7m, 4 Ginzling
{FR} 7a+ Hai-Line
运动攀岩 15m Ginzling
FR:7a Solar
运动攀岩 30m Zillergrund
8 Enttäuschung und Verzweiflung
1 8 30m
2 7- 12m
3 7+ 25m
运动攀岩 67m, 3, 11 Zillergrund
{FR} 7a+ Chef Gontier
运动攀岩 12m Ginzling
FR:7a Allein
运动攀岩 12m Zillergrund
8-/8 Happy Granit
1 7+
2 8-
3 1
4 7+
5 8-/8
6 7+
7 7+
8 8-/8
9 8-
10 6
11 6
运动攀岩 11 Zillergrund
{FR} 7a Muerte
运动攀岩 20m Ginzling
8+ Bügeleisenkante
1 8+
2 8-/8
3 8-
4 8+
5 8-/8

首攀: R. Scherer & S. Schaller, 2002

运动攀岩 110m, 5 Zillergrund
FR:7a Too Fast
运动攀岩 15m Zillergrund
{FR} 7a Amanda
运动攀岩 10m Ginzling
8 Endless Summer
1 6+
2 7
3 8
4 8
5 6

首攀: R. Scherer & S. Schaller, 2002

运动攀岩 130m, 5 Zillergrund
FR:7a Bolero
运动攀岩 15m Zillergrund
{FR} 7a+ Hello my friends
运动攀岩 10m Ginzling
8+/9- My my, Hey hey
1 6-
2 5-
3 8+/9-
4 6+
5 5+
6 8-

7+ oblig. ; Right of "Damokles" and "Endless Sumer".

自由首攀: Johnny Egger & Tschak Gredler, 2010

运动攀岩 210m, 6, 14 Zillergrund
FR:7a Unbehagen
运动攀岩 8m Zillergrund
{FR} 7a Gasthof Post
运动攀岩 18m Ginzling
8+/9- Little Big Wall
1 3+
2 6-
3 6+
4 6
5 8
6 8-
7 7-
8 8+/9-
9 8-
10 6

首攀: R. Scherer, Messner & Schaller, 2001

运动攀岩 250m, 10 Die Freien Sprünge
{FR} 7a Lillyfee
运动攀岩 17m Ginzling
FR:7a Gemiche
运动攀岩 20m Mayrhofen
{FR} 7a+ Original Mühlbach Duo
运动攀岩 20m Ginzling
FR:7a+ Hobbit and Orks

Same start as Killer on the Road... but then right.

运动攀岩 Grischlmühle
FR:7a Gefühle
运动攀岩 15m Ramsau
7a Hallo Hermann

首攀: Hermann Wibmer, 1993

运动攀岩 25m Ewige Jagdgründe
{FR} 7a Ole Dachl
运动攀岩 12m Ginzling
FR:7a+ Unnamed 1
运动攀岩 8m Bachhexe
{FR} 7a Sunny Jacuzzy
运动攀岩 10m Ginzling
FR:7a+ The Riddle
运动攀岩 10m Saustein
FR:7a+ Schlimmer Wimmer
运动攀岩 10m Breitlahner
FR:7a+ (P)Layback
运动攀岩 22m Saustein
FR:7a Il pericolo di morte
运动攀岩 10m Breitlahner
FR:7a I am Groot
运动攀岩 18m Burg
7a+ Bachstelze
运动攀岩 10m Ewige Jagdgründe
8 Centesimo

After pitch 2 you may also follow the "Yosemite-Variante" that requires natural protection.

首攀: Reinhold Scherer & Co.

运动攀岩 180m, 6, 13 Ginzling
FR:7a Karbinit
运动攀岩 18m Burg
7a+ Burning Feats
运动攀岩 10m Ewige Jagdgründe
7a Maracuja

Tricky, vertical climbing on edges. To the right of El Schuppo.

首攀: Uwe Eder & Zimmermann

运动攀岩 17m, 5 Ewige Jagdgründe
FR:7a+ Uwes
运动攀岩 20m Burg
7a+ Schuh des Manitou
运动攀岩 20m Ewige Jagdgründe
{FB} 6B M*A*S*H
攀石 Sitcom Area
{FB} 6B Edgelane
攀石 Zillergrund
{FB} 6B Aufwarmer


攀石 Zemmschlucht
{FB} 6B Gartenzwerg
攀石 Zillergrund

Showing 1 - 100 out of 205 线路.

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