
攀登 in Grotte de Vilhonneur

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Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量 攀岩者
星期六 21st 11月 2020 - Grotte de Vilhonneur
9a Akira - with Lucien Martinez 运动攀岩 20m


Sébastien Bouin
Seb via Insta: "Akira is a legendary piece from the 90's. This route was the first 9b / 5.15b world proposition by Fred Rouhling in 1995. At the time, 9a+ didn't even exist yet. It was a big step for our community."

He told climbing.com: "About the grade, we are thinking this one a bit easier than the number announced," Bouin wrote. "We had the impression to climb a 9a [5.14d] route. It's hard to speak about grade on this historical piece, but we need to be honest."


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