
攀登 in Whistler Region

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 661 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量 攀岩者 日期
Whistler Region Whistler-Blackomb Ice
WI3 WI3 M6 Prime Rib 运动攀岩
星期二 2nd 2月 2016
WI4 Another Day at the Office 攀冰 20m
星期二 2nd 2月 2016
WI4 Another Day at the Office - with Kyle 攀冰 20m
星期一 24th 1月 2022
Climbed three lines here, think they were W3-5.

Another Day at the Office - with kyle powers, Kyle 攀冰 20m
星期天 6th 3月 2022
Climbed the pillar twice, mock-led the slab and dogged up the mixed route to the left

Another Day at the Office - with kyle powers, Kyle 攀冰 20m
星期天 6th 3月 2022
Climbed the pillar twice, mock-led the slab and dogged up the mixed route to the left

Another Day at the Office - with kyle powers, Kyle 攀冰 20m
星期天 6th 3月 2022
Climbed the pillar twice, mock-led the slab and dogged up the mixed route to the left

M5 WI4 Another Day at the Office - with kyle powers, Kyle 攀冰 20m
星期天 6th 3月 2022
Climbed the pillar twice, mock-led the slab and dogged up the mixed route to the left

Whistler Region Clint Eastwood Crag
5.11a Unforgiven 运动攀岩 60m
星期五 11th 8月 2017
5.10b High Plains Driller 运动攀岩 60m
星期五 11th 8月 2017
5.11c Pale Rider 运动攀岩 60m
星期五 11th 8月 2017
2 falls.

5.8 A Few Jugs More 传统攀登 55m
星期五 11th 8月 2017
Whistler Region Tricouni Peak
5.4 North Ridge - with Aeron 阿式攀登 600m
星期五 12th 10月 2018
Mostly 4th class with optional low 5th sections. Recommend going into the bowl and doing the full ridge to get a view of the glacier. We also got to walk through a 150m long snow cave under one of the snow patches near the base of the route. Lots of loose gravel and boulders on the lower part of the ridge slowed us down, as well as photos of all the mushrooms on the walk. The upper part of the ridge took all of about 15 minutes, with much less loose rock. Wouldn't normally bother roping up for that at all, but it got things moving faster. The walk to Cypress Peak took longer than wanted, but we got to see massive grizzly tracks, and then it was the walk down a super long esker back down to the road and jogging back to the car. About 9.5 hours total, could probably wipe almost 3 hours off if going solo.

5.4 North Ridge 阿式攀登 600m 超级经典
Bram Whillock
星期六 4th 7月 2020
Don't use the Roe Creek approach it's horrible. Go up via Chance Creek FSR and follow it up to the highest clearcut where a good trail picks up to take you to the alpine. See altus mountain guides blog for good beta. This route is a classic must do. Not too hard but spectacular position!

Whistler Region Creekside Boulder
V0- Northeast Arete 攀石 一般
Brandon Jackson
V0- Northeast Arete 攀石 一般
星期天 27th 6月 2021
V0 Northeast Arete 攀石
星期六 4th 5月 2024
V2 Turnout 攀石
星期天 27th 6月 2021
V2 Turnout 攀石 很好
星期六 4th 5月 2024
Felt tougher than the V4 to the left of it.

V0- Ramp 攀石 一般
Brandon Jackson
V0 Pocket Perfection 攀石 一般
Brandon Jackson
V0 Pocket Perfection 攀石 经典
星期六 4th 5月 2024
Great warm up!

V2 Low Rider 攀石
James Harrington
星期天 11th 1月 2015
V2 Low Rider 攀石
星期一 29th 5月 2017
V5 Lock 攀石 经典
星期六 4th 5月 2024
Really neat! Thought I could skip the first right hand crimp by going all the way up to the pocket first with my left hand, then had to drop into it anyways with my right hand ha ha

V1 Flake Left 攀石
Brandon Jackson
V1 Flake Right 攀石
Brandon Jackson
V4 Can't do It In Shoes 攀石 经典
星期六 4th 5月 2024
Nice climbing.

V5 Tim’s extension 攀石 经典
星期六 4th 5月 2024
Should just be the start for Can't do it in shoes

V2 Ike's Route 攀石 很好
Brandon Jackson
V2 Ike's Route 攀石
星期一 29th 5月 2017
V2 Plate Lunch 攀石
星期一 29th 5月 2017
V3 Latch On 攀石 很好
James Harrington
星期天 11th 1月 2015
V3 Latch On 攀石
星期一 29th 5月 2017
V3 Latch On - with Nossy 攀石 经典
星期四 27th 6月 2019
fun problem! Link with Staircase (V4) for a fingertip traverse and jug top out

V3 Latch On 攀石 很好
星期天 27th 6月 2021
V3 Latch On 攀石 很好
星期六 4th 5月 2024
That top out is for real.

V4 Staircase 攀石 经典
星期六 4th 5月 2024
Tricky start with my lack of hip external rotation ha ha I had to power through and skip the intermediate.

V1 Mini-Milkman 攀石
星期天 27th 6月 2021
V3 Smoothie 攀石 经典
星期六 4th 5月 2024
Great movement that was physical and fun!

V4 Easy Euro Dreams 攀石 很好
Wyatt Duran
星期六 15th 4月 2023
Whistler Region Blackcomb Peak
5.6 The Back Ribs, Left 传统攀登 200m
星期六 22nd 7月 2023
Fun day out scrambling, you can choose more challenging routes to make it up to 5.8

Whistler Region Electric Edge Buried Treasure
5.9 Arretez Monsieur, ca suffit 运动攀岩 18m, 5 很好
星期天 5th 9月 2021
Blank in middle section, hugged the big crack on the right

5.9 Arretez Monsieur, ca suffit 运动攀岩 18m, 5 很好
星期天 5th 9月 2021
Blank in middle section, hugged the big crack on the right

5.10- Jungle Gym 运动攀岩 18m, 5
Jeff Keenan
星期一 3rd 8月 2020
5.7 Slippery Slits 传统攀登 25m
Jeff Keenan
星期一 3rd 8月 2020
Whistler Region Electric Edge Moss & Choss Wall
5.7 Flaky 运动攀岩 15m, 4
Jeff Keenan
星期二 4th 8月 2020
5.8 Chossy 运动攀岩 15m, 5
Jeff Keenan
星期二 4th 8月 2020
5.8 Mossy 运动攀岩 15m, 5
Jeff Keenan
星期二 4th 8月 2020
Whistler Region Electric Edge Main Wall
5.10 Electrifying - with Henry Bilton 运动攀岩 17m, 5 很好
Dan O'Keefe
星期三 26th 7月 2017
Great first time climbing at Electric Edge! Was challenging as a warm up.

5.10 Electrifying - with Dan O'Keefe 运动攀岩 17m, 5 经典
Henry Bilton
星期三 26th 7月 2017
Whistler Region Nordic Go Gadget
5.10b Go Gadget Shoes 运动攀岩 15m, 5 很好
星期二 10th 3月 2015
Whistler Region Nordic Main Wall
5.10a The Man From Jackson Hole 未知 22m
Daniel Mitchell
星期二 13th 4月 2010
5.10a The Man From Jackson Hole 未知 22m 很好
星期五 5th 9月 2014
5.10a The Man From Jackson Hole 未知 22m
Seth O'Harra
星期六 5th 9月 2015
5.10a The Man From Jackson Hole - with Chris Chandler 未知 22m
Jayden La Dru
5.10a The Man From Jackson Hole 未知 22m
Mike Fletcher
星期三 6th 5月 2015
5.10a The Man From Jackson Hole - with Marketa Hajkova 未知 22m 经典
Lukas Hnc
星期一 4th 10月 2021
5.10a The Man From Jackson Hole - with Lukas Hnc 未知 22m 很好
Marketa Hajkova
星期一 4th 10月 2021
5.10a On The Edge 未知 18m 不值一提
Daniel Mitchell
星期二 13th 4月 2010
5.10a On The Edge 未知 18m 不值一提
Kellie Moore
星期五 1st 4月 2005
5.10a On The Edge 未知 18m 一般
brent winstone
星期天 1st 5月 2005
5.10a On The Edge 未知 18m 一般
星期四 7th 5月 2015
5.10a On The Edge 未知 18m
Seth O'Harra
星期六 5th 9月 2015
5.10a On The Edge - with Chris Chandler 未知 18m
Jayden La Dru
5.10a On The Edge 未知 18m
Mike Fletcher
星期三 6th 5月 2015
5.9 Mary Chain 未知 20m 一般
brent winstone
星期天 1st 5月 2005
5.9 Mary Chain 未知 20m
Larkin O'Connor
星期六 20th 8月 2005
5.9 Mary Chain 未知 20m
Seth O'Harra
星期六 5th 9月 2015
5.9 Mary Chain 未知 20m 不值一提
Jack Burnett
星期四 25th 5月 2023
Yuck. Very poor no good dirty rotten climb. Good times all round 😮‍💨

5.12a Minutes From Home 运动攀岩 20m 经典
Dan wilde
5.12a Minutes From Home 运动攀岩 20m 很好
Larkin O'Connor
星期六 20th 8月 2005
5.12a Minutes From Home 运动攀岩 20m 经典
Ashlee Hendy
星期一 22nd 7月 2019
5.12a Minutes From Home 运动攀岩 20m
星期六 25th 7月 2020
5.12a Minutes From Home 运动攀岩 20m
Darren Melnychuk
星期五 14th 10月 2022
5.12b Fits Of Rage 运动攀岩 22m
Gary Kolberg
星期二 13th 4月 2010
very soft for the grade

5.12b Fits Of Rage 运动攀岩 22m
星期五 23rd 8月 2013
did fine up until the crux which was unpassable for me.

5.12b Fits Of Rage 运动攀岩 22m 经典
Ashlee Hendy
星期一 22nd 7月 2019
5.12b Fits Of Rage 运动攀岩 22m
星期五 10th 7月 2015
This gets real thin at the top.

5.12b Fits Of Rage 运动攀岩 22m
Darren Melnychuk
星期五 14th 10月 2022
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6
brent winstone
星期三 1st 6月 2005
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 经典
Dan wilde
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
Larkin O'Connor
星期天 20th 8月 2006
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6
Gary Kolberg
星期二 13th 4月 2010
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期二 13th 8月 2013
I love this route even though I suck at it but I am getting it found more holds

5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期三 14th 8月 2013
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期三 14th 8月 2013
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期三 14th 8月 2013
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期三 14th 8月 2013
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期五 23rd 8月 2013
one rest need to sort out the sequence after 3rd bolt

5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期五 23rd 8月 2013
working new sequence with side pull

5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期四 7th 5月 2015
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期四 7th 5月 2015
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 很好
星期二 19th 5月 2015
5.11c Quicksilver - with Kristina Batmendijnova 运动攀岩 22m, 6
Jayden La Dru
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6
Mike Fletcher
星期三 6th 5月 2015
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6
星期四 23rd 7月 2020
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6
星期天 6th 9月 2020
5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6 经典
Lukas Hnc
星期一 4th 10月 2021
Nice sustained climb on crimps

5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6
Benjamin Korff
星期四 11th 8月 2022
Tough going on micro holds through some steep terrain...

5.11c Quicksilver 运动攀岩 22m, 6
Darren Melnychuk
星期五 14th 10月 2022

Showing 1 - 100 out of 661 攀登.

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